Serve my Homeland 27.12.2015 (2015)

Telecast №84134, 1 part, Duration: 0:26:03
Studio VID
Galkin Boris

Reel №1

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In the studio, the presenter is Boris Galkin.

Report on the border guards of the Republic of Ingushetia, Jeyrakh district.

The border guards brought the books to the school.

Border guards give books to schoolchildren.

Tomova Asset-Deputy Director of the school for academic Affairs, thanks for the help to the school.

View of the outpost and the mountains.

Akhmed Lyanov, the head of the administration of the Jeyrakh district, speaks about the help of border guards.

Yunus-Bek Yevkurov speaks about border outposts.

Types of border outposts.

Border guards ' houses.

The duty of border guards and civilians at the checkpoint.

Vehicle inspection.

Ruslan Tsurov, an employee of the Voluntary People's Militia, talks about work.

People's vigilantes receive diplomas and gifts from border guards.

Yunus-Bek Yevkurov speaks about the work of the border management.

Border guards at computer monitors monitor images from video cameras.

Igor Tsvetkov-head of the border Department of the FSB in the Republic of Ingushetia, speaks about electronic border control.

Sergey Gubanov-correspondent speaks about the means of border control, seismic sensors.

Border guards are walking in the snow, a dog handler with a dog.

Border guards on horseback.

The border guard leads a donkey loaded with ammunition.

Border guards ' heating point.

A border guard in a fortified firing point.

Border guards at the computer monitor, gives the command: "Squad in the gun".

The border guards take the machine guns, run and get into the car.

The department of border guards is on the trail of the intruder.

Border armored personnel carrier rushes through the forest.

Border guards with automatic weapons disembark from the armored personnel carrier.

Anatoly-an employee of the border Department of the FSB in the Republic of Ingushetia, speaks about the training of military personnel.

Border guards descend from the cliff on ropes.

Conditional violators are sitting in ambush, walking through the forest.

Training battle border guards shoot from machine guns.

The dog detains the intruder.

Shootout of border guards and violators.

Hand-to-hand combat, the violator is detained.

Report on the pilots of the Rostov mixed Aviation Regiment of the Internal Troops.

Rostov-on-Don, Voenved airfield.

Flag-raising ceremony pilots stand in formation.

The flight of two helicopters with flags.

The crews on the tarmac receive certificates.

The pilots are marching in formation.

Chronicle - helicopters, paratroopers, a machine gun on board a helicopter, guns firing, a burning helicopter.

Monument to the fallen pilots.

Grudnov Igor talks about the awards given to the pilots.

A helicopter takes off.

Controllers monitor the flight by instruments.

The helicopter is on the ground, the technicians are examining the car.

Sergey Gubanov-correspondent talks about the tasks of the aviation regiment.

The helicopter lifts the spillway device out of the water.

The dashboard and control stick of the helicopter.

The helicopter is flying with a spillway device.

Vitaly Shatilo-commander of the 685th mixed Aviation Regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, talks about piloting techniques.

MI-24, MI-8, MI-26 helicopters in the air and on the ground.

Chronicle the MI-24 helicopter is flying with a cargo - the body of the helicopter.

Landing from the MI-8 helicopter.

Missile launches from the MI-8 helicopter.

Military exercises.

Shatilo Vitaly talks about the exercises.

Grudnov Igor speaks about the readiness of the air regiment to perform combat missions.

In the studio, Sergey Urzhumtsev talks about the modern small arms of the Kalashnikov concern, the Soviet and Russian Engineering Weapons School, the state of affairs in the industry and the prospects for development.


Evkurov Yunus-Bek - glava Respubliki Ingushetiya.

Grudnov Igorj Sergeevich - pervij zamestitelj komanduyuschego vojskami SKRK VV MVD RF.

Urzhumcev Sergej - glavnij konstruktor koncerna "Kalashnikov"



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