Your Telephone, Moscow (1980)

Movie №8408, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:09
Ramenskiy V.
Camera operators:
Baykov V.


About the creation and development of of the Moscow city telephone net.


Types of Moscow. Muscovites have telephones. Doctors ambulance talk by phone, helping the sick. Phones remote fire protection. Fire trucks leave the garage. Job dispatching help desk "09". Work telephone operators negotiating inter-city telephone points. Production processes at the exchange of the Moscow city telephone network. Interview head of the Moscow city telephone stations VF Vasilieva (synchronously). Job dispatching telephone repair service, emergency crews. Students of the Moscow vocational school № 14 in the classroom. Production processes at the pilot plant of the Moscow city telephone network. Newsreel: Moscow 20-40-ies, the period of the Great Patriotic War.

Reel №1

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Phones on the streets of Moscow.

Call an ambulance, fire engines.

Telephone station "Altai" at the Ostankino TV tower.

International telephone booth at the Central Telegraph.

Installing lines.

Ancient and modern phones.

Newsreel and photos of the century, the 1920s.

Modern PBX.

Reel №2

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Newsreel 1941-1945: Work signalers during World War II.

Meeting of veterans - employees of the Moscow City Telephone Network.

Work centralized repair bureau, emergency teams.

School for Training MGTS. Work on equipping phones Olympics-80.

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