You found 1138 newsreels for query "Clear weather"

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"Clear weather" newsreels and historical clips

Clouds 1980-1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:33, published: 7/6/2019

Scene №1

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Clouds in clear and cloudy weather.

Mountains 1975-1985

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:09:57, published: 6/7/2019

Scene №2

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... waves on the shore.

Fog over the sea.

Flowering trees on the shore.

Ayu-Dag in the fog, various types of coast and forest on the slopes.

Ayu-Dag in clear weather.

The hills and valleys.

Highway hills, riding machine.

View on the village at the foot of the mountains.

Scene №3

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... lake, snag on the shore.

The slopes and tops of mountains, mountain ranges, ice caps, clouds, and glaciers.

Different kinds of mountains in clear and foggy weather (shooting on the slopes, in places of panoramic shooting from a helicopter).

Mountain lake, the view from the water on a rocky shore.

The path to the ocean 1972

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:37, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №2


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... from torpedo tubes.

Interview with cadet Alexander Ustyugov.

A warship at night.

The formation of cadets on the ship.

Raising the flag.

The sea in clear weather.

The sailor speaks on the ship's internal communication.

The equipment of the ship.

The bow of the ship cuts through the water.

Cadets learn to ...


Film-travel almanac № 36 1968

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:43, published: 8/8/2016

Reel №1

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... cars drive with their headlights on.

Equipment in the mountains of Taimyr, mining is underway.

Processing plant.

The streets of Norilsk in clear weather, many residents wear sunglasses.

Children play hockey.

Tree branches.

Snowy landscapes.

The Huntyka River.


View of the mountain road ...


At the Guard Of Sea Borders. 1959

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:09, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1

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Flag of the Navy of the USSR - CU.

Nahimovets - CU.

Boundless sea (calm, clear weather) - LS.

A sailor on watch - LS.

Ships at sea (military) - LS.

Drill on the boat: sailors take their battle space, prepare the ship for battle.

PT boats in the Pacific - LS.

Torpedo boat "Excellent" in the ocean ...


Glacier Mabuza 1961

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:09:34, published: 3/24/2023

Movie №1 Fedchenko Glacier (from kinosbornika On land and at sea)


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... caravan that supplies the high-altitude weather stations is moving along the glacier.

A snow cap melting in the sun.

The horses of the caravan climb over the cracks in the ice, a view of one of the deep cracks.

The state flag of the USSR at the high-altitude weather station "Fedchenko Glacier".

Types of ...

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... of the territory and equipment of the weather station.

Scientists take data from meteorological instruments.

Adjustment and preparation of meteorological equipment for the study of natural phenomena.

Preparing for an ice explosion for seismic exploration.

One of the winterers at the blast machine.

Ice ...

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... Ice explosion.

The tape with the data of seismic exploration.

View of the weather station.

The radio operator overeats the collected information using Morse code.

The radio operator's face.

Mountain landscapes under the wing of an airplane.

Drop the necessary equipment to the high-altitude firn station ...

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... Scientists-researchers get out of the snow on a ladder.

Employees of the weather station make their way through the deep snow, begin to clear the path.

Clearing snow around the exit from the station premises.

Installation of weather equipment.

Clearing the windows of the station premises.

Mountain landscape.

Scientists ...


Clear Lake 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:01, published: 6/2/2021

Scene №1 Clear Lake

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Clear sky 2003

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:42, published: 3/1/2021

Reel №1


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... bodies.

Panorama of snegosvalki, winter landscape.

Meltwater flows.

Spring landscapes, high water.

Small melted ice floats by.

View of a flooded forest clearing (from above).

View of a part of the Volga.

Competitions in the swimming pool.

Swimmers on the water paths.

View of a part of the city block (from ...


Moscow № 39 Sentinel weather. 1979

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:27, published: 3/25/2014


The work Weather Service

Reel №1

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... flooded cars on the street, on the water are people - different., PNRM.

Paintings depicting the storm - CU.

Moscow, Kalinin Avenue (Novy Arbat) weather radar dome on one of the houses, a report on the streets, the building of the USSR Hydrometeorological - different., PNRM.

On the Garden Ring road-works ...


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... at maps, weather forecasts are - different.

TTY work - MS., CU.

Women in the radiosonde launch - different.

Scientists at the meteorological research vessel, with meteopriborom rocket, rocket launch from the ship - LS., MS.

Settlement forecasters in the Arctic: gidrometeoustanovki, home weather forecasters ...


The Clear Change. 1994

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:09, published: 11/10/2012

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

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