Celebration of People's Poland (1974)

Documentary №7557, 1 part, duration: 0:09:17
Production: CSDF (RCSDF)
Availability:Film hasn't been digitized
Director:Skitovich V.
Camera operators:Leongardt U., Tsitron V.


The film is dedicated to 30 years of the Polish People's Republic (PPR) and tells about the events held in the USSR in the jubilee celebrations.

Temporary description:

Meeting of the Party and government delegation of the Polish People's Republic on the Belarusian railway station in Moscow; atmosphere - a member of the Politburo, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, AN Kosygin. Opening of the exhibition "XXX years of socialist Poland, speaking Prime Minister of the Polish People's Republic of AP. Jaroszewicz (synchronously); products of Polish exports to the USSR at the stands. Opening of the "Day of the Polish cinema in pulp cinema, Chairman of the Cinematography Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR FT Ermash is of Polish artists, on stage - B. Tyshkkevich, B. Bzhesinskaya, T. Lomnicki. Polish delegation visits the Volgograd hydroelectric power station, lays a wreath at the monument to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad Mamaev Hill. Gen. I. Schenskovich visited the village in the Ryazan region, which form the first Polish division the T. Kosciuszko. Interview with I. Schenskovichem (synchronously in Polish). The solemn meeting dedicated to the 30-year anniversary of the Polish People's Republic, Chairperson of the Soviet-Polish friendship, the President of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR AP Shitikov and deputy chairman of the Society of Polish-Soviet friendship and T. Rudolph. The film features newsreels, which commemorated the visit of Leonid Brezhnev in Warsaw and Polish troops parade before being sent to the front during the Second World War.

Reel №1

Belarusian railway station in Moscow - MS.

Flags of the Soviet Union and Poland - CU.

The train arrives at the platform - CU.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR AA Kosygin and other officials met with the party-governmental delegation PNRM. led by a member of the Politburo of the Polish United Workers Party, Chairman of the Council of Ministers PNRM. P. Yaroshevich.

Travel on Kalinin Prospect - MS.

Moscow high-rise building with the top point.

Flag and coat of arms of Poland - MS.

P. Yaroshevich speaking at the celebrations to mark the 30th anniversary of the Polish People's Republic (simultaneously in Polish) - CU.

Listen assembled - LS.

AN Kosygin and P. Yaroshevich to open the exhibition "30 years of socialist Poland" cut the ribbon - MS., Visiting the exhibition - different.

Exhibits: machine, harvester, rc excavator, tractor, etc. - Different.

Visitors to the exhibition - different.

Yacht "Polonaise" in which Pole T. Baranowski had traveled around the world - CU., PNRM.

Cosmonaut GT Coast talking on a yacht with T. Baranowski - MS.

Visitors walk to the exhibition stand in line - LS., CU.

Exhibition staff handed a gift (trip ticket to Poland) million visitors - Fitter Moscow Electromechanical Plant named after Vladimir Lenin, MI Kissin - different.

Hall of radio and television - LS.

General Secretary of the CPSU, LI Brezhnev in Poland (broadcast on TV) - MS.

Warsaw residents welcome LI Brezhnev - MS. with movement, handed him flowers - CU.

Photo: LI Brezhnev in the stands - CU.

People see the pictures in the exhibition dedicated to the Polish-Soviet friendship - MS., Departure.

Entrance to the theater in Moscow - MS.

Go Polish artists - CU.

"The Day of the Polish cinema," the cinema "world": the scene of Polish artists Beata Tyszkiewicz, Barbara Vzhesinskaya Tadeusz Lomnicki etc. - CU., MS.

Chairman of the State Committee for Cinematography of the Council of Ministers FT Ermash represents Polish artists - CU., LS.

Volga - LS. (At the evening sunset).

The Polish delegation was on a boat - MS., CU.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

The fighting in Stalingrad, fleeing soldiers - LS.

Crumbling houses - MS.

Pavlov's House in Volgograd - CU.

Quay - MS., PNRM. on the memorial - MS., PNRM.

PNRM. hydroelectric dam on the Volga - MS.

Hydro turbine hall - MS.

The Polish delegation inspects hydro - LS.

Members of the delegation of the Polish-Soviet friendship lay flowers on Mamaev Hill - MS., LS.

Eternal flame - CU.

Ryazan region, the Polish delegation laying a wreath at the tomb of the Polish soldiers - MS.

Newsreel 1941-1945.:

Saluting soldiers - MS.

Forest near the village of Selco, which was formed during the war, the first Polish division Tadeusz Kosciuszko - MS., PNRM.

Soldiers are sworn first Polish division (simultaneously in Polish) - MS., CU.

Parade before going to the front - LS.

General takes the salute - CU.

Tombstones with inscriptions - MS.

Obelisk in memory of Soviet-Polish Cooperation (bas-relief figures of two soldiers and 1943) - CU.

A plaque on the house with the NDP: "In this house in 1943-1944. the headquarters of the Division Tadeusz Kosciuszko »- CU.

The former lieutenant, now General of the Polish Army Ignacy Schensnovich talking to farmers, pioneers, says about friendship (simultaneously in Polish) - LS., CU.

The villagers presented the Polish guests with bread and salt - MS.

A solemn meeting on the 30th anniversary of Poland (Moscow, Hall.

Tchaikovsky) - LS., PNRM.

The presidium meeting FD Kulakov, AN Shelepin, KF Katushev, MA Lesechko.

At the meeting are: President of the Soviet-Polish friendship Chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet of the USSR AP Shitikov and Vice-President of Polish-Soviet friendship Thaddeus Rudolph.

Street Warsaw - LS.

People on the street - are different.

Warsaw - LS. the top point. and PNRM.

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