Science and technology № 15 (1962)

Newsreel №75585, 1 part, duration: 0:09:50
Production: Centrnauchfilm (CNF)
Director:D.Yashin, G.Chubakova
Camera operators:V.Moskalenko, S.Arceulova


1. Vakhsh Cascade-about the construction of a hydroelectric power station cascade on the Vakhsh River in Tajikistan. 2. Fibrinolysin-about the new antithrombotic drug fibrinolysin. 3. Electrohydraulic effect-about the use of electrohydraulic effect in industry.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. Vakhsh cascade.

Snowy peaks of the Pamirs.


The source of the Vakhsh River.

Delta hydroelectric power station.

Head HPP.

Map of the cascade of hydroelectric power stations on Vakhsh.

Design and survey work at the construction site of the Nurek HPP.

Tests of hydraulic structures on models.

Explosive work on the Vakhsh.

The beginning of land and rock works.

Scheme of construction of the Nurek HPP.

The village of builders is the future city of Nurek.

The layout of the future city.

2. Fibrinolysin.

A man in a hospital bed.

E. Chazov at the patient's bedside.

A. Myasnikov and E. Chazov discuss the tactics of treatment.

A. Myasnikov on thrombosis (synchronously).

Professor B. Kudryashov with a colleague in the office.

Experiment on a rabbit.

The effect of fibrinolysin on a blood clot in the laboratory.

E. Chazov injects the patient with fibrinolysin.

4. Electrohydraulic effect.

Experience: artificial lightning.

Artificial lightning under water.

Inventor L. A. Yudkin in the laboratory.

Author's certificate for the invention of an electrohydraulic method for obtaining high pressures.

Grinding of rocks in the laboratory.

Scientific works on the grinding of rocks.

Stamping by electrohydraulic impact on a pilot plant.

Cleaning the casting from the molding ground with an electric hydraulic hammer

Key words

Energy industry


Chazov E.I.-kardiolog, doktor medicinskih nauk, professor. Myasnikov A.L. -direktor Instituta terapii, professor Kudryashov B.A. - fiziolog, doktor biologicheskih nauk, professor MGU.

Locations: Tajikistan [215] Moscow [820] Leningrad [848]

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