The Flight Which Became the Legend (1975)

Movie №7709, 3 parts, Duration: 0:24:14 Black-white
Bessarabov I.
Camera operators:
Akkuratov E., Myakishev G., Serov G.
Text authors:
Bessarabov I.
Ter-Tatevosyan D.
Khmara L.


The film is about the historical flight through North Pole to America which was made by the Soviet pilots in 1937. It became a significant milestone in history of Soviet and American relationship.

Historical reference

In June of 1975. in Vancouver (USA) opened a monument in honor of Chkalovsky crew, carried out 38 years ago, the historic flight across the North Pole to America. At the opening ceremony were invited to the heroes of pilots: G. Bajdukov, Belyakov and son V. Chkalov - IgorChkalov.
In June 1975, the United States were heroes of the Soviet Union GF Bajdukov, AV Belyakov and IV Chkalov (son VPTchkalov), invited to attend the opening ceremony of a monument in honor of the historic flight Moscow - North Pole - North America "in 1937 by the Committee to celebrate the 150 th anniversary of the founding of Vancouver.


Newsreels non-stop flight Moscow - North Pole - Vancouver (VSHA) pilots Chkalov, GFBajdukov and AV Belyaev in 1937: training aircraft ANT-25 "for the flight, aircraft aircraft ANT -25 "AATupolev says goodbye to the pilots at the airfield, the plane in the air, the pilots meeting in Vancouver, Muscovites greet the pilots in the streets after the flight. Press conference of pilots GFBajdukov, AV Belyaev and his son VPTchkalov I. Chkalov with reporters before flying to Vancouver on the invitation to celebrate the 150 anniversary of the founding of the city. Seeing the pilots at the airport in Sheremetyevo. Plane in the air. Pilots and I. Chkalov in the aircraft cabin. Meeting pilots and I. Chkalov at the airport in Seattle (USA). Atmosphere aircraft mechanic D. Greco, photographer D. Dale, D. Smith, pilot, correspondent H. Silgolton, which tells of his meetings with pilots in 1937 (synchronously, in English). Types of Vancouver. Igor Chkalov opens a new street Vancouver - V. Chkalov, the presence of people applauding. Inauguration of the monument in honor of the pilots heroes; serve Vancouver Mayor D. Gallagher (synchronously), the Governor of the State of Washington D. Evans, Soviet Ambassador to the USA Dobrynin, GF Bajdukov (synchronously). Types of Washington. Meeting pilots heroes with President Ford. D. Ford talks about the importance of flight 1937 (synchronously). Pilots and I. Chkalov in the city street sign autographs.

Reel №1

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A newsreel of 1937:

(June, 18th)

People in the street of Moscow; they buy and read the newspapers (in the street, in transport) with the message on the beginning of non-stop flight of brave pilots V. P. Chkalov, G. F. Baidukov, A. V. Beliakov on the route "Moscow - North Pole - North America" in the plane "ANT-25 ".

The newspaper with portraits of the brave pilots and the route of the flight.

Valery Chkalov, G.F.Baidukov, A.V.Beliakov are welcomed after the flight "Moscow - North Pole - North America" in the airdrome of Vancouver on June, 20th, 1937.

Press conference.

Journalists listen, write down.

There speak at the conference: A. V. Beliakov, G. F. Baidukov; honoured pilot of the USSR Vitkovsky – a jockey of plane "Il-62" whom will depart to the USA by Chkalov’s to a route " Moscow - North Pole - North America".

A. V. Deliakov, G. F. Baidukov and I. V. Chkalov at the press conference.

A correspondent shoot.

A newsreel of 1937:

(June, 18th)

A panorama of situated near Moscow airdrome Shchelkovo; V. P. Chkalov, G. F. Baidukov, A.V. Beliakov on the airdrome before the legendary flight, legs of pilots in high fur boots.

Aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev says goodbye to pilots.

Seeing off.

"ANT-25" takes off, in the air.

The airport of Sheremetyevo.

The seeing-off A. V. Beliakov, G. F. Baidukov, I. V. Chkalov and other. participants of the flight by plane "Il-62" by Chkalov’s route "Moscow - North Pole - North America" in airdrome of Sheremetyevo.

