Old Believer Church of Russia (2005)

Footage №81311, 20 footages, Duration: 2:09:17

Scene №1

Painting by Vasily Surikov Boyarynya Morozova.

Portraits of Princess Sophia, Peter I (Great).

Interview with the doctor of historical sciences Elena Yukhimenko about the life of the Old Believers during the reign of Peter the Great; on the transition to the Old Believers of Bosnian Metropolitan Ambrose; on the differences existing in the Orthodox and Old Believer faiths.

Portrait of the Empress Catherine II (Great).

Engravings depicting the city and the Old Believer churches in Moscow.

Portrait of Emperor Nicholas I.

Photographs of destroyed Old Believer churches, Old Believers, women-nuns; peasant families, flocks of Old Believers.

Engraving depicting Bosnian Metropolitan Ambrose.

Church of the Old Believers: service in the temple.

Female parishioners.

Old believe cemetery in Moscow: the grave of Kuznetsov, the memorial sarcophagus of the Morozovs, Belokrinitsky.

Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Worship in the temple.

Interview with the representative of the Old Believer Metropolis Romil Khrustalev about the rules of behavior in the Old Believer church; about wearing a beard.

Male choir.

Music stand with ancient Russian drawing of hook notes: hook letter.





Scene №2 Interview with the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church Metropolitan Andrian.

Father Alexy (Uminsky) talks with Metropolitan Andrian in the Moscow residence of the Old Believers' Metropolia in Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

The process of revival of the Old Believer church is being discussed; current changes caused by the influence of modern progress; the question of preserving the family way of life and traditions in the Old Believers.


Andrian (Thursday) is the primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church. Uminsky Alexey - Clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church

public figure.



Scene №3 Interview with the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church Metropolitan Andrian (continued)

Father Alexy (Uminsky) talks with Metropolitan Andrian in the Moscow residence of the Old Believers Metropolia in Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

The questions of the attitude of the Old Believers to the representatives of other faiths who entered the temple during the service are discussed; open to public access print and online publications; cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church.


Andrian (Thursday) is the primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church. Uminsky Alexey - Clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church

public figure.



Scene №4 Family of Old Believers

The family of representatives of the Old Believer church goes along the Old Arbat.

Young parents with children.

Filming in the apartment: icons, literature of religious content.

Old Believer temple in the Byelorussian.

Old Believer procession (photos).

Clothing, accessories.

Interview with my mother Margarita about the responsibilities of women in the family, about the upbringing of children.

Mother Margarita is ringing bells.



Scene №5 The 100th anniversary of the attainment of spiritual freedom

To the 100th anniversary of the "acquisition of spiritual freedom": editions by Emperor Nikolai of the Second Decree "On Strengthening the Principles of Tolerance."

Temples of the Old Believer Church in the territory of the Rogozhskaya Sloboda in Moscow.

The parishioners are on the street.

Interview with the Archivist of the Moscow Old Believers Metropolitanate Victor Bochenkov.

The interior of the temple.

Interview with the representative of the Old Believer Church from Sweden Flavian Bergstrom.


The bell tower is under reconstruction (in scaffolding).

Bell installation: bell chime.

The bell ringer at the bell tower.

Interview with the bell ringer of the Rogozhsky belltower Pavel Markelov about the evangelism.



Scene №6 The procession around the Intercession Cathedral in Rogozhskaya Sloboda

The parishioners of the Intercession Cathedral of the Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Interview with the Archivist of the Moscow Old Believers Metropolitanate Victor Bochenkov on the reasons for the closure of the Old Believers.


Priests of the Old Believer church take out icons from the Temple, pass through the territory of the Rogozhskaya Sloboda.



Scene №7 Service in the Intercession Cathedral

Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

The parishioners at the Intercession Cathedral.

A woman shoots on an amateur camcorder.

Interview with the Old Believer, who came to the service from Sweden.

Service in the Temple.

The choir.

The singers at the music stand with hook notes.

Interior of the Intercession Cathedral: icons, murals, elements of decorative design.



Scene №8 Temples of the Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

The center of the Moscow Old Believers is Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Dome of the Temple of the Old Believers; Panorama of the clouds.

The facade of the temple.

The church in the scaffolding is for restoration.

Summer shooting.



Scene №9 Vladyka Andrian at the service in the church of the Old Believers in the Rogozhskaya Sloboda

Service in the Temple.

Vladyka Andrian blesses the parishioners.

The interior of the temple.

Burning candles at the iconostasis.


Andrian (Thursday) is the primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church.



