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"Birch" newsreels and historical clips

Ensemble "Birch" 1984

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:42, published: 1/31/2014


The film is about the famous dance group, the history of its creation.

The film includes concert performances and rehearsals of the ensemble "birch", the statements of actors and leader of the ensemble.

Reel №1

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Dance class, she is at the bench.

The alternation of the orchestra, the ensemble "birch".

Says M. M. Koltsova.

Artists of the ensemble at the Barre and mirrors.

Rehearsal dance "Sudarushka".

The execution of the "Sudarushki" on the stage.


Alternation: female class choreography, says the ...

Reel №2

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Road view from the driver's cab.

Artists of the ensemble "birch" on the bus.

Striping: girls in dressing room, warming up before a performance.

Fragments of the concert.

The actors go on stage in the empty hall.

M. M. Koltsova directs the rehearsal.

A passenger train.

The alternation of types of the ...


Reel №3

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The dance triptych "Russian porcelain".

Says the artist of ensemble.

Fragment of the concert "the Birch".

Says M. M. Koltsova.

Jet fountain.

Says the actress of ensemble.

Waltz "Birch".

The girl at the dance machine.

Birches make a noise 1972

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:32, published: 4/27/2021

Scene №1 Birches make a noise

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An Autumn Concert. 1972

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:06, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №3

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Leningrad "Dixieland" performs blues (synchronously).

Soloists Orchestra - CU.

Birch, the flame in the fireplace.

Among birches passes Nesterenko.

Performs songs based on poems by Alexander Petrov "Birches" (synchronous).

Birch - PNRM.

Materials on the film "Birch lights" 1985

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:17:53, published: 3/30/2020

Scene №1

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... the Russian countryside (river, snow-covered banks, trees).

On the way a horse driven sleigh.

Types of villages from the field, snow-covered houses.

Birch grove in early spring.

The wheat fields.

Summer landscapes of Central (field, country road, river, bent over the water the trees).

Blooming lilacs. ...


Scene №2

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Vladimir Mikhalev's mother on the walk.

Evdokia Mikhaleva sits near the stove.

The poet greets the guest and takes him back to the house.

A walk in the birch forest.

The poet at home, working at his Desk late in the evening.

Recording in the radio Studio.

Speech to farmers in the meadow.

The faces of the ...


Materials on the film "Ensemble "birch" 1984

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:32:17, published: 7/11/2019

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A Birch Light (They Are With Me, These Summer Dawns). 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:14, published: 11/14/2012


interview with radio journalist N. Ryapolova of poetry; in the control station at the time of recording.

Some use poetry VV Mikhalev. Birch Grove, a quatrain written on the birch, flowering trees, a meadow, field, haystacks, the setting sun, the morning mist.

Reel №1

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... and the driver in the car - CU.

Automobile on a birch grove - LS.

Poet and shepherd VV Mikhalev down the steps, greeting N. Ryapolova - MS., CU.

VV Mikhalev and N. Ryapolov pass through a birch forest - MS., LS. (With motion).

Poems written on birch bark Mikhalev - CU.

Mikhalev goes on a country ...


Integrated forest enterprises 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:20, published: 9/8/2016

Reel №2

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The nursery of the forestry enterprise.


Collecting cones.

Drying compartment.

Collecting birch sap and oleoresin.


Schoolchildren collect berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants.

Workshop for the production of souvenirs made of wood.

A family of wild boars in the forest.

A woodpecker on a ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... Squirrel at the hollow.


Lynx kittens.


The village of foresters.

Construction of a residential building.


Birch grove.

The bear cub climbs down from the birch tree.

Panorama of the forest.

Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) and suburbs 1975

Footage, 21 footages, duration: 1:38:06, published: 8/16/2022

Scene №14

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People climb the stairs, enter the palace.

Venus Pavilion.

Panorama of the ceiling, walls.

The bureau is made of Karelian birch.

Birch pavilion.

Venus Pavilion.

Tapestry in the upper throne room of Paul I.

Bas-relief on the ceiling.

Venus Pavilion.

Fragments of the decor.

Porcelain tableware.

Carved ...

The museum in the village of Wolf, Lipetsk region.Trinity. 2012-2013

Footage, 29 footages, duration: 0:03:52, published: 3/1/2016

Scene №4

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Birch branches decorated street.

Soviet Ural Mountains № 42 1982

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:11, published: 9/19/2014

Reel №1


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... train.

Goes with the composition of wagons.

Topic 3 "Caution: nature!" Wood - birch forest on earth felled tree trunks.

Birches in perspective - from the bottom up.

Wooden houses among birches.

Barbaric treatment of birch.

Wood for trellis fence.

Water drops on the leaves.

Topic 4 "In a world of your ...


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