The Victory Parade (1984)

Movie №9020, 6 parts, Duration: 0:47:43 Black-white
Pavlov A., Belyaev V., Venzher I., Poselskiy I.
Text authors:
Agatov V.
Khmara L.


A restored film of 1945 about the Victory Parade held in Moscow in June 1945.


The film about military parade in honor of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in World War II June 24, 1945 at the Red Square in Moscow. Training troops for the parade. Guests come to platforms, among them: I. Papanin, U.S. Ambassador Averell Harriman. Participants of the parade: the combined regiments, the Commissariat of Defense Regiment, a regiment of the Navy, military academies, schools, part of the Moscow garrison, combined orchestra. Accepts parade Zhukov. Parade commander Marshal KKRokossovsky. Among the participants of marshals, generals: PA captain, Meretskov, Govorov, Vasilevsky, PI Batov, Chuikov Konev, AP Rybalko, AI Eremenko, Malinovsky, F. Tolbukhin, G. Trubnikov, Sokolovsky, Bagramyan. On the podium of the Mausoleum: Stalin, VM Molotov, SM Budyonny, Voroshilov, Kalinin, AI Mikoyan, NA Voznesensky, AA Zhdanov, NA Bulganin, Timoshenko, and others. Stands Zhukov (synchronously). Past Lenin's tomb are the troops fronts: Karelia, Leningrad, Ukrainian, Baltic, Belarus and others. The men abandoned the German flag. Parade technology. Salut.

Reel №1

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Newsreel – 24 June, 1945.


The Red square.

Troops are lined up for the parade.

A fountain near Cathedral of Saint Basil the Blessed.

Guests of the parade (members of the Supreme Soviet, generals, admirals, Socialist Labour Heroes etc.) are coming to guest platforms.

Members of diplomatic corps and military missions are coming to guest platforms.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Papanin, armoured troops Marshal Rotmistrov, Ambassador of the USA to the USSR Harryman and other guests are coming to guest platforms.

Marshals are walking in Red square toward lined up troops.

Troops in Red square.

Karelsky front troops headed by marshal Meretskoy are lined up.

Leningradsky front troops headed by marshal Govorov are lined up.

Standard-bearers are lined up, pilots.

The soldiers of the 1st Baltic front headed by General Bagryamian are lined up.

The soldiers of the 3rd Byelorussian front headed by Marshal Vasilevsky are lined up.

The soldiers and standard-bearers of the 2nd Byelorussian front headed by General Batov are lined up.

The soldiers of the 1st Byelorussian front headed by General Chuykov are lined up.

The representatives of Polish formations are lined up.

1st Ukrainian front commander Marshal Konev, thrice Hero of the Soviet Union pilot Pokryshkin, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Major Glinka, armoured troops Marshal Ribalko are lined up.

Tankmen are lined up.

The soldiers of the 4th Ukrainian front headed by General Eremenko are lined up.

The soldiers of the 2nd Ukrainian front headed by Marshal Malinovsky are lined up.

Standard-bearers are lined up.

The soldiers of the 3rd Ukrainian front headed by Marshal Tolbukhin are lined up.

The seamen of Navy Composite Regiment headed by vice-admiral Fadeev are lined up.

The soldiers hold the downcast banners of Nazi troops.

Cast colours.

Chimes on the Spasskaya tower.

Kremlin territory.

Molotov is greeting Mikoyan, Voroshilov and Voznesensky.

Kalinin, Zhdanov and Voznesensky are passing by.

Stalin and other members of the government are coming out of the Kremlin gates and are heading for the Mausoleum tribune.

Those standing on guest platforms.

Stalin and members of the government climb the Mausoleum tribune.

Guests are applauding.

Joseph Stalin, Budenniy, Molotov, Nikita Khrushchev, Shvernik, Zhdanov, Bulganin and others are standing on the tribune.

Troops and machinery are lined up for the parade.

Reel №2

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Military machinery in the “Manezhnaya” square.

Troops are lined up in the Red square.

In charge of the parade Marshal Rokossovsky on horseback.

Chimes on the Spasskaya tower.

Marshal Zhukov, the taker of the parade, is riding out of the Kremlin gates on horseback.

Zhukov is receiving the report of Rokossovsky, in charge of the parade.

Stalin and Budenniy on the Mausoleum tribune.

Marshals Zhukov and Rokossovsky are making a detour of the troops by frontage.

Zhukov is greeting the troops.

Zhukov and Rokossovsky are making a detour of the troops lined up in Manezhnaya square.

Cavalry and motorized infantry are lined up.

Troops in the Red square.

Marshal Zhukov is climbing the Mausoleum tribune.

Fanfarists are blaring.

Titles "From Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov".

Zhukov is speaking.

Parade participants are listening.

Reel №3

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Parade participants are listening to the address of Marshal Zhukov.

Stalin, Budenniy, Molotov and others are listening.

Military machinery and troops in the Red square.

Generals and standard-bearers are listening.

Downcast Nazi trophy banners.

Zhukov is speaking.

Suvorov Military School students are listening.

