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"Believers" newsreels and historical clips

Believers trail 1995

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:15, published: 7/21/2014


A film about Russian old-believers, their origins and the story of their name.

Reel №1

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... the river bank in the Middle Urals.

A woman collects water from the well.

Rural landscape.

The woman pours water into the bucket.

View of the Old Believer church.

Inside view of the ruined church.

Church book.

Pigeons in the ruined church.

Fragments of frescoes and icons.

Mural depicting the burning ...

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... illustrations of religious books.

Church of the 18th century book with illustrations.

Panorama remnants of the Old Believer monastery.

The man in the woods near the fire.

Illustration of Old Believer church books.

The bell tower is reflected in the water.

Portraits Demidov.

Panorama mountain landscape Fun in ...

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... cross.

Man cobble together a cross, takes him.

Newsreel, 1929: view of the bell tower of the Old Believer Church of the Transfiguration Cathedral Nevyansk.

View of the Nevyansk.

Pilgrims go to the Old Believers' Chapel.

Pilgrims sit at the chapel.

Pilgrims go to the Jolly mountains.

People walk down the ...

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... the Old Believers.

Birds on rooftops.

View of a wooden house, a man collects hay.

Interior view of a barn, a man builds a scythe.

Old Believers' icon.

Hands of a man holding lestovitsu - Old Believer prayer beads.

An elderly Old Believer tells lestovitse.

Rosary in the hands of the Old Believers.

The person ...

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... church before icons.

Vintage Old Believer icons.

Logs, the work of the local timber industry.

Forest landscape.

Newsreel 1929: along the forest road going people in carts, are women and children.

Pilgrims go on a forest road in the fun the mountains.

Face Old Believer, telling about the pilgrimage.

Newsreel ...


Reel №2

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Newsreel 1929: Believers praying.

Man photographs pilgrims camera on a tripod.

Women pose for a photograph.

Pilgrims sit for photographing.

Those pilgrims.

Kuznetsov, AT talks to pilgrims.

Members of one of the Old Believer communities.

View of an abandoned temple of Old Believers.

Entrance to the Temple ...

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... Face elderly Old Believer.

Old Believers' Chapel Cemetery.

View of the village street.

Carved shutters on the windows of the house.

Patterns on the shutters and gates.

An elderly Old Believer in the attic of the house.

Face Old Believer, showing the coffin, coffin boards.

Old Believer in a coffin filled ...

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... filled with sawdust.

Closing the lid of the coffin.

Pegs are included in the cover holes.

Old Believer tarpaulin covering the coffins.

Old Believers' crosses.

Fallen tree in the forest.

Rocks among the trees.

Tomb iconographer Father Gregory.

Pine trees growing on the rocks.

Tomb hermit Father Paul.

Chip ...

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... body.

Old Believers' grave in the woods.

Newsreel, 1929: Pilgrims pray in the chapel of the forest.

Women and children in prayer.

The priest is a prayer.

The priest smokes his flock.

View of the cliff.

The fire is lit in a clearing.

Old Believers' grave in the woods.

An elderly Old Believer tells of ...

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... fire.

Sheets Old Believers book written by "hooking letter."

Burning wood in the fire.

Fallen tree in the forest.

Old Believer gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel, 1929: Pilgrims held a paralyzed woman during prayer.

Those people in the city market.

Lit the fire.

Old Believers fumigate the graves ...

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... graves in the cemetery.

Worked as a technician timber industry.

Old Believer prays at the grave with the chants.

Old Believers' icon of the Mother of God with the Seven blades.

Panorama of the Ural landscape.

Icon of the Mother of God with the Seven blades.


Kuznetsov Athanasius Trofimovich - Russian leader of the Old Believers

Scene №1 Metropolitan Andrian opens the Holy Council of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church (RSPC).Service in the Pokrovsky Cathedral of the RPSC in Rogozhki

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... Russian Old Believer Church (RPSTS) in Rogozhk in Moscow.

The service in the temple is conducted by Metropolitan Andrian.

The parishioners pray, bow down, put on the cross.


Metropolitan Andrian blesses believers.

The Metropolitan opens the Holy Council of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church. ...


Andrian - Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church (RPSTS).

The first exhibition of book values ​​and spiritual relics of the Old Believers 2005

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:21:23, published: 6/22/2018

Scene №1 Opening of the exhibition of book values ​​and spiritual relics of the Old Believers in the Moscow Rogozhskaya Sloboda

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Vladyka Andrian passes through the inner court of the Church.

