You found 208 newsreels for query "Cape"

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"Cape" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 4353 1975

News, 15 footages, duration: 0:17:58, published: 4/27/2013

Scene №9

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Perejra A.M. -- Statesman and politician, 1st President of Cape Verde (1975-1991).

Foreign newsreels № 3365 1973

News, 14 footages, duration: 0:18:31, published: 6/18/2013

Scene №1

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Kabral A. (Dzhassi A.) -- Political figure of Portuguese Guinea and Cape Verde.

Foreign newsreels № 5052 1976

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:11:11, published: 4/5/2017

Scene №1

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Republic of Cape Verde Islands (Cape Verde) - Islands.

Photo - A. Kabral - leader of the liberation movement.

The former prison of the Portuguese Gestapo is Terrafel (now a camp for students).

Fishermen are fishing.


Foreign newsreels № 1636 1967

News, 8 footages, duration: 0:10:34, published: 9/21/2013

Scene №5

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Space Launch "Saturn 5" from Cape Kennedy.

Foreign newsreels № 659 1961

News, 10 footages, duration: 0:11:11, published: 10/25/2019

Scene №4

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From Cape Canaveral launched three satellites (USA).

Foreign news footages № 41 1986

News, 11 parts, duration: 0:23:09, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №7 South Africa, Cape Town - anti-government student demonstrations.

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South Africa, Cape Town - anti-government student demonstrations.

Foreign news footages № 71 1985

News, 16 parts, duration: 0:30:11, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №4 South Africa: anti-racism speech in Cape Town and Durban.

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South Africa: anti-racism speech in Cape Town and Durban.

Foreign news footages № 24 1986

News, 10 parts, duration: 0:18:03, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №5 USA Cape Canaveral - the search for the wreckage of space ship "Challenger".

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USA Cape Canaveral - the search for the wreckage of space ship "Challenger".

Foreign news footages № 27 1990

News, 18 parts, duration: 0:28:26, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №5 The negotiations between the South African government and the ANC in Cape Town.

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The negotiations between the South African government and the ANC in Cape Town.

Foreign news footages № 22 1986

News, 17 parts, duration: 0:38:03, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №7 South Africa, Cape Town - victims of a failed attack on a police van.

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South Africa, Cape Town - victims of a failed attack on a police van.

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