Horizon №5 (1970)

Newsreel №72860, 6 parts, Duration: 0:51:38
Studio -
V.Vinogradov, F.Sobolev, Ya Mirimov, Yu.Danilov
Camera operators:
D.Masurenkov, L.Pryadkin, A.Ibragimov, G.Chumakov, S.Arceulova, V.Sashin
V.Vienogradov, E.Zagdanskij, A.Gastev, Yu.Danilov
Zh.Kolodub, L.Kolodub, M.Kallosh


1. "Graphs" - about abstract mathematical objects and how graph theory can be used in real life.
2. experiment "Magic wand" - about a biolocation frame that helps to detect minerals.
3. "Born from the ashes" - About the restoration of frescoes of the Church of the Savior on Kovalev near Novgorod. .
4. "Meetings with the sky" - a game story consisting of several short stories about people who love the sky.

Reel №1

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There are cars on the road.

An old chronicle:machine city, the machine is in a rural location.

Cars and horse-drawn cars in Konigsberg.

Square in Konigsberg (engraving).


Old engravings of Konigsberg.

"Animated" engravings - animation.

A route over 7 bridges is drawn on the city plan(animation).

Scheme Of L. Euler.

Cracked earth.

Cracks on the surface of the vase.

The branching of trees,

Intersecting rails.

A web of streets and alleys of a big city.

Cars on the streets of the city.

Film adaptation of the famous puzzle about how a peasant had to transport a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across the river (animated).

Model of a DNA molecule.

Portrait Of L. Euler.

Reel №2

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2."the magic wand experiment".

Photo: a man holding a hazel branch.

A woman walks through a birch grove, holding a bent branch in her outstretched hands.

Photos : a man with a bent branch, it is filmed with a camera.

A man walks with a bent stick, to which weights are tied.

Photo By N. N. Sochevanov.

Experiments with a stick in the zone of anomalies (photos).

A person walks with a frame that rotates .

The frame is taken by car.

The glass frame rotates the same way as the metal frame.

Use the frame to search for a ring in the thick grass.

The ring has been found.

Helicopter in the sky.


Sochevanov N.N. - kandidat geologo-mineralogicheskih nauk

Reel №3

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Destroyed churches (chronicle).

2."born from the ashes".

Fragments of frescoes laid out on the table.

Ruins of the Church of the Savior on Kovalev.

Restorers work inside the Church.

Clearing of frescoes.

Sorted into boxes, and fragments of frescoes.

Boxes with collected fragments are taken away on a cart.

Travel through Novgorod.


Sophia Cathedral in Novogorod.

The building of the restoration workshop on the territory of the Novgorod Kremlin.

Work of restorers in the workshop.

A. P. Grekov at work.

The Novgorod frescoes.

Ruined church.

Overgrown trenches.


Grekov A.P. - restavrator.

Reel №4

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Continuation of the story "Born from the ashes".

Photo of the Church of the Savior on Kovalev.

Layout of the Church of the Savior on Kovalev.

Garbage analysis with fragments of frescoes.

A. P. Grekov puts the pieces of the fragments.

Folded murals.

View of Novgorod from the Church of the Savior on Kovalev.

4. "Meetings with the sky".

Bird in the sky.

People look at the sky.

"Boy and model".

Rural landscape.

A herd of cows in a meadow.

A group of children are heading to the river.

The meadow hosts competitions in model aircraft sports.

The boy launches the model.

The model is floating in the air.

A teenager in the yard of the house is planing something with a plane.

Boat with sails in a baby bath.

The boy takes out of the shed assembled model glider.

A boy with a model climbs the stairs to a high-voltage tower.

Starts the model, it crashes.


Summer [824]

Reel №5

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Continuation of the story "Meeting with the sky".

The boy picks up a broken model.

Boys are flying a kite in a meadow.

The boy refuses to go with his friends to the river .

With the new model, he runs to the meadow and launches it.

"Just one step."

Training athletes in the gym.

Children ride on the carousel.

Someone jumped from the parachute tower.

Athletes jump from the tower with a parachute.

A boy and a girl go down together on a parachute.

A group of skydivers Board a plane.

One by one, the guys jump.

Open parachutes in the sky.

The girl folds the parachute.

"Trail in the sky".

A man on the balcony looks out at the street.

A crowd of people enter the subway.

People at the bus stop.

Plane in the sky.

A man comes out of the entrance.

A man at the monument to Komsomol members who went to the front .

Photos of the war years: pilots at the airport, the downed German plane.

A man on an amusement ride in the Park.

Military chronicle: planes in the sky.

Air battle (chronicle).

A man gets out of the plane (on the ride).

Reel №6

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Continuation of the story "Meeting with the sky".

"The earth under their wing."

A man says goodbye to his wife and son.


The pilot gets on the plane.

The plane takes off.

The plane is in the air.

Pilot with his family on a walk.

The boy launches a model airplane.

Skydivers in the air.

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