India is Our Friend (1982)

Movie №8642, 5 parts, Duration: 0:48:09
Egorov YU., Lebedev O.
Camera operators:
Galin I., Egorov YU., Izvekov V., Lebedev O.
Text authors:
Shergova G.
Klyuev B., Medovoy A.
Zozulin V.


About the life of the modern India and cooperation with the USSR.


Newsreel, 1947: over the Red Fort down the British flag and raised the Indian flag. Nehru advocated. India's Ambassador to the USSR VL Pandey, presents his credentials in the Kremlin, the Soviet Ambassador in India K. Novikov, during a meeting with Nehru. City Delhi: street, city dwellers, office buildings, the pilgrims go to the cremation place of Nehru and Gandhi. Indian farmers carry out agricultural work. Classes of students of the Agricultural Institute in Ludhiane, Institute of Technology. Atomic Research Center named D. H. Baba. Starting meteorological rockets. Building artificial satellites in the assembly shop of the factory in Bangalore. Soviet rocket lifts Indian satellite. Building in the Soviet Union satellite Bhaskara-2 "under the leadership of the Soviet and Indian scientists. City of Calcutta. Monument R. Tagore, VI Lenin. Rickshaws passing through the city. Construction of the metro in the city of Calcutta. City Bombay: buildings, urban transport, a Soviet ship in the port city of Bombay. Soviet and Indian specialists are working at an oil refinery in Mathura. Production of drugs in the factory of antibiotics in Rishikete in the construction of which involved the Soviet Union. Production of knitted garments for export to the Soviet Union at the knitting factory in Ludhiana. Production processes at the metallurgical plant in Bhilai. Visiting USSR Nehru, Leonid Brezhnev's visit to India. Speech by Indira Gandhi at a meeting of Indo-Soviet friendship. Guild Steel Plant in Bokaro, built with Soviet help. Commemorative ceremony commissioning new rolling mill. Interviews artist Svetoslav Roerich.

Reel №1

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Dawn over the River.

Palace on the beach.

Himalayan Mountains.

The ancient temples, sculptures and frescoes.

The architectural ensemble of the Taj Mahal.

Plowman in the field.

Thar Desert.

Rocky shore of the ocean.

Woman carrying a basket of stones.

A transmission line, shop factory, Turbine Hall.

Tests avtopoligone.

Demo mode.

Report on the streets of the city.

Watch factory shop.

Sounding rocket ready to run.

Girls in the temple.

Praying Indians, Muslims.

Those Indians - kr. plans.


The Queen and her entourage in India.

The British beat the Indians.


The spiritual leader Gandhi is accompanied by the people.

Newsreel 1947:

The Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru speaks with people in favor, the rise of the Indian flag over the Red Fort.

The parade of British troops.

Ambassador of India, VL Pandit in Moscow.

Photo: Jawaharlal Nehru and Soviet Ambassador K. Novikov.

The people at the place of cremation of Jawaharlal Nehru and Gandhi, pray.

Report on New Delhi; people on the streets.

Iron pillar 15-a century ago.

Steel Plant in Bhilai.

Cleaned rice.

Collection of rubber, coconuts.

Potato field.

Farmer on a tractor, talking with an agronomist.

The building agricultural college, exams, classes, work in the laboratory and in the experimental field.

Landscapes of India.



People go to the source, digging wells.

Distribution of water to the population.


The children handed out food.

Dam river.

An irrigation canal.

Reel №2

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The ritual bathing in the river Ganges, people pray.

The statues of different gods.

Ritual "dedication".

Sculpture of the god Gamateshvary poured milk (ceremony).

An ancient observatory.

Building Institute of Technology, students in the classroom, work in the laboratory.

Nuclear Research Center, a nuclear reactor, the people at the instruments, with remote.


Running meteorological rockets from landfill Thumba.

The ancient city of Bangalore.

Issue of Indian satellites.


Run the Soviet missiles from the Indian satellite.

The Soviet and Indian scientists congratulated each other.

Building satellite Bhaskara-2 "in the Soviet Union.

Vice-Chairman of the Intercosmos Novikov and Prof.

Rao directed the works.

Launch before running, running.

