You found 1850 newsreels

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Footage Yemen. (1920 - 1935)

Yemen 1920-1935

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:21

Footage Умирающая деревня. (1977 - 1980)

Умирающая деревня 1977-1980

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:39

Footage Советская Грузия. (1927 - 1947)

Советская Грузия 1927-1947

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:59

Footage Зарубежная кинохроника. (1929 - 1935)

Зарубежная кинохроника 1929-1935

Footage, 5 footages, duration: 0:37:34

Footage Reindeer husbandry. (1975 - 1987)

Reindeer husbandry 1975-1987

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:46

Footage The auction for the privatization of land. (1990 - 1999)

The auction for the privatization of land 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:57

Footage Harvesting of tea. (1975 - 1985)

Harvesting of tea 1975-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:49

Footage India. (1930 - 1947)

India 1930-1947

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:06:41

Footage СССР в 1920-1930-х годах. (1928 - 1939)

СССР в 1920-1930-х годах 1928-1939

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:35:21

Footage Природа Литвы. (1950 - 1979)

Природа Литвы 1950-1979

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:07:26

Footage Кинохроника СССР. (1928 - 1972)

Кинохроника СССР 1928-1972

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:21:30

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