You found 131 newsreels for query "Admiralty"

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"Admiralty" newsreels and historical clips

Admiralty Shipyards 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:34, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Admiralty Shipyards

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Territory shipyard "Admiralty Shipyards".

Shipbuilding tower cranes.

Stacker cranes along the river.

General view of the shipyard.


Admiralty Shipyards

Square Swan song 1991

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:17, published: 4/6/2023

Movie №1


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... embankment: the Admiralty, the Senate and the Synod are visible.


Petersburg of the 19th century .(color engravings).

Opening of the monument to Peter I ("The Bronze Horseman", engraving).

Fragments of the monument (large).

Bust of the author of the monument to Peter Falcone.

Admiralty (fragments of ...

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... of the building).

Portrait of architect A.D. Zakharov- creator of the Admiralty building complex.

Admiralty Spire.

Passage along the Admiralty building complex.

Senate Square.

December Uprising (engravings).

Portrait of architect K.I.Rossi.

Senate and Synod buildings.

Construction of St.

Isaac's Cathedral ...


Architectural monuments of St. Petersburg 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:36:49, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 St. Petersburg


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Alexander Column on Palace Square, Palace Square - different plans ..

Monument to Peter I - different plans.

Admiralty building in fog - (Fall)

Flying seagull, reflection spire of the Admiralty in the Neva.

Architectural monuments (autumn).

Types of St. Petersburg 2002

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:24:34, published: 2/20/2018

Scene №1 Types of St. Petersburg

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... city from the water (at home, Summer Garden, bridges).

Foam behind the stern.

View of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Admiralty and the stock exchange.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral.

Exchange, Admiralty, Peter and Paul Fortress (general view from afar).

Passage under the bridge.

Winter Palace.

Peter-Pavel's Fortress ...

And bright the Admiralty spire 1977

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:08, published: 10/4/2016


The film tells about the restoration of the Admiralty, gilding and installation of the city's symbol - a golden boat-on the spire.

Reel №1


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... during the white night.

Divorced bridge on the Neva River.

Monument to A. S. Pushkin by Anikushin.

The little ship on the Admiralty steeple.

Delivery of the boat to the Admiralty building after restoration.

Restoration of the boat figure.

A boat on a truck platform.

Photographers are shooting the transport ...

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... the spire of the Admiralty.

View of the Admiralty building with partially removed scaffolding from the spire.

Sculptures on the edge of the roof of the Hermitage building, view of St.

Isaac's Cathedral.

People on the streets and squares of Leningrad.

Antique sculpture on the Admiralty building.

View of ...

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... of the upper part of the Admiralty building, the ship on top of the spire.

Sanding of the walls of the spire, a type of polished spire (from bottom to top).

View of the arrow of the Vasilyevsky skeleton (from above).

Women working on the upper deck talk about their feelings during work and the installation ...

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... (synchronously).

Restorers clean the sculptural composition on the roof of the Admiralty building.

A girl walks along the fountain.

Tourists look up at the Admiralty spire.

A fragment of a bas-relief adorning the gable of the Admiralty building.

Old engravings depicting the construction of St.


Warships ...


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... scaffolding for the restoration of the Admiralty spire.

Gilding of a part of the spire by applying gold leaf.

A female restorer talks about the technology of gilding the surface of the spire (synchronously).

View of the spire and the upper part of the Admiralty building during the restoration.

Reel №2

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A painting depicting the Admiralty building in the 18th and 19th centuries.

View of the part of Nevsky Prospekt in Leningrad (from above).

People walk along Nevsky Prospekt.

People rest on benches in the squares closest to the Admiralty.

Children look out of the car window, a man examines the engine ...


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... restorer while working on the Admiralty clock tells about the restoration of the destroyed monuments of Leningrad and the region in 1943-1944, talks about her feelings while working at height (synchronously).

Panorama of the central part of Leningrad (top).

Views of the Admiralty building, circular panorama ...

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... Cruiser "Aurora" on the Neva (above).

View of the Palace Square (from above).

View of Victory Square (top).

Views of St.

Isaac's Cathedral and the Admiralty building (top).

Georgy Sedov 1962

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:19, black-white, published: 4/6/2023

Reel №1


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... the cross and looks at it, reads the inscription, the girl's face.

View of the Admiralty building in St.

Petersburg, the bas-relief above the arch.

Game footage: the officers in frozen poses on the stairs of the Admiralty, behind-the-scenes words of the Sedov and the expedition plans (synchronously) ...

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... fragments of the lobby.

Officers in the frozen poses in the rooms of the Admiralty, behind-the-scenes words of the Sedov on the implementation of his plans (synchronously).

Interior view of one of the premises of the Admiralty, the Board table, the portrait of Nicholas II on the wall, sheets of paper ...


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... maneuvers, it pulls one of his aides.

A panorama of the area, officers and generals sitting before the parade.

Double-headed eagle above the arch of the Admiralty.

On the stocks of the Admiralty 1960

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:23, black-white, published: 10/4/2016


The film tells about the history of the Admiralty Plant from the laying of the first shipyards to the construction of the nuclear icebreaker "Lenin".

Reel №1

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Nuclear icebreaker "Lenin" in the sea.

View of the bow of the icebreaker.

Shipbuilder Chervyakov, brigadier Artsibasov and workers of the Admiralty plant during the transfer of the icebreaker to the crew.

The workers down on the factory the boat, waving goodbye with their hands.

Icebreaker "Lenin" in ...

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... of the Admiralty Plant.

Engravings and paintings showing the bookmark and history of Admiralty shipyards.

Paintings and layout of the galley in the factory museum.

Images of ships built in shipyards in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Model of the battleship "Peter the Great" built at the Admiralty Shipyards ...

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... of a warship.

Cruiser "Aurora" on the Neva.

Memorial plaque in honor of V. I. Lenin on the wall of the Admiralty Plant.

A painting depicting Lenin's speech at a meeting of the workers of the Admiralty Factory.

Panorama of the slipways of the plant.

Faces of talking workers and engineers.

Welding work on ...


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Workers and engineers watch the descent.

The launch of the ship, the workers applaud.

The ship, launched, drops anchor.

Panorama of the slipways of the Admiralty Factory (top).

Exhibition of trophies in the Manege of the Main Admiralty in Petrograd 1914

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:26, published: 7/31/2023

Scene №1 Exhibition of trophies in the Manege of the Main Admiralty in Petrograd

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... banners, portraits, instruments.

People go to the exhibition.

The building of the exhibition pavilion on the territory of the manege of the Main Admiralty.

The development of cellular communications in Russia 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:38, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 The development of cellular communications in Russia

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... Gurkin.

Mobile phones on the counter.

The operator is working at the computer.

Panorama on cell phones.

The Bronze Horseman in Saint Petersburg.


Andrew T. Bolotov or letters of the XVIII century. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:47, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №1

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... River.

Winter Palace in


Through pages of books Bolotov.

Tractor rides on the field.

Students in the study of botany.

Petersburg Admiralty building.

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