You found 6142 newsreels for query "Cloudy day"

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"Cloudy day" newsreels and historical clips

Moscow Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov (Elokhov Cathedral) 2003

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:54:09, published: 12/7/2017

Scene №1 Elokhov Cathedral in Moscow

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The facade of the Epiphany Church in Elokhov (Elokhov Cathedral).

Shooting on a cloudy day (raindrops on the lens).

Day of Remembrance of Patriarch Tikhon in the Don Stavropigial Monastery in Moscow 2003

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:24, published: 12/15/2017

Scene №1 Day of Remembrance of Patriarch Tikhon in the Don Stavropigial Monastery in Moscow

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... Monastery.

Patriarch Alexy II speaks of Patriarch Tikhon.

Service in the temple.


Parishioners approach cancer with relics.

Winter shooting on a cloudy day.

Eureka № 2 1992

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:56, published: 3/10/2015


1. "It was a cloudy day" - about the discovery of the phenomenon of radioactivity.

2. "Visiting the myrmecs" - about how the anthill works.

3. "grandsons of the Dazh - God" - about the nodular writing of the ancient Slavs.

Reel №1

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1. "it Was a cloudy day."

A woman walks across the bridge.

Portrait Of A. Becquerel.

Becquerel's experiments with phosphors.

Luminous phosphors.

Portrait Of V. The X-Ray.

X-ray of the hand.

Becquerel's experiments with uranium.

2. "Visiting the myrmecs".

Spruce forest.


An anthill in the section ...


Science and technology № 17 1960

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:46, published: 10/30/2017

Reel №1

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... lamp.

Street lights.

The device of a cold light lamp (animation).

Various types of fluorescent lamps.

Design bureau.

Workshops of the plant.

A cloudy winter day.

Urban landscape.

A workshop illuminated by fluorescent lamps.

2. Shop of Narofominsk spinning and weaving factory.

Women clean the spools from ...


They are from the nightshade family. 1987

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:49, published: 3/1/2017

Reel №1


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... and put in a dark place for 4-6 days, until the first leaves.

When the sheets appear, the film is removed.

Every 10-15 days feeding with a nutrient mixture.

The room with seedlings is illuminated.

Seedlings are planted in the open ground in the evening or on a cloudy day.

The distance between plants is ...

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... is 30-35cm.

In frosts and on rainy days, Dmitry Fedorovich Borzinkov covers the seedlings with a film.

Mikhail Petrovich Sokolov, a vegetable grower, tells.

Reel №2


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... is necessary to water the seedlings not after planting, but before, and sprinkle the sprouts with dry earth.

Then water moderately once every 10-12 days.

To increase the yield of tomatoes, it is necessary to form a bush correctly.

To do this, you need to know exactly the variety and name.

The hybrid ...

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... and the stem from the stepson goes in the other.

A bush with three stems - the main one goes up, and from the stepsons in different directions.

30-40 days before the end of the growing season, a pinch is carried out, two or three leaves are left over the upper inflorescence and the growth point is removed ...


Clouds 1980-1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:33, published: 7/6/2019

Scene №1

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Clouds in clear and cloudy weather.

The Temples of Yaroslavl 2003

Footage, 11 footages, duration: 0:22:03, published: 12/15/2017

Scene №5 Tourists in the Spaso-Preorazhensky Monastery in Yaroslavl

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Summer shooting.

Mainly cloudy.

Tourists under umbrellas at the walls of the Savior-Transfiguration Monastery.

Festival "rook field" 2014-2015

Footage, 24 footages, duration: 0:06:03, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №14

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The shore of the river, the boats on the water.

Long-range plan.

Mainly cloudy.

Moscow park 2004

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:09:16, published: 3/31/2018

Scene №1 Moscow park

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City park in the fall.

Parents are walking with their children.

Women with strollers.





Autumn leaves.

Rainy, cloudy weather.

Temples of Moscow 2003-2006

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:48:47, published: 12/13/2017

Scene №6 St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square (St. Basil's Cathedral)

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The facade of the Pokrovsky Cathedral (St.

Basil's Cathedral) from Red Square.

(Evening shooting, cloudy).

The interior of the cathedral.

Icons, wall paintings of the temple.

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