You found 15 newsreels for query "Copter"

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"Copter" newsreels and historical clips

Scene №2

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... (shooting on the ground and from the copter).

Rocket verticalization; flags are flying in the wind (shooting on the ground and from a copter).

Reduction of trusses (service columns); head fairing in a thermal jacket.

View of the launch pad, shooting from a copter.

Scene №3

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... panorama of the launch pad from the copter.

A rocket on a railway platform, a head fairing in a thermal jacket.

Specialists work with the head fairing.

Transportation of the rocket to the launch pad.

Head fairing close-up.

Panorama of the launch pad from the copter.

Rocket verticalization (fragments) ...

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... (fragments).

Panorama of the launch pad from the copter.

Rocket at the start, different plans, thick fog.

MBO (mobile service tower), technical work.

Roscosmos, archive. General assembly "OneWeb" 2021

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:09:30, published: 3/31/2023

Scene №2

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... MIC.

Delivery of the rocket to the launch pad.

Verticalization (shooting on the ground, from the copter, from the service cabin).

Feed farms to the rocket, mixing (shooting on the ground and from the copter).

Scene №5

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... the MIC.

Morning/afternoon, transportation to the launch pad (shooting on the ground and from the copter).

Flags are fluttering in the wind.

Rocket verticalization (shooting on the ground and from a copter).

Scene №3

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... launch pad.

Rocket verticalization, different plans (shooting on the site, in the launcher and from the copter).

Mixing farms, a rocket on the launch pad (shooting on the site and from the copter).

Scene №2

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Removal and verticalization of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle, shooting from a copter.

Scene №3

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... alternating between the usual shooting and timelapse, shooting on the ground and from the copter.

The copter flies around the launch pad, the rocket is brought to the MBO.

Verticalization of the rocket, the copter above the launch table.

Flyby: rocket in the launcher, reduction of the upper power belt ...


Roscosmos, archive. Vostochny, construction site 2022

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:54, published: 6/14/2023

Scene №1 Roscosmos, archive. Vostochny, construction site

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Vostochny cosmodrome, construction of a cable refueling tower, cutting from a copter.

Scene №4

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... the MIC.

Delivery of the rocket to the launch pad (shooting on the ground and from the copter).

Flags are fluttering in the wind.

Rocket verticalization (shooting from different points, on the ground and from a copter).

Scene №5

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Launch of the Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket with the Progress M S-18 transport cargo ship (shooting from close and medium plans, from the ground and the copter, cutting).

Roscosmos, archive. Preparation and launch of the Soyuz-2.1B launch vehicle 2021

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:11:12, published: 3/29/2023

Scene №4

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... launch pad (shooting from different angles, on the ground and from the copter).

Shooting from a camera inside the MBO (mobile service tower), the rocket is transported through the tower.

View of the starting table from the copter.

Timelapse: rocket verticalization.

Rocket on the launch pad, shooting ...


Roscosmos, archive. Russia Day on June 12 2021

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:06:21, published: 3/28/2023

Scene №1 Vostochny Cosmodrome, anthem at the start

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... with flags, employees of the cosmodrome and participants of student construction teams perform the Anthem of Russia (shooting on the ground and from a copter).

Scene №2 Flash mob on the territory of Proton-PM

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Music video.

Natural landscapes, shooting from a copter: flights over the river, wooded hills and a church.

Workshops of the Proton-PM enterprise.

Flash mob: a group of employees walks through the territory with a banner and the flag of the organization, people gather in a circle at the pedestal with ...

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... with flags (shooting on the ground and from a copter).

Scene №4 Flash mob at the Votkinsk plant

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... Udmurtia.

Flash mob: employees with flags of Russia and the Votkinsk plant perform reconstructions, "living pictures" (shooting on the ground and from a copter).

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