Ukraine's liberation. The Unknown War №13 (1979)

Movie №8195, 6 parts, Duration: 0:47:51
Starring Ejr Tajm Internejshnl
Danilov L.
Text authors:
Demidov P.
Itskov I., Karmen R., Slavin K.
Geviksman V.
Lanovoy V.


The film tells about the liberation of Ukraine from German occupation during World War 2.


1 hour - Episodes from the battle. German soldiers descend into the mines of Donbass and mined coal. The export of cattle in Germany. 2 hours - Germans blow up the factory, shipyard in the city of Mykolayiv. Being removed from the mine killed the miners. People mourn the dead. Soviet troops stepping up the Dnieper. The shelling and bombing by the Germans crossing. Soldiers build a bridge. 3 hours - Ruined Kiev. Residents welcome the Soviet tank crews. Civilians killed in the ravine (Babi Yar). 4 hours - Germans are the burning Zhitomir. German troops were retreating. Refugees returning to their homes, apart the rubble. 5 hour - A. Derevskaya - mother of forty-five orphan children, adopted her. There is a train with coal. Shop plant. Stalevar. Boy hugs a soldier. Episodes from the battle: fly the Soviet and German planes were shot by the Soviet soldiers. River Prut. Fireworks in Moscow. 6 hours - fighting for the liberation of Crimea. Soviet soldiers boost Syvashe; soldiers in the water pushing the gun, go to the beach. Killed by the Germans. Breather Mt. Soviet soldiers climb the mountain. They're coming German prisoners. Are the Soviet soldiers.

Reel №1

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Volodymyr Hill.

B. Lancaster says (simultaneously in English.


The Dnieper River.

Newsreel - city

Moscow, Moscow River embankment.

Moments fighting on fronts - smoke soldiers firing guns are tanks, fly planes.

German soldiers near the railway, are the German tanks, the German soldiers in the trenches.

German troops on the territory of Ukraine - a tank of sunflowers, shoot guns, German soldiers and officers.

Field Marshal von Manstein E. sits in the car.

German mortars fired.

Fighting for the liberation of Kharkov - shoot "Katyusha", fly planes, drop bombs, explosions, fleeing German soldiers shoot.

Soviet troops enter Kharkov.

Destroyed homes, passing tanks, people waving hands, Soviet soldiers give flowers.

Fighting for the liberation of Donbass - are tanks, shoot "Katyusha", Soviet officers at the map, shoot guns.

The inscription "Donetsk" in German, fleeing soldiers killed Germans.

Occupied Donbass - Donetsk mine ruins, the German soldiers descend into the mine, raising coal, driven a truck with coal.

Germans steal cattle.

People are digging trenches.

German anti-aircraft guns firing, drops downed aircraft.

, ,

Reel №2

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Newsreel - Soviet troops in the liberation of Donbass: are men, a woman kissing a soldier, a soldier wears a wreath, the soldiers with their children.

The retreat of the Germans from the territory of Donbass - the Germans blew the railway bombings in plant shops, explodes in a shipyard

Nikolaev, house explodes, burning businesses, ruins of factories, destroyed bridge.

From the mine take out the bodies of the miners, women cry near dead.

Dead children.

Praying woman.

Funeral service the priest killed.

The Soviet offensive - shooting guns, riding tanks, are soldiers.

Soviet commanders - Zhukov, Vasilevsky, Konev, Malinovsky, Rokossovsky Tolbukhin.

General Vatutin at the observation post.

Soviet tanks on the banks of the Dnieper.

Soviet troops boost Dnipro - crossing in boats and rafts, explosions on the water.

Planes drop bombs.

Wounded soldiers.

Shoot the German guns, machine guns, tanks.

Vatutin with officers at the observation post.

German planes are flying, explosions on the water.

Fleeing soldiers, shoot German mortars, flying projectiles.

Nurse bandaging a wounded first, drink wounded.

Soldiers build a bridge, crossing the Dnieper, shoot "Katyusha".

Reel №3

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Newsreel - Fighting in Kiev direction are tanks, fleeing soldiers, fly planes, shoot guns, explosions.

