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"Japanese" newsreels and historical clips

Traditional fishing in the province of Gifu 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:32, published: 5/16/2013

Scene №1 Traditional fishing in the province of Gifu

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Ancient traditional fishing in the province of Gifu - Fishing with cormorants.

Night City; junks on the Nagara River.

Fishermen in a boat.

Japanese dancers dancing.

Burns wood basket, suspended from a boat.

Cormorants are tied to the boat in the water.

Cormorant fishing in the water; cormorant pulled ...



Japanese tradition

Russian-Japanese War 1904

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:41, published: 7/29/2023

Scene №1 Russian-Japanese War

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A mock battle between Russian and Japanese sailors in Port Arthur.


Russian-Japanese war

Japanese painting 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:14, published: 5/16/2013

Scene №1 Japanese painting

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Paintings by Japanese artists.

The Tokyo roundtable meeting 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:57, published: 10/4/2016


On Soviet-Japanese relations.

Reel №1

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Waterfall in Japan.

Pond with decorative koi carp.

Japanese garden.

Japanese wedding.

The girl plays the koto.

The bride and groom.

Guests arrive for the wedding.

Streets of Tokyo.

Pedestrians on the street.

Participants register at the meeting of the Soviet-Japanese round table.

An Orthodox priest is pinned ...

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... Yaroshenko, a writer who lived in Japan and wrote about Japan.

Professor Ichiro Tokasu talks about Yaroshenko.

Vintage photographs of Yaroshenko among the Japanese.

Interview with the Soviet composer Andrey Petrov.

Panorama of the meeting room of the round table.

Streets of Tokyo.

Pedestrians on the streets.


Reel №2

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... sessions of the round table.

Japanese participants.

Interview of academician, director of the Institute of the Earth's Crust N.A. Logachev.

Tokyo Fish Market.

An auction for the sale of tuna.

Pedestrians on Tokyo streets.

Interview with the manager of the famous Japanese company FOTOGAVA


Yamogato ...

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... Participants communicate informally with each other.

Interview with the deputy of the House of Councillors of the Parliament of Japan Iichiro Hakayamo.

Japanese children.

Foreign newsreels № 701 1961

News, 9 footages, duration: 0:10:14, published: 6/17/2014

Scene №1

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Ikeda H. -- Japanese politician

Soviet-Japanese Negotiations in Moscow. 1975

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:36, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


The film tells the story of Japanese militarism, the policy of annexations, the aggression of the Japanese military in alliance with Nazi Germany, postwar development of Japan and the Soviet-Japanese cooperation.

Reel №1

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... Marching Japanese soldiers.

Women with small children on the streets of Japanese cities.

Hands samurai takes out katana from its sheath.

Children dressed as samurai playing with wooden swords.

Children with toy guns.

Children in military uniforms marching in formation.

Training of young Japanese soldiers ...

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... the Japanese rituals.

People in the square performed the ritual of praising the exploits of the samurai.

Persons of Japanese officers.

All the post.

The prisoners behind bars.

Japanese soldiers massacre of civilians in China in 1937.

The Japanese people buried alive in the ground.

Face Japanese officer ...

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... officer gave the command.

People are being shot in the head.

The arrival of the Japanese Foreign Minister H. Kitisaburo in Berlin in 1936.

Ribbentrop talks with Japanese guests.

Ribbentrop of the floor.

Participants signing the Anti-Comintern Pact while taking pictures.

A. Hitler raises his arm in a Nazi ...

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... Japan on the podium.

People in the square greet Tojo.

Map aggressive plans of Japan in 1930 (animation).

Newsreel, 1938: view of part of Lake Khasan.

Japanese officers are studying the map of hostilities, lying at their feet.

Barrel of artillery.

The face of the Soviet commander-gunner.

The Red Army artillery ...


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... one of the Khalkhin Gol in 1939.

Japanese artillery fires.

Flying Japanese planes.

Navigator person looking into the sight.

The aircraft dropped bombs.

Soviet tank overcomes a water barrier.

General view of the battlefield.

Face Head Japanese funeral team.

The Japanese team funeral brings dead soldiers ...

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... corpses of Japanese soldiers in the truck.

Carrying a corpse on a stretcher.

Passing trucks with the corpses of Japanese soldiers.

On the road is the Soviet adjuster.

Go Japanese officers.

Officers go into the tent.

Japanese officers at the tent, next to the white flag flutters.

Japanese flag at the ...

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... taking off from the deck of a Japanese aircraft carrier.

Flying Japanese planes.

Japanese dive bombers to the target during the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Receding US military.

Aircraft dropped bombs.

Explosions and fires on American ships at Pearl Harbor.

Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor ...

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... the autumn of 1942.

Soviet artillery fire on the enemy.

Japanese General Staff officers at work.

Staff telephone operators on the switch.

Meeting staff officers.

Japanese generals greet each other.

Japanese paratroopers board the plane.

Japanese planes in the air.

Insects call for infectious disease epidemics ...

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... bacteriological detachment "731".

Photos of the trial of Japanese war criminals in Khabarovsk.

Photos of the accused.

Newsreel 1944: Soviet tanks and artillery in the offensive.

Soviet tanks in the streets of liberated cities.

Teachings Japanese coastal artillery.

Officers at the observation post.

The ...

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... purpose.

View the bow deck of a warship (the top).

Falling into the sea plane.

Fighting the Allies against the Japanese in the Pacific.

The face of the American pilot.

US planes attacked Japanese ships.

View the attacked ship (above).