Opening of an exhibition of book rarities and spiritual shrines.

In the exposition: Old Believer editions; hand-written, early printed books of the "pre-schismatic" period, church vestments, the mobile tent of the church.

The exhibition was visited ...


Andrian (Thursday) is the primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church.

Scene №2 Metropolitan Andrian's press conference at the opening ceremony of the exhibition dedicated to the spiritual values ​​of the Old Believers

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Passage through the courtyard of the Rogozhsky outpost of Metropolitan Andrian.

Opening of the first Old Believers' Exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of printing the altars of the churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery.

Press conference of Metropolitan Andrian.

Greeting speech, congratulations ...


Andrian (Thursday) is the primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church.

Scene №3

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Metropolitan Andrian in the exhibition hall.

The guide tells about the subjects presented in the exposition.

Exhibits: stands with religious literature; Old Believer editions; hand-written, early printed books of the "pre-schismatic" period; hymns with hooked notes;   ecclesiastical vestments, utensils; important ...

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... beads), stamps, icons; mobile church tent.

Romil Khrustalev introduces the exposition of the stand of church vestments of representatives of the Old Believer church.


Andrian (Thursday) is the primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church.

Khrustalev Romil is a representative of the Old Believer Metropolis.

Volga lights № 20 Blasphemy. Khvalynsky variant 1991

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:05, black-white, published: 7/9/2018


The issue talks about the destruction of old believer cemeteries in Khvalynsk, the Saratov region.

Reel №1

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... Elderly women Khvalynskiy old believer communities.

Carved trim on one of the houses.

View of the wooden houses of the old believers ' family.

Blooming Apple tree in front of the house.

Elderly representatives of the old believer communities say about the destruction of old believer cemeteries in Khvalynsk ...


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... cemetery, on the fire dump (synchronously).

Icons in the corner of the room, candles burning at the icons.

Women pray at the icons.

Photo of the old believer Bishop.

Women pray in front of icons, bow to you.

Portraits of the relatives of the praying women.

Candle before the crucifix.

One of the women reads ...

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... reads a prayer.

Panorama of the outskirts of Khvalynsk.

An elderly resident of Khvalynsk Elizabeth K. answers the question about what was the old believers cemetery before the revolution, about the irresponsible attitude of modern people to the old graves and to the memory of the deceased (synchronously) ...

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... who are buried in old believers ' cemetery, their contribution to the development of the city (synchronously).

Photos Khvalynskiy merchants of old believers of the late 19th and early 20th century.

Panorama of the cemetery, with ruined graves.

The Khvalynsk photo of the old believer monastery.

Photographs ...

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... Photographs of families of old believers.

Burns the garbage at the dump, the smoke goes through the cemetery wooden grave crosses at the cemetery.

Clouds in the sky.

Old Believer Church of Russia 2005

Footage, 20 footages, duration: 2:09:17, published: 6/22/2018

Scene №1

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... the Old Believers during the reign of Peter the Great; on the transition to the Old Believers of Bosnian Metropolitan Ambrose; on the differences existing in the Orthodox and Old Believer faiths.

Portrait of the Empress Catherine II (Great).

Engravings depicting the city and the Old Believer churches ...

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... Moscow.

Portrait of Emperor Nicholas I.

Photographs of destroyed Old Believer churches, Old Believers, women-nuns; peasant families, flocks of Old Believers.

Engraving depicting Bosnian Metropolitan Ambrose.

Church of the Old Believers: service in the temple.

Female parishioners.

Old believe cemetery in ...

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... Morozovs, Belokrinitsky.

Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Worship in the temple.

Interview with the representative of the Old Believer Metropolis Romil Khrustalev about the rules of behavior in the Old Believer church; about wearing a beard.

Male choir.

Music stand with ancient Russian drawing of hook notes: hook letter ...

Scene №13 From the history of the Old Believers: an interview with the doctor of historical sciences Elena Yuhimenko

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Center of the Moscow Old Believers: Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Interview with Elena Yuhimenko.

The historian answers questions about the interest in the Old Believers; on the importance of preserving the religious order for the Old Believers.

Scene №19 From the history of the Old Believers: an interview with Doctor of Historical Sciences Yelena Yukhimenko (continued)

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Center of the Moscow Old Believers: Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

Interview with Elena Yuhimenko.

From the history of the origin of the Old Believers: the influence of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon, the consequences of innovations; The persecutions to which the communities Old Believers in different historical ...

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... official church authority to the Old Believers.

