You found 6 newsreels for query "Doghouse"

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"Doghouse" newsreels and historical clips

Our Epoch № 6 1994

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:47, published: 6/4/2018

Reel №1


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... leave the apartment.

A police squad is walking down the street.

People on the street.

Advertising on the street: Steel doors, grilles.

Wooden house.

A doghouse in the yard.

Workshop for the manufacture of gratings.

A woman and a boy go into the workshop, talk to the master(synchronously).

The boy's face through ...


Footage, 10 footages, duration: 3:38:57, published: 12/12/2023

Scene №2 Vladimir Central Prison No. 2, Vladimir Law Institute, part 2


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... forbidden zones on the territory of the prison, the work of video cameras, anti-run barriers.

Krachun V.D. talks about a free-standing post with a doghouse, the main fence in the form of a fence made of boards, corrugated iron or a brick wall with barbed wire.

Colonel about the work and actions of the ...

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... sign "Screen fence of the detection line", a sign "Anti-run barrier", a chain-link net on poles, a barbed wire "egoza", a sign "Free guard post", a doghouse, a sign "Main fence", a general view the training ground.

In the household room, the cadet cuts his friend's hair with a typewriter.

A soldier is ...


Literary Quarter 1992

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:33:53, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №2


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... walking along the village street.

The women knock on the wooden door, then open it and go into the courtyard.

The courtyard of the village house is a doghouse with a dog, a panorama of a wooden house and outbuildings.

Women are talking to the owner of the house, Boris Grigorievich.

Women near the entrance ...


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... entrance door in the house, a lantern hangs on the wall.

The general plan - a woman comes out of the house, from the porch with a samovar.

Wooden well, doghouse, stairs, fence.

Large - there is a horseshoe and an iron mount on the stone.

On stone walls - iron chains, horseshoes, staples, etc.

Panorama of the ...



Footage, 6 footages, duration: 3:16:01, published: 12/12/2023

Scene №5 Dog Training Center

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The gate with the inscription "Breeding nursery".

An administrative building and a doghouse on the site.

The soldier comes out of the door with a sign "Class 4".

Dog houses with inscriptions "Justa 2004", "Pali 2002".

4 dog houses on the playground.

Aviary with a sign "Alice, Aegis, Eliza", shepherds ...


Leningrad chronicles № 2 Komsomol spotlight (special edition) 1964

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:10, published: 9/16/2019

Reel №1


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... Ilyin is under interrogation.

F. E. Pinchuk goes home after the end of the working day.

Pinchuk's house, Pinchuk runs to the gate.

The dog is in the doghouse.

Rabbits in cages.

Pig in the fence.

The face of Pinchuk's wife.

The pig eats from the feeder.

Pinchuk goes home after work.

Cows from the state farm ...


Moscow 90th 1991

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 1:46:28, published: 4/6/2022

Scene №1 Moscow 90th


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... walking down the street.

Passing watering machine.

Entrance to the subway "Smolensk".

Janitor cleans the street.

Machine at the station "first aid."


Cars are "03".

Barking dog.

Doctors out of the car, go to the entrance of an apartment house, go to the apartment of a sick woman who takes her to ...


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