Rise of a plane "Il-62"; the plane in the air.

G. F. Baidukov and A. V. Beliakov in the cabin of the plane.

Pilot Vitkovsky at the steering wheel, a panorama of the cabin.

A panorama of radio operators at the equipment.

Details of the plane (shot through a window of the plane).

A stewardess declares: “2:11 pm.

Our plane flies over the North Pole”, carries in the glasses with drinks.

The pilots-heroes with glasses.

Landscapes from the plane and through its window.

Reel №2

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A landscape - shot from a window of the plane.

A panorama of the interior of the plane, press photographers shoot.

A. V. Beliakov considers the log of a plane "ANT-25"; G. F. Baidukov notes down, talks to the journalists.

A panorama of the control cabin of the airplane, the control panel, a panorama from pilot Vitkovsky of the co-pilot.

Mountain, sea landscapes (shot through a window of the plane).

The international airport of Seattle - press photographers waits the landing of the Soviet liner.

Soviet visitors and persons meeting them pass on the airdrome.

Cameramen, press photographers - shoot.

A meeting of heroes-pilots on the airdrome of the city of Vancouver.

Among meeting people whom heroes-pilots know by sight: the motor mechanic Danny Greco, pilot Jim Smith, photographer Danny Dale.

Representatives of Vancouver heartedly welcome the heroes-pilots.

Mechanic Danny Greco, pilot Jim Smith, photographer Danny Dale speaks at the airdrome.

A panorama of people talking at the airdrome.

Hands touch photos.

Newsreel of 1937.

Valery Chkalov hands over a radio receiver.

Heroes-pilots come out the house General Marshal where they had a rest after the legendary flight.

Visiting of Marshal’s house by the Soviet visitors and persons accompanying them

Correspondent Harold Silgoliton speaks - he saw a landing of heroes-pilots in 1937 and record them for radio right after the landing.

A panorama from a products bag of pilot Jim Hatton who has kept a gift from Valery Chkalov.

A newsreel:

Bags with an inscription "Products" are packed up.

The engine of plane.

There lie the bags ready for loading.

Hands hold a magazine, then take photos of pilots near the plane

A panorama of a chocolate-cover with autographs of pilots.

The city of Vancouver, streets.

Opening of a new street mnamed in memory of Valery Chkalov – Valery Chkalov’s son I. V. Chkalov speaks.

City dwellers at the opening ceremony of the new street.

Reel №3

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The solemn ceremony of opening of the monument, devoted to the feat of the Russian pilots in Vancouver.

A mayor of the city James Gallagher speaks from a rostrum; there also speak: Chairman of the Department of the State Sol Polanski, the governor of the State of Washington Daniel Evans, the Ambassador of the Soviet Union Anatoly Dobrynin.

Chairman of the committee on creation of the memorial Norman Samool reads the last page of the navigator’s log of "ANT-25".

Presidium and all persons, present at the ceremony, listen, applaud.

A panorama of the monument, devoted to the feat of the Russian pilots.

G. F. Baidukov speaks a reciprocal speech and presents to the mayor of the city a gift – a model of the plane "ANT-25"; A. V. Beliakov speaks, hands over to the mayor of Vancouver for the museum to come a number of portraits and photos.

Press photographers.

A panorama of newspapers.

The city of Washington.

The White House.

The President of the USA D. Ford and heroes-pilots come out the White House.

A panorama of the President D. Ford representing heroes-pilots to the journalists who have gathered in a garden of the White House; and briefly speaking about the historical flight.

Panoramas of journalists, press photographers.

Meetings, conversations of heroes-pilots with Americans.

A newsreel of 1937:

The heroes of the flight Valery Chkalov, G. F. Baidukov, A. V. Beliakov pass along a street of America, the Americans enthusiastically welcome them.

Grand welcome of the heroes of the flight in Moscow - cars pass along the street, filled by people, leaflets fly; Valery Chkalov with his family in the car.

A newsreel of 1961

Yuri Gagarin on a rostrum of the Lenin Mausoleum.

The Earth (shot from the space).

A panorama of A. A. Leonov and the American cosmonauts in a spacecraft.

A panorama of the astronauts-participants of the joint flight “Soyuz-Apollo”.

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