The Artistic Chronicle Of the Country (1978)

Movie №8058, 3 parts, Duration: 0:26:54
Stepanova R.
Camera operators:
Baykov V., Epifanov G.
Text authors:
Yureneva E.


The film about the fifth Congress of Artists of the USSR in the Great Kremlin Palace, dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the Great October. The jubilee art Exhibition, paintings, sculptures at the Exhibition.


City of Moscow. The Fifth Congress of Artists in the Grand Kremlin Palace on the 60 th anniversary of the October Revolution. Acts N. Ponomarev. Delegates at an art exhibition. Among them: TN Yablonskaya, Assumption, Sevastyuk, Umarbekov, Kubarev, Shushkapov, Romanova, Krasilnikov, Gryzlov, EE Moiseenko, AA Myl'nikov. Paintings, sculptures.

Reel №1

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The Kremlin – a panorama from the Krasnokholmsky bridge, winter.

The Conference Hall of the Great Kremlin Palace at the fifth congress of the USSR artists.

The Chairman of the Board of the Union of the USSR artists N.A. Ponomarev speaks.

People listen.

Artists inthe congress lobby.

The artists Yablonskaya, Uspensky, Savastyuk talk in the foyer.

All-Union art-exhibition “Follow Lenin’s Way” [“Po Leninskomy Pyti”] in the Central exhibition hall.

Picture by B. Uspensky and Savastyuk “For the Soviet Power” [“Za Vlast’ Sovetov”] and “New Constitution” [“Novaya Konstitytsiya”].

Busts of Lenin and Leonid Brezhnev.

Sculptural composition “Glory to the Soviet Constitution” [“Slava Sovetskoy Konstitycii”].

Audience in the exhibition halls.

Triptych “1917” by the artist Dudnik.

An exposition devoted to the Civil War. D. Nalbandyan’s paintings “Lenin’s performance in Moscow at the AMO automobile factory” [“Vustyplenie Lenina v Moskve na Zavode AMO”].

Graphic portraits of Dzerzhinsky, Voroshilov, Sverdlov, Ordzhonikidze.

Busts of Krasin, Babushkin, Shaymyan, Lenin.

Spectators in the hall.

The artist Umarbekov talks with audience.

The picture “Industrial Construction” [“Industrial’noe Stroitel’stvo”].

The artist Korolev’s painting “Builders” [“Stroiteli”].

The Estonian artist E. Okas’ painting “Electric Power Station Construction” [“Stroitel’stvo electrostantsii”].

Graphic works, devoted to science. D. Nadezhdin’s water-color picture “Ice-breaker “Arctic” on the North Pole” ( “Ledokol [“Arktika”] na Severnom Poluse”].

Latfullin’s painting “Celebration” [“Sabantuy”], “Vintage” [“Sbor Vinograda”].

Abdylaev’s painting “Cotton” [“Khlopok”].

Ugaev’s, Zarin’s, Kygach’s, Vasetsky’s, Gromyko’s, Batarshin’s paintings.

Krasayskas’s graphic works.

Kozakov’s painting “Collective Farm Down 1944” [“Kolkhoz Rassvet 44 god”].

Tapestry “Holiday in Moscow” [“Moskva Prazdnichnaya”].

The poster “Hurrah to Victory” [“Ura Pobedy”].

Portraits of Soviet people: Academician Korolev, Gagarin, writer Ch.

Aitmatov, foreman Boreyko from the group “Moscow Young Communist Leaguer” [“Moskovsky Komsomolets”] on a Baykal-Amur Mainline and others.

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Podlyassky’s paintings “Baykal-Amur Railroad”[“BAM’] and “Taiga Landing Force” [“Taezhny Desant”].

Bukov’s etching “Wild rosemary” [“Bagul’nik”].

The Young artists Kybarev, Romanova, Krasil’nikov, Gruzlov talk about traveling to different buildings in a country.

Kybarev’s graphic work “Power-saw Bench Workers” [“Rabochie Piloramy”].

Krasil’nikov’s and Gruzlov’s works.

Glazynov’s painting “Bulldozer Operators” [“Buldoseristu”].

Kitaev’s painting “Baykal-Amur Railroad Builders” [“Bamovtsy”].

Artist Rudacov’s sketch “Baykal-Amur Railroad Bridges” [“Mosty BAMa”].

People on the exhibition.

Subbi’s work “June” [“Iun’”].

People talk about paintings.

Artists in the exhibition halls.

The artist D. Skymle at her painting “Song” [“Pesnya”].

The artist Zhilinsky on the exhibition. O. Filatchev’s work “Song” [“Pesnya”], guests from Bulgaria discuss the painting.

Sculptors on the exhibition.

Kibalnikov’s bust of Syslov, Tomsky’s bust of Kosygin, Kerbel’s busts of Kirilenko and Gagarin. T. Yablonskaya painting “Flax” [“Len”].

A panorama of the artist Pimenov’s works.

Audience talk near the Pimenov’s paintings.

People at Zhilinsky’s painting “Waiting” [“Ozhidanie”].

Moiseenko’s work “From Childhood” [“Iz Detstva”].

Moiseenko talking about his painting.

Reel №3

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A press photographer shoots on the exhibition.

The artist Mulnikov talks with the audience .

Mulnikov’s paintings.

The artist Gritsay’s landscape.

The artist Sidorov’s painting.

Landscapes, still life paintings.

Art-glass ware.

Hall of applied art .

Porcelain, palekh caskets [hand-made caskets painted in the Palekh village].

The artist Vichnere’s tapestry “Guards” [“Na Strazhe”].

Tapestries made from wool, tow.

A Sculpture of a child.

The graphic work “For Peace and Friendship” [“Za Mir I Dryzhby”].

Sculptural portraits of Fidel Castro, Savador Aliende, canvas with portraits of Luis Korvalan, Lenin, Leonid Brezhnev.

Poster “L. Brezhnev”.

Sculptor U. Rykavishnikov’s bust of Brezhnev.

Rykavishnikov at work in a workshop.

Fragments of Rykavishnikov’s work to the liberation of the Rostov region from German Nazi invaders.

Sculptural composition “Glory to the Soviet Constitution” [“Slava Sovetskoy Konstitycii”] on the exhibition.

The artists Kozakov and Zamkov’s mosaic.

Skripkov’s painting “Union -Apollo” [“Souz -Apollon”].

An arrow of obelisk “Kosmos” [“Space”], a rocket on the arrow can be seen through the branches.

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