House of the Indian poet and writer R. Tagore.

Portrait of R. Tagore.

Newsreel 1930:

R. Tagore's visit to the Soviet Union.

Book Tagore.

Monument VI Lenin in Calcutta.

Report on the streets of Calcutta, traffic, rickshaw on the streets.

Reel №3

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Construction of the metro in Calcutta, people are working by hand.

Works unit.

Work, Soviet and Indian builders.

There is subway, the engineer in the cab.

Report on Bombay.

NDP with the city on the Indian Ocean.

Passers-by on the streets.

To Text.

Children on the river bank.


Huts from skyscrapers.

Adults and children sleep on the streets.

The Mayor of Bombay, said the problems of the city (simultaneously in English).

City - New satellite Bombay.

Female builders at work.

Children in the schoolyard.

The port of Bombay; unloading Soviet ship "Ludmila Steel.

Are standing Soviet and Indian seafarers.

American aircraft carrier.

From the hold of the ship rising rocket.

The plane sits on the aircraft carrier.

The Island of Diego Garcia (a plane), the construction of an American military base - unloading of aircraft.

The meeting U.S. Secretary of State Alexander Haig in Beijing.

Deputy Alexander Haig Buckley descends the plane in Pakistan, in the car.

Meeting of American, Chinese and Pakistani leaders.

Go stand and American tanks, guns.

The opening ceremony karakarumskogo highway (China - Pakistan).

The movement on the highway.

Petroleum refinery in Mathura.

The Soviet and Indian specialists in the factory.

Reel №4

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Plant antibiotics in Rishikesh, checking products, finished products.

Work at an engineering plant in Hardwar.

Knitting Factory in Ludhiane work in weaving and knitting machines, sewing workshop.

Knitwear factory Greytvey; owners of the factory brothers Dumra view products; their diplomas.

Newsreel 60-80-ies.:

Visits to the Soviet Union Indian leaders Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi.

Tab in Bhilai Steel Plant.

Plant, the Soviet and Indian steelworkers at the oven.

Travel Leonid Brezhnev in 1961 in India.

Soviet-Indian treaty of 1971

Leonid Brezhnev's visit to India in 1973, his meeting with Indira Gandhi, Leonid Brezhnev stands (synchronously).

Leonid Brezhnev's visit to Delhi in 1980: a solemn meeting, conversation Leonid Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi (present Gromyko).

Leonid Brezhnev, speaking at a rally of friendship (synchronously).

Speaker Indira Gandhi (synchronously in English).

Brezhnev and Indira Gandhi signed the agreement.

[_] The tree of friendship planted by Leonid Brezhnev.

On the friendship between the USSR and India say: social activist Aruna Asaf Ali, a farmer Greyvel; switchboard Sanda (synchronously in English).

Painting and a self-portrait of the artist Roerich.

Son of Roerich artist SN Roerich passes through the garden, says (synchronously).

Reel №5

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Painting Roerich "For the great seas of the earth.

Monument to Russian seafarers Athanasius Nikitin, visited India in Kalinin, the inscription on the monument.

In the printing Kalinina printed magazine "India".

Soviet book store in Delhi, Indians are reading magazines.

People in the park.

Indian girl speaks, reads a poem Simon's "You remember, Alyosha" (synchronously in Russian).

Amateur participants - members of societies "India - the USSR" and "Friends of the Soviet Union" appear in the House of Soviet Culture - Soviet sing a song (in sync).

Hindi language classes in one of Moscow schools, said the teacher, the boy reads in Hindi (synchronously).

Girls dance Indian dance.

Dances Indian girls under the guidance of the teacher.

A festive procession in honor of the anniversary of the liberation of India, going decorated platform.

A military parade.

They're coming soldiers, elephants, camels.

Wedding, fireworks.

The Soviet guests dancing at a wedding, give a gift the newlyweds (city Bokaro).

Steel Plant in Bokaro.

Smelting, shop rentals, etc.

The Soviet working in the shop.

They're coming for workers (Russian and Indian).

The leaders are looking layout.

The ceremony of consecration of a new rolling mill.

Families of Soviet and Indian builders combine for a festive table.

Children see icons exchanged flowers.

Russian and Indian children - kr.

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