German soldiers on motorcycles, the Germans are on the water wagon falls to the Germans, the Germans fled.

Soviet soldiers are fleeing the attack.

The population of the liberation of Kiev meets Soviet soldiers.

Ruined city.

Babi Yar - the people standing at gully with the dead.

B. Lancaster said at Babi Yar (simultaneously in English.


Monument to the dead.

The streets of modern Kiev, are people.

The street with his son is party crossed the Dnieper Petrov, who lost both arms in battle.

Petrov in the apartment.

Manuscript Petrov, his diploma.

Newsreel - Marshal Zhukov and other military leaders are on the streets of Kiev.

Beetles of the floor, the people applauded.

Firework display in Moscow in connection with the release of Kiev.

Galloping cavalry, soldiers riding on tanks.

The counter-offensive of the German troops in the Kiev front - move the German tanks, smokes a German soldier.

Soldiers in camouflage with guns, cars in a village house is on fire.

Reel №4

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Newsreel - Fighting for the city

Zhitomir: German mortars firing, burning buildings.

German soldiers in the captured Zhitomir German tanks and soldiers on the streets, burning buildings, broken German technology.

The Soviet offensive - shooting guns, the Germans in the trenches.

On the streets of liberated Zhitomir passing Soviet tanks.

Elimination of fascist groups in the town of Korsun - German soldier looking through binoculars, shoot guns, fleeing soldiers, explosions, attack Soviet tanks, battlefield, planes drop bombs, lined with German tanks killed by German soldiers.

Shoot guns, "Katyusha".

Soviet troops liberated Ternopil.

Soviet troops fighting for the liberation of the Ukrainian cities - shoot fleeing soldiers, shooting guns, moving tanks, burning buildings, broken streets, the soldiers ran out of the door at home, killed by the Germans.

Soviet soldiers dragged through the mud guns.

German soldiers are on the dirt, pushing stuck car.

Destruction in the city after the retreat of the Germans - the ruins, burning corn, the gallows, the destroyed building.

People walk past a burning house.

Refugees return to their homes - people driven cart with things, she drowns the oven on the street, a woman crying.

Reel №5

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Newsreel - Restoration work in the areas liberated from the occupation of Ukraine, people plow the land, sow the grain, the boy follows the plow.

Men restore railway train goes.

The work on the restored factory - steel workers on the shop floor, pouring steel.

The inscription on the trolley "Donbass - the front."

Pass the children of soldiers.

Flying storks.



Photo A. Derevskoy who adopts during the war 45 orphans.

Photos of children A. Derevskoy.

Modern Survey - A grave Derevskoy, children A. Derevskoy her grave.

Newsreel - Soviet offensive in the territory of Ukraine are tanks, flying planes, shooting guns, soldiers, ammunition supplies, the Soviet soldiers fleeing the attack.

The nurse assists the wounded, are wounded soldiers, get in the car, is injured.

Soviet troops on the banks of the Prut River at the state border of the USSR.

The bell tower, bell strikes, the soldiers ran across the bridge, shoot guns.

Fireworks in Moscow.

Reel №6

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Newsreel - The battle for the liberation of Crimea: Soviet troops boost the Kerch Strait: boats in the sea, the soldiers on the boat, German planes dropped bombs and explosions on the water.

Soviet soldiers in the trenches on the shore.

Soviet soldiers pass Siwash Lake - soldiers in the water pulling a gun, go to the beach.

Germans in the trenches.

Nurse bandaging the wounded.

The Soviet offensive in the Crimean Peninsula in the spring of 1944 - are tanks, fleeing fighters killed by German soldiers.

Sapun Mountain.

The members of the Soviet command.

Sapun Mountain Assault shoot guns, moving tanks, soldiers fled to the mountain, rolled the cannon, shoot the soldiers.

Carry wounded soldiers, nurse bandaging the wounded.

Shoot the soldiers on the streets of the city (Sevastopol?).

Flying planes over the sea, the bombing.

Are columns of German prisoners.

Soviet soldiers at roll call (synchronous).


Movie №0

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