Lower Povolzhie №25 (1980)

Newsreel №77445, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:55 Black-white
Studio Nizhnevolzhskaya studiya
M. Ivanova
Camera operators:
S. Rashidov, N. Glazunov, V. Sofjin
Text authors:
N. Kagan
Others authors:
E. Chinchikova


Issue devoted to various aspects of life Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan and Tambov regions.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Meet the 26 Congress of the CPSU.

Teachers lead children of younger group of a kindergarten.

View gala events (above).

The cutting of the red ribbon in front of the combine.

The harvester starts to move.

The faces of the participants.

The column combines with flowers, sent to the field to harvest, the villagers escorted mechanics.

The faces of the people.

Cheering children.

Combine with flowers and banners.

The column combines on the road.

Harvesters for harvesting grain at the farm "Orel" in Tambov region.

The selection of rolls mown wheat.

The view of the field.

Filling machine in the field.

V. N. Klimanov runs the harvester fuel.

The termination of loading of the processor.

Mentor machine operators A. T. Semenov explains to his son the structure of one of the nodes of the harvester.

Father and son Semionov climb into the cab.

The ears of barley.

Threshed grain poured out of the sleeve of the combine into the truck.

Lunch in the field of mechanics (above).

Facial machine.

Speech concert brigades before the combine during harvest, the audience applauded to the beat.

Harvesters in the field.

The selection of rolls mown, rides the truck with the grain.

Mechanic washes his harvester out of the hose.

Facial machine.

Machine talking in the field during recess.

The truck with the grain of the new harvest leaves with zernotoka farm "Dawn" in Volgograd region.

A selection of harvester rolls beveled.

Grain poured into a truck from the sleeve of the combine, the face of the machine.

The operators bypassed the harvester around.

Flag raised in honor of the percussion section of the machine.

Facial machine.

Pioneers handed flowers drummers harvest.

The presentation of bread and salt to the machine-the foremost.

The process of laying concrete in the construction of reinforced concrete.

Production process the manufacture of concrete panels on rural house-building plant in Saratov region.

Transportation of the finished panels through the shop.

Panorama of the new residential quarter, in one of the villages.

The house, constructed from ceramsite-concrete structures.

The panorama of the village near Saratov.

View of the workshop (above).

Panorama of site of finished products, shipment designs to the customer.

Prefab is sent to the construction site.

Panorama of the Astrakhan Kremlin (above).

The view of the Orthodox Cathedral.

The cross on the dome of an Orthodox Church.

The elements of decoration of the temples.

Grave of uncle Lenin - Vasily Nikolaevich Ulyanov.

The house of the grandfather of Lenin - Nikolai Ulyanov.

The plaque on the wall of the house.

Monument Of Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov.

Tourists on the tour at the monument to the heroes of the civil war.

The inscription on the pedestal of the monument.

The guide shows the tourists the local sights.

The entrance to the Astrakhan Museum of local lore.

The exhibits on the stands and Windows of the Museum.

Visitors to the Museum.

View of the exhibition dedicated to Peter I.

Paintings and sculptures exhibited in the Museum.

Panorama of the hall devoted to the period of the civil war.

The types of the Astrakhan Kremlin.

Fleet and fauna of the Volga flow.

The types of river birds living on the Volga.

Reserve staff outdoor lecture about the birds listed in the Red book, the faces of the lecturer and listeners.

It forms one of the channels in the Astrakhan nature reserve, reserve staff ornithologist A. A. Nesterov aboard a motor boat makes notes in a notebook.

The types of the reserve and its inhabitants, the face of Nesterov.

Blooming Lotus.

The fauna of the reserve, the person Nesterov.

The plantation view Lotus in the reserve.



Shooting locations:

Tambov region [805] Volgograd region [773] Astrakhan region [769] Saratov region [801]


Summer [824]

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