You found 39 newsreels for query "Flashlight"

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"Flashlight" newsreels and historical clips

Good Bye for the Moment 1985

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:23:51, published: 5/29/2014

Reel №3

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The descent of the festival flag.

Spectators with flashlights.

Performance of political song.

Extinguished the fire festival.

Singer sings.



The logo of the festival.

Electric current in industry and households 1982

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:37, published: 2/20/2015

Reel №1


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... cars.

Lighted windows of houses, light advertising.

Alternating frames with the use of electricity in industry.

Electric flashlights.

Experience in creating the simplest flashlight.

The electrical boards of the TV, tape recorder, radio receiver.

A unified system of icons-symbols for the image of the electrical ...

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... showing lighting devices used before electricity.

Candlesticks, kerosene lamps.

Modern electric lighting of cities.

Let's change the scheme of the flashlight, replace the light bulb with an electric motor.

The second application of electric current is motion.

Children's electric car rides on the floor ...


Renata Litvinova, interviews 1996

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:01:40, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №2 Eugene Mitrofanov, director

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Lighter with a flashlight.

The operator with the camera on a trolley.

The sound technician.

Directed E.Mitrofanov pulls a cart with the operator and the camera.

E.Mitrofanov standing on the balcony talking about film.

Battery box with film cameras. E.Mitrofanov instructs the film crew ...

Russian Museum. Home. 1994

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:35, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №2

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... Kiprensky.

Portrait E.S.Avdulinoy.


Workshop AG Venetsianov.

Pictures AG Venetsianov.

Picture G.V.Soroki, AG Venetsianov student.

Burning candles.

Flashlight beam passes through the dark gallery.

The painting "The Last Supper" painted N.N.Ge.

Photos art gallery and the first exhibition of ancient Russian ...



Footage, 20 footages, duration: 7:09:40, published: 12/12/2023

Scene №14 Museum of the Krainov Outpost F.E.

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There is a sign on the museum stand with a list of equipment of the border violator.

Items confiscated from Chinese poachers: nets, a flashlight, a knife, a toxic chemical, an electric rod, a mallet, a cedar cone, an axe, a saw, etc.

Traps for large animals, fishing nets on the floor.

Poachers' tents ...

KGB town 1993

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:47:08, published: 8/12/2014

Reel №5

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The basement of the house.

Several men walk around the basement with flashlights.

The horseshoe house.

Hitting one of the bay windows.

Hitting the attic window.

Investigator (synchronously).

A woman looks out of the window and smokes.

A woman walks with a shepherd dog, throws her a stick.

A memorial ...


Highway Patrol Release from 25/10/96 1996

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:08:49, published: 4/15/2016

Reel №1


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... Colonel UGPS.

Fire engines at the metro station.

Firefighters wearing gas masks on the platform of the subway station.

Firefighters inspected with flashlights smoky car.

Firefighters carried out of the training, the victims of the car.

Statistics UGPS. Shooting in the alley of the first May Day.

Traces ...


Physical foundations of quantum theory. 1980

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:17, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №3


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... movie camera that shoots at a speed that compresses time three hundred times.

The subject is a moving flashlight.

It is difficult to make a conclusion from the frames about which way the flashlight is moving and at what speed.

The formulation of the uncertainty principle meant a complete break with classical ...


dark Miracle 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:12, published: 6/16/2016

Reel №2

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... the cave, inside view.

Urals Landscapes.

Painted rock on Vishera, figures and symbols.

Archaeologist enters the cave.

Inspection of the cave with a flashlight.

Exit the cave.

Scientist rises to the surface.

Natural landscapes.

The cave entrance Shulgan-Tash.

Blue Lake.

View from under the arches of the ...


Ferns color 1995

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:28:57, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №3


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The man takes aim and shoots a gun.

Another man comes out of the house with a gun.


An old man wanders through the night forest with a flashlight in search of a fern flower.

He spreads a white cloth near the fern.

The rod describes a circle around the fern.

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