You found 4 newsreels for query "Coronavirus"

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"Coronavirus" newsreels and historical clips

space environment (№ 362 ) 02.02.2022 2022

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:06:15, published: 8/24/2022

Reel №1


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... vehicle.

Roscosmos enterprises have produced more than 40 thousand tons of oxygen for medical institutions as part of assistance in the fight against coronavirus.

A penumbral crater on Mars, photo.

space environment (№ 282 ) 20.05.2020 2020

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:18:08, published: 8/5/2022

Reel №1


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... training.

Igor Yakovlevich Ozar has been confirmed as Acting Director General of RSC Energia.

One line:

- Devices for Venus from ICI RAS;

- Fighting coronavirus at spaceports;

- The ISS is like a star;

- The probe "Solar Orbiter" will fly through the tail of the collapsing comet Atlas;

- The mystery of the ...


space environment (№ 288 ) 01.07.2020 2020

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:14:23, published: 8/8/2022

Reel №1


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... part in receiving data from the Spektr-RG Observatory.

One line:

- Anna Kikina will go into space;

- Changes in the development work of "Amur";

- Coronavirus on Baikonur;

- News of the automatic station "Luna-25";

- Dimming of Betelgeuse;

- New recruitment to the cosmonaut squad;

- A new quality control ...


God's phone number is 103 2020

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:58:53, published: 12/12/2023

Reel №1


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... the call in his own car.

He is the only doctor for 150 thousand people of the village.

The call was to an elderly woman, whom he diagnoses with Coronavirus.

Grandma is taken to the hospital.


City Clinical Hospital.

Wards with patients with Covid.

Elena Misyurina, a hematologist, says that she ...


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... went to Moscow to help colleagues.


Russian doctors have created a memorial project with the names of medical workers who died from Coronavirus.

At the time of the film's release, there were 779 people on the memory list.

The names of the deceased doctors are passed.

Alexey Zavalsky sings ...


Doctor, resuscitator, Ambulance, Covid, covid-19, Coronavirus, general practitioner, hematologist.

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