Science and technology №19 (1976)

Newsreel №75926, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:41
Studio -
Production manager:
Fedoseev E.
Kogtev K., Uljyanov A., Semenov O., Solnceva L., Blehman M.
Camera operators:
Uljyanov A., Nebilickij N., Solnceva L., Krasnov O.
Levin A.
Text authors:
Livshic L.


pests of agricultural products.
4. "Thinner Web" On the production of gold leaf on a new rolling mill.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. "A well instead of a quarry."

Explosions in the quarry.

An excavator loads ore into a dump truck.

Scientists of the Research Institute of Mining and Chemical Raw Materials, led by Professor V.J.Arens, are discussing a new mining method.

Model tests.

Industrial implementation of the new method.

Drilling a well.

2. "Discovery No. 98".

Laboratory of the Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology named after A.F. Ioffe.

The use of new material in telescope lenses.

X-ray room.

3."Protects "boverin".

Potato field.

A Colorado potato beetle on a potato leaf.


The fungus that destroys the Colorado potato beetle is under a microscope.

Pilot industrial production of the mushroom.

4. "Thinner than a spider's web."

View of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

A sheet of gold leaf.

The process of making gold leaf.

Rolling mill.

The operator is at the console.

The restorer is at work.


Arens V.Zh.-uchyonij v oblasti gornih nauk,

doktoru tehnicheskih nauk, professoru, zasluzhennomu

deyatelyu nauki i tehniki Rossijskoj Federacii, odin iz sozdatelej novogo nauchnogo napravleniya v gornom dele – geotehnologii.

Shooting locations:

Moscow, Leningrad region, Leningrad, Formidable

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