June 22, 1941. The Unknown War №1 (1979)

Movie №8180, 6 parts, Duration: 0:48:48
Starring Ejr Tajm Internejshnl
Karmen Roman
Text authors:
Karmen Roman
Itskov I., Karmen Roman, Slavin K.
Geviksman V.
Lanovoy V.


The first film of the epic about beginning of the Great Patriotic War is about invasion of the fascist Germany to the Soviet Union.


1-2h. - Red Square. Chronicle: German troops before the attack on the USSR: the soldiers, equipment. The beginning of the war, are the German troops, bombing. The shelling and bombing of the Brest fortress, the German soldiers storm the castle, killed and wounded Soviet soldiers. The Germans are coming from the burning village. Job steelworkers, miners, from school, etc. - pre-war news. Air battle in Spain, the ruins of Guernica. Germany: the people welcomed Hitler's torchlight procession fascists, etc. The signing of the Munich agreement. 3h. - The conclusion of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in Moscow. The population welcomed the Soviet troops occupied Western Ukraine and Belorussia. The parade of troops and equipment May 2, 1941 in Moscow. 4h. - Discounted home appliances, German tanks driving on the roads, the prisoners killed. Soviet soldiers shot from guns on the tanks. Ruins of the Brest Fortress. 5h. - On the streets of Moscow citizens listen to the message about the beginning of the war. They're coming teams of volunteers. Civilians are digging trenches, barrage, a woman sets fire to the rye field. 6h. - Episodes of fighting: the German offensive on Moscow.

Reel №1

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Moscow, Red Square (filmed from a helicopter).

People on the stairs

underpass at the entrance to Red Square.

Lenin's Mausoleum.

B. Lancaster in Red Square (synchronously).


Basil's Cathedral, Spasskaya Tower, all in the mausoleum.

Newsreel - June 22, 1941.

Morning Moscow.

Rural landscape, the horses on the bank of the river.

Industrial landscape.


German troops near the Soviet border on the eve of the attack on the USSR, German soldiers, smoking soldiers, tanks.

German soldiers crossing the river, the aircraft at the airport.

Border post with the words "Soviet Union."

German planes

bombed Soviet territory, shoot guns, explosions, burns

village, diving planes.

Germans break the border fence.


German tanks and motorcyclists.

Killed by Soviet soldiers.

Reel №2

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The Brest Fortress (removed from the aircraft), burning houses, shooting German guns.


soldiers in Brest fortress.

Lying dead and wounded on the Soviet


Airstrike, a burning village, people running, the woman from the ashes, a woman

with the child.

Passing the German tanks, planes drop a bong, explosions.

Pre-war years - the work of industrial enterprises: factory shop, steel workers, miners, blacksmiths.

School for working youth.

The streets of pre-war Moscow.

Grand Theatre.

The Spanish Civil War: Hemingway in Spain, photo - P. Robson in Spain, the Soviet planes in the sky.


Pilots of German Legion "Condor", German planes bombed the city of Spain, the ruins of Guernica.

Picasso painting "Guernica."

The chronicle of the 30s: Parade Nazi Germany, Hitler on the balcony,

people welcomed Hitler's torchlight procession Nazis burned

books on fire.

Speech by Hitler (synchronous).

The crowd screams


Hitler and captains of industry.

Hitler and Krupp.

Production of tanks.

Marching Nazis, Hitler welcomes the parade.

The signing of the Munich Agreement - go and stand

Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier, the document signed

Chamberlain, Mussolini and Daladier, there Goering.

Chamberlain's return to London after the signing of the Munich


Reel №3

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Moscow River.

Kremlin (removed from the movement), the embankment of the Moscow River.

Mansion Street Tolstoy.

Lantern, window, door mansion.

Chandelier, round table.

Photo Voroshilov.

Open book cover, impact

the text in a foreign language (Voroshilov appeal to the governments of Britain and France, on the conclusion of the anti-Hitler alliance).

Newsreel: August 23, 1939 - arrival in Moscow of

German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop.

Signing of Non-Aggression between Germany and the USSR, the act

signed by Molotov and Ribbentrop, Stalin is present.

1939 - German invasion in Poland: German travel

tanks, flying bombs, explosions, burning buildings.

Soviet troops entered the territory

Western Ukraine and Belarus - the people welcomed the Soviet soldiers, an orchestra, flying leaflets.

Soviet and Polish soldiers.

The newspaper with the treaty of non-aggression between Germany and the USSR.

Hitler and Goering walk the mall.

Multrabota - plan "Barbarossa".

Map of Hitler at the map.

Celebration of May 1, 1941 in Moscow - demonstration and pas glad the government on the mausoleum, Stalin, Voroshilov, Timoshenko, Kalinin.

June 22, 1941 - explosions, flying bombs, columns of German tan Cove, flying planes, German motorcyclists and infantry.

German kicks butt window, the women and children out of the ashes, the soldiers shoot at civilians, burning village, killed women and children.

Reel №4

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German newsreel footage - go to the German soldiers, laughing

Hitler, the German cameraman shoots a burning house, passing technique against the burning houses.

Germans are Soviet POWs.

The defense of the Soviet troops - soldiers firing machine guns, cannons.

Downed German aircraft, killed by German soldiers.

The tanks on the battlefield.

Boy, are carrying injuries, explosions.

The ruins of the Brest Fortress, Brest burning.

B. Lancaster at the walls of the Brest Fortress says (synchronously).

German newsreels - Hitler and Mussolini in the Brest Fortress.

The retreat of Soviet troops - are wounded Soviet soldiers, a woman soldier watered milk, carry wounded soldiers.

Field hospital.

Soldier drinks from a German helmet, smoking

soldiers, soldiers listen to the commander of the detachment in the frontline forest.

Reel №5

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Newsreel - The Kremlin, Moscow (removed from the upper point).

Radio tower.

On the podium, Stalin, drinks water from a glass.


The people listening to a woman wipes

eyes with a handkerchief (background voice Stalin).

Stalin stands (synchronously).

Listen to women and men.

Of all the papers, people read the newspaper with a speech Stalin.

Soldiers read the newspaper.

Poster "The Motherland Calls!".

Go volunteer soldiers off the front entry volunteers are columns

volunteers depart cars with soldiers.

Militias dig trenches, build fences, put anti-hedgehogs.

Woman sets fire to the rye field, burning bundles wagon rides with refugees.

Soldiers go, passing military vehicles, fly planes, shoot guns, explosions, run by German soldiers, burning German technology, the wounded German soldiers killed by the Germans, the burning German plane.

Soviet soldiers in broken German car graves of dead Germans.


Reel №6

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Newsreel - Polzeath soldiers soldier aiming a rifle, come

German tanks.

Soviet soldiers

shoot a gun, pulling a machine gun.

Broken German guns, machine.

Soldiers removed from the machine box with German documents.

Is a column

German prisoners.

Soviet commanders at the map of military action, the wounded do

mark on the map.

Crawl signalers, explosions, shoot "Katyusha".

Air battle: drop bombs, burning German plane bombings.

Shoot guns, soldiers fired from rifles and machine guns, the Germans fled.

German soldiers in a tank, are the Germans.

Soviet soldiers go into battle.

Movie №0

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