Who they called the schismatic.

Family dynasties of the Old Believers.

Separation in the Old Believer Church.

Cathedral of 1832.

The transfer of the Bosnian Metropolitan Ambrosius (Metropolitan Belokrinitsky) to the Old Believers.

Explanations are given to understand ...

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... understand - who is the Old Believer and who considers himself an Old Believer.

Exhibition of sacred relics of the Old Believers: "The Mystery of the Old Faith" 2005

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:16, published: 6/22/2018

Scene №1 Exhibition of sacred relics of the Old Believers: "The Mystery of the Old Faith"


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... important sacred relics of the Old Believers: documents, church utensils, clerical robes, panties, rosary beads, lithographs, seals, icons, the image of the Savior Good silence.

The decree of the emperor (large).

Among the visitors of the exhibition is the head of the Old Believer church, Vladika Andrian.

Choral ...

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... Choral singing.

Presentation of the album "Antiquities and spiritual relics of the Old Believers": cover, leafing through the pages of the publication, book illustrations.


Andrian (Thursday) is the primate of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church.

My joy ... 1989

Documentary, 7 parts, duration: 1:05:30, published: 1/6/2015

Reel №2


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... Likhachev DS gives interviews (synchronously).

Pre-revolutionary Chernuhinskogo Photo Old Believer monastery.

Photos of Old Believers, priests, Old Believer churches and monasteries.

Rural procession.

Old Believer priest gives interviews (synchronously).

Interior view of an Orthodox church.

The priest ...



Old Believers

Reel №3


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People go to the temple.

Academician Likhachev gives interviews (synchronously).

Rural landscape, the panorama of the Old Believer monastery.

The illustrations and texts of the Old Believers' books.

Women bake communion bread.

Nuns plaster and paint walls.

People are working on the restoration of the temple ...


Scene №1 Temple of the Old Believers of the Pomeranian sense - Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the Intercession of the Virgin in Tokmakovsky Lane, Moscow

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... Refectory of the temple.

Archival photos: the community of Old Believers, the construction of the temple, the types of the temple and the iconostasis before the revolution.

Transfiguration Cemetery.

Cross on a tombstone in the Old Believers' cemetery.

Gravestone on the grave of Vikul Morozov.

Gravestone ...

Film-travel almanac № 247 1990

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:57, published: 6/15/2014


The issue of the Russian Old Believer tells communities in Trans-Baikal (Buryatia) and North America (Alaska), about their history, traditions, way of life, the fate of generations.

Reel №1

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Before the icon of a lit candle.

A man prays.

Fingers plucked the rosary.

The man is baptized and has bows.

Old Believers' icon.

Landscapes Transbaikalia.

Residents of the village of Great Kunaley clothed in festive folk costumes.

Woman helping young girl with hair and headdress.

Amber Jewelry.

Women ...




Standard of living.



Old Believers.

Reel №2

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Old Believer church and adjacent cemetery. K.S.Fefelov straightens decorations on the icon.

Festively decorated church.


Photo on the table in the house of the artist.

Furnishings shop.

Ready-made icons and patterns on the walls.

The interior of the house, the girl sitting on the couch and embroider ...




Standard of living.



Old Believers.

Legend of Whitewater 2001

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:24:47, published: 4/19/2024


Landscapes southern Gorny Altai mountains, valley Uymena, Katun River, life of Old Believers, Uymenskoy inhabitants of the valley, the religious rites of the Old Believers and the original inhabitants of the Altai Valley residents talk about their lives.

In the film, shot villagers: Upper Uymena, Cartoons

Historical note

Old Believers began to flee to the Altai in the middle of the XVII century., After the church reforms of Patriarch Nikon.

Reel №2

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Nature of Altai with height.

Old Believers shooting.

Locals come out of the house church.



The story of a local resident.


Inside the house of a local family.

Family tree of family Zheleznovs.

House outside.

Old shooting locals at work and everyday life.

Photos of local residents ...

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... Family of Old Believers in the field and chores.

Family eating outdoors.


Old Believers at work.

Old Believer says.

Nature, the interior of the house.

Believer of the woodwork.

Landscapes of settlement during and after the storm.

Old Believer says.

Altai during a thunderstorm.

Believer playing the ...


Reel №3

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The remains of corpses.

Story Atamanova older.


Old Believer story.

Old footage of life exiles.

Meeting of Families.


The old family photo Atamanovo.

New family photo Atamanovo.

The story of the older children Belovode.




Boy shoeing a horse.

Mountains ...

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