Panorama of the sea battle.

Kamikaze ritual drink a cup of sake.

The ...



Armed conflicts

Armed conflict between the USSR and Japan

Soviet-Japanese War

International military organizations

Political figures

Wars, conflicts and disasters


World War II


Defense and internal security




Kitisaburo Nomura - Japanese statesman and political figure, diplomat

Hideki Tojo - Japanese statesman and political leader, military leader

Adolf Hitler - a German statesman and political figure

Joachim von Ribbentrop - German statesman and political figure, diplomat

Benito Mussolini - the Italian statesman

Reel №3

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Soviet choreographer helps makeup Japanese ballet dancers during a tour in Moscow.

Japanese actress grimiruetsya front of the mirror.

Speech by Japanese artists of Ballet in Moscow.

Moscow audience applauded Japanese artists.

Japanese dancers bow to the audience from the stage.

Schedule on Russian language ...

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... repeats the phrase in Russian.

Japanese vocal quartet sings a song in Russian.

Performance artists of the theater "Kabuki" in Moscow.

Spectators welcome artists and give them flowers.

The audience applauded the Japanese artists.

Meeting at the airport the delegates of Japanese trade union organizations, ...

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... banner with the slogan.

Persons of Japanese delegates.

Tamura's head of delegation of the floor.

Delegates holding flowers go to the buses.

The meeting of trade union delegations of Japan in the cities of the Far East.

Japanese delegates on the bus.

Visiting Japanese delegation sewing enterprise.

Soviet ...

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... Soviet workers and engineers talk with Japanese guests.

General view of the shop of one of the factories.

Banquet in honor of the Japanese guests.

The face of the Japanese delegate.

Talk Russian and Japanese women.

Nagano Japanese industrialist S. told reporters.

The face of the journalist.

Nagano continues ...

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... Osaka.

People with umbrellas waiting in line in the rain.

The national flag of the USSR. Japanese inspect the layout of the Soviet spacecraft.

Those visitors.

Layout hydroelectric power.

Those visitors.

Japanese inspect wooden products of Russian masters.

Russian furs and wooden products presented at ...

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... the building of the Moscow Soviet.

A delegation of Japanese parliamentarians during a visit to the Moscow City Council.

Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Soviet VP Isaev introduces Japanese guests with the Master Plan for Reconstruction of Moscow.

Japanese guests receive gifts.

Hand flipping album with views ...

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... the Kremlin Japanese parliamentary delegation.

Podgorny, Brezhnev LI AN Kosygin met with the Japanese delegation in the Kremlin before the talks in 1973.

The reporter is photographed.

Persons Brezhnev, Kosygin and Gromyko AA

The negotiators sit down at the table.

The head of the Japanese delegation, ...

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... with the Japanese delegation.

View of one of the chandeliers in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Brezhnev and Kosygin after talks shake hands Japanese guests.

Tanaka Brezhnev talk to each other.

Brezhnev's face.

Types streets of Tokyo.

Newsreel, 1945: view of the destroyed quarters of one of the Japanese cities ...



statesman and political figure

Kosygin, Nikolai - statesman and political figure

Andrei Gromyko - statesman and political figure, diplomat

Kakuei Tanaka - Japanese statesman and political figure

Soviet-Japanese relations 1956

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:08, published: 12/28/2012

Scene №1 Soviet-Japanese relations

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Passing government cars, waving flags of the USSR and Japan.

Remove the Japanese correspondents.

Landing aircraft "Aeroflot".

I.Hatoyama out of the plane.

N.Bulganin and I. Hatoyama pass on the car past the guard of honor.

Bulganin and Hatoyama sign documents in the Kremlin.

D.T.Shepilov I.Kono and sign ...

Japanese Orthodox Church 2005

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:08:24, published: 10/29/2018

Scene №1 Japanese Orthodox Church

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... service in the temple.

Parishioners, choristers.

Interview with Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo and All Japan about the spiritual depth of Orthodoxy.

Japanese Orthodox church: decoration of the temple, icons, stained glass windows.

The image of St.

Nicholas of Japan.

Black-and-white photos of Nikolai (Kasatkin) ...


Scene №2 Orthodox Church in Japan

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... the street in Tokyo.

Dining room in the priest's apartment.


Svetlana Dmitrieva - writes on the board sentences in Russian.

Interview with a Japanese seminary student.

Scene №3 Patriarch Alexy II’s first ever visit to Japan

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Traditional Japanese landscape: garden, pond, wooden house of classical architecture.

Visit of Patriarch Alexy II to Japan.

The Patriarch is met by the head of the Japanese Autonomous Orthodox Church.

Journalists with photographic equipment and TV cameras.

The Patriarch blesses the Japanese parishioners ...

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... travels by high-speed train.

A high-speed train passes through a city block.

The Patriarch at a meeting with students, Orthodox priests of Japan.

Japanese garden.

Fish pond.

Defeat of Japan 1945

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:10:21, published: 1/23/2013

Scene №1 Defeat of Japan

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... in Manchuria.

Soviet troops on the streets of the city.

Japanese surrender.

Broken appliances, dead.

Go Japanese with a white flag.

Go Japanese soldiers (different plans).

Go Soviet soldiers (different plans).

Japanese surrender arms.

Japanese prisoners sit.

Soviet soldiers pass along the street in a ...

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... prisoners by the Japanese warlords.

The Chinese are coming home.

Held captive Japanese warlords.

City streets with flags.

The inscription in Russian, Soviet soldiers are on the streