You found 669 newsreels for query "Aerial photography"

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"Aerial photography" newsreels and historical clips

Want to know everything № 107 1976

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:15, published: 2/14/2014


3. About the new AN-30 aircraft, which is intended for aerial photography.

4. Acquaintance of young spectators with the unusual sports car "Buggy".

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Aircraft - researcher AN - 30. 1975

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:36, published: 6/15/2014


On the specialized aerial aircraft design OA Antonova.

Reel №1

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... the look of the area with oil derricks (above).

Conducting aerial photography of an airplane, the installation and preparation camera.

The pilot in the cockpit flying the plane.

Panorama of the shop aircraft factory, producing a special aerial survey aircraft.

Production process and Assembly of aircraft ...


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... cabin, equipped with hatches for aerial photography.

The opening aerial hatches.

Set filters on the optics and cameras of various types.

Operation diagram on cartographic aerial camera platform (animation).

Interior view of the cabin of the an-30 with mounted aerial equipment.

View of the remote control ...

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... system.

Fotoaparatai ready to shoot.

Diagram of aerial photography (animation).

Screen with light lines.

The process of aerial photography, the devices and systems of the aircraft.

Automatic reversal of cameras.

An-30 in flight, the Navigator is aerial view photograph of the area from above.

The Navigator ...

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... Navigator calculates the parameters of the automatic piloting.

The scheme of the trajectory of the aerial flight (animation).

Navigator aerovodochody flying the plane, the plane in flight.

Process management software system of automatic piloting, the scheme for determining the start and end of shooting ...

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... work, type of terrain photographed from above, the process of aerial photography.

The process of entering the next route without the participation of pilot, type pilot and Navigator cockpits.

Fotoaparatai at work, the counter is made of aerial photographs, the view from the Navigator's cockpit during the ...

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... data on a magnetic tape.

Types of equipment on Board the an-30, the pilot in the cockpit.

View of an airplane and take pictures of the area (above).

Aerial photos taken from aircraft an-30.

Modern methods of engineering - geological surveys for construction. 1989

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:29, published: 2/27/2017

Reel №1


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... airplane are flying.

Aerial photography is being performed.

Space photography.


The geological profile of the area is visible on the shooting.

Satellite images make it possible to study the structure of rocks over a large area.

Processing of satellite images.

Aerial photography research.

The scheme ...

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... scheme of drains obtained from the results of aerial photography.

Ground-based phototheodolite photography is processed on stereo devices.

This treatment allows you to study the fine structure and fracturing of rocks.

Portable seismic survey station.

A falling load is used as a source of seismic waves ...



Aerial photography.

Space photography.

Phototheodolite photography.

Seismic exploration.

Electric sounding.

Automating the process of making original maps 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:19, published: 3/24/2023

Reel №1

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Cartographers at work.

Devices that allow you to make maps.

Shooting the terrain with the help of modern devices.

Compact media with information.

Aerial photography of the area.

A helicopter flies over the taiga.

Mapping using automated systems.

The digitalized information is entered into a computer.

Output ...


Reel №2


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Training of future cartographers in the use of calculators and keyboard computers.

Lesson in the display class of the Institute of Geodesy of Aerial Photography and Cartography.

Automatic map construction.

The meteorologist takes readings.

The machine makes meteorological and synoptic maps.


United News № 24683 1944

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:07:50, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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Allied forces bombed the Nazi military facilities in Europe.

bombings. (Aerial photography)

The International Labour Conference in Philadelphia.

Present representatives of 40 countries.

Translation performances in all languages

The funeral of the American Secretary of the Navy.

The coffin was a ...


Space for a man. 1980

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:23:47, published: 4/18/2014

Reel №2

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... Ground [Azerbaijan], which are testing devices and instruments for environmental studies and aerial surveillance.

Station monitoring and control environment.

The twin-engine plane in the air, produce aerial photography specialists.

Mountain landscape.

Solar power station worker in solar panel.

Staff service ...


Phosphorus. 1994

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:46, published: 3/2/2017

Reel №1


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... laboratory tests.


Spider web.

Teacher in classroom near blackboard.

Event athletes in synchronized swimming.

Tops of mountains (aerial photography).

Apatite and phosphorite.

Fertilization on the field.

Milkmaid milking a cow.

Proizvodsvennye manufacturing processes matches.

Favmatsevticheskie ...

Aus Dem Generalgouvernement Filmbericht № 23742 1944

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:15, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №2

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... Kaunas.

Recording volunteers in the SS troops.

Distribution of uniforms


German planes start from Italian airfields.

The city from above.

Aerial photography of the port of Ancio.

Sending the film to the laboratory.

Map data.

Setting targets for bombing.

Heavy artillery shelling

USSREast front.

The ...


Search strategy 1985

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:36, published: 1/6/2015

Reel №2


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Box with rock samples.

Alternation: V.I.Shpilmana conversation I.I.Nesterova and V.N.Dyadechko, roads and drilling platforms in the swamps (aerial photography).


Oil dripping into the water.

Tells V.N.Dyadechko.


Laboratory experiments.

Figure of an ancient seabed.


Mapping based ...


Word about our Republic 1974

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:49:22, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №2


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... factory.

Welder with other workers on the shop roof.

Construction of the bridge.

Tells S.S.Apryatkin.

View of the road and irrigation channels (aerial photography).

The water in the channel.

Watering installation in the field.

Wet grass.

A herd of cows on pasture.

Cows in feeding troughs, mechanized food ...


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