Budenniy, Voroshilov and Kalinin are listening.

Seamen and soldiers are listening.

Lined up troops.

Members of the party and government on the Mausoleum tribune.

Standard-bearers are lined up.

Stalin, Molotov, Budenniy and Voroshilov on the Mausoleum tribune.

Panorama from the tribune to Marshal Zhukov.

Salute in the Kremlin.

Marshal Rokossovsky, Marshal Tolbukhin and generals are saluting.

Troops in Red square.

Guest platforms.

Salute in the Kremlin.

Military machinery in the Manezhnaya Square.

Tankmen are lined up.

Military attachés are saluting.

The Head of French military mission General Petit is saluting.

Military machinery in Gorky street.

Troops of the 3rd Ukranian front are lined up.

Troops in the Red square.

Stalin, Molotov, Budenniy, Voroshilov and others on the Mausoleum tribune.

Reel №4

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Troops lined up for the parade in Red square.

Guest platforms.

Drummers are passing by.

In charge of the parade Marshal Rokossovsky on horseback is approaching the Mausoleum.

Stalin, Molotov, Budenniy, Voroshilov on the Mausoleum tribune.

Those on guest platforms are applauding.

Standard-bearers, generals and Karelsky front units are passing by in Red square.

Stalin on the tribune.

Generals, standard-bearers and the Leningradsky front units headed by Marshal Govorov are passing by.

Guest platform.

Standard-bearers, generals and the 1st Baltic front units headed by General Trudnikov are passing by.

Generals, standard-bearers and the 3rd Byelorussian front units headed by Marshal Vasilevsky are passing by.

Tankmen are passing-by.

Generals, standard-bearers and the 2nd Byelorussian front troops are passing by.

Commanders and members of the government are standing on the Mausoleum tribune.

The 1st Byelorussian front troops headed by Marshal Sokolovsky are passing by.

Composite Polish Regiment headed by Zhimersky is passing by.

Guests of the parade are watching.

Marshal Konev and generals of the 1st Ukrainian front are passing by the Mausoleum.

Stalin, Budenniy and others are on the tribune.

Standard-bearers of the 1st Ukrainian front are passing by.

Generals, standard-bearers and the 4th Ukrainian front troops headed by Marshal Eremenko are passing by.

Stalin, Budenniy, Voroshilov, Konev, Rokossovsky, Vasilevsky and Bagryamian are standing on the Mausoleum tribune.

Generals, standard-bearers and the 2nd Ukrainian front units headed by Marshal Malinovsky are passing by.

Cossack units are passing by.

Generals, standard-bearers and the 3rd Ukrainian front units headed by Marshal Tolbukhin are passing by.

Members of the government and commanders are standing on the Mausoleum tribune.

Reel №5

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Seamen are passing by in Red square.

Those applauding on guest platforms.

Soldiers are carrying cast trophy colours of Nazi army.

Soldiers are throwing the colours to the Mausoleum's pedestal.


Thrown colors at the Mausoleum's pedestal.

Those applauding on guest platforms.

Composite Department of Defense and students of Zhukovsky Military Academy Regiment is passing by the Mausoleum.

Commanders Tolbukhin, Rokossovsky, Vasilevsky, Konev, Bagryamian are receiving the parade on the Mausoleum tribune.

Composite regiments of Moscow garrison are passing by the Mausoleum.

Soldiers of the Proletarskaya division are passing by.

Stalin, members of the government and commanders on the Mausoleum tribune.

Moscow troops units are passing by.

Children are applauding.

Moscow troops units are passing by.

Columns of Suvorov Military School students are passing by.

Members of the government on the Mausoleum tribune.

Columns of field engineers with dogs are passing by.

Cavalry appears in the Red square, machinegun carts are driven by.

Reel №6

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Military machinery in Manezhnaya square.

Anti-aircraft guns are driving by in Red square, air defense troops are passing by.

Commanders Govorov, Vasilevsky, Konev and Rokossovsky are standing on the Mausoleum tribune.

Searchlight and sound-detecting units are driving by in Red square.

Guard mortars "Katyusha" are passing by.

Stalin, Molotov and Budenniy on the Mausoleum tribune.

"Katyusha" canons are driving by.

Commanders Rokossovsky, Bagryamian, Vasilevsky, Konev, Mikoyan on the Mausoleum tribune.

Mortar units and antitank artillery units are driving by.

Artillery units are driving by.

Foreign guests are watching.

Heavy artillery units are driving by in the Red square.

Motorcyclists in Gorky street.

Motorcyclists are driving by the Historical museum, driving by along the Red square.

Small tanks are driving by the platforms.

Infantry and paratrooper units are passing by in Red square.

Foreign representatives are watching.

Tank columns are driving by.

Voroshilov, Kalinin, Stalin and Budenny on the Mausoleum tribune.

Heavy tank columns are driving by.

Composite orchestra is passing by along the Red square.

Projectors in the sky.


People in the square.

A street, lit by the salute.

People rejoicing.

Salute above the Kremlin.

Salute above the Moskva river.

People rejoicing on the square.

Salute above the Kremlin.

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