Scene №10 Priesthood at the temple.Bell Chime

Vladyka Andrian, surrounded by the priesthood, is photographed for a general photograph next to the temple in the Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

The bell ringer on the bell tower: the chime.

Bell installation (large).


Andrian (Thursday) is the primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church.

Scene №11 Rogozhskoe cemetery

Cemetery in the Rogozhskaya outpost.

Generic crypts Pugovkin, Morozov, Solovyov.

The grave of Metropolitan of Moscow - Alimpia, Archbishop Savvatiy, Matvei Kuznetsov (porcelain factory).



Scene №12 Execution of canons

The text of the irrome on the music stand.

Male and female choirs perform canons while serving in the temple.



Scene №13 From the history of the Old Believers: an interview with the doctor of historical sciences Elena Yuhimenko

Center of the Moscow Old Believers: Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Interview with Elena Yuhimenko.

The historian answers questions about the interest in the Old Believers; on the importance of preserving the religious order for the Old Believers.


Yukhimenko Elena - the doctor of historical sciences.



Scene №14 From the history of the Old Believers: an interview with Doctor of Historical Sciences Yelena Yukhimenko (continued)

Center of the Moscow Old Believers: Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Interview with Elena Yuhimenko.

The doctor of historical sciences speaks about representatives of the well-known industrial dynasties in Russia, whose families were Old Believers; about the preservation of the Old Believers traditions and cultural and historical values ​​that are invaluable from the point of view of Russia's ethnic and state heritage.


Yukhimenko Elena - the doctor of historical sciences.



Scene №15 The area of ​​Rogozhskaya Sloboda in rainy weather.

Summer rain in the territory of the Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Puddles on the asphalt (large).

Rain drops.



Scene №16 From the history of the Old Believers: an interview with representative of the Old Believer Metropolis Romil Khrustalev

Interview with Romil Khrustalev in the central church of the Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Responds to a question about the peculiarities of the service of the Old Believer church, the impact of the reforms of Patriarch Nikon on the ceremonial services, ritual traditions during the visit to the temple, the correctness of the laying on of bows, the features of unison (one-sided) singing.

Explains what is used for the poddermaker ("podruzhnik").

He considers the possibility of visiting the church of the Old Believers by representatives of other faiths.


Khrustalev Romil - representative of the Old Believer Metropolitanate



Scene №17 From the history of the Old Believers: an interview with a representative of the Old Believer Metropolis Romil Khrustalev (continued)

Interview with Romil Khrustalev in the central church of the Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

He speaks about the peculiarities of the clothing of parishioners and clergymen in the church.

Explains the tradition of wearing a man's beard, tells about new dioceses and young clerics, about the changes taking place in the church in the context of modernity.

The statistical data of the followers of the Old Believer church in Russia are given.

Romil Khrustalev tells about the publication of printed information publications: "The Messenger of the Metropolia", the journal "Church".

The issue of differences and identities between the Old Believer and Orthodox confessions is being raised.

On the relationship to alcohol and certain foods.

The interior of the Temple.



Khrustalev Romil - representative of the Old Believer Metropolitanate



Scene №18 Symbols of the Old Believers: an interview with a representative of the Old Believer Metropolis Romil Khrustalev (continued)

Romil Khrustalev tells about one of the most important symbols of the Old Believers - beads (ladies) - their significance during the prayer.

Leaves (wicker beads) - close-up.


Khrustalev Romil is a representative of the Old Believer Metropolis.



Scene №19 From the history of the Old Believers: an interview with Doctor of Historical Sciences Yelena Yukhimenko (continued)

Center of the Moscow Old Believers: Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Interview with Elena Yuhimenko.

From the history of the origin of the Old Believers: the influence of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon, the consequences of innovations; The persecutions to which the communities Old Believers in different historical epochs, relations of the state and the official church authority to the Old Believers.

Who they called the schismatic.

Family dynasties of the Old Believers.

Separation in the Old Believer Church.

Cathedral of 1832.

The transfer of the Bosnian Metropolitan Ambrosius (Metropolitan Belokrinitsky) to the Old Believers.

Explanations are given to understand - who is the Old Believer and who considers himself an Old Believer.


Yukhimenko Elena - the doctor of historical sciences.



Scene №20 The funeral of the Metropolitan of the Moscow Old Believers' Church of Father Adrian

Ceremony of funeral and funeral of the Metropolitan of the Moscow Old Belarussian Church of Father Adrian.

Service in the temple.

Lighted candles.

Video chronicle:

Metropolitan Andrian emerges from the building, gets into the car.


Funeral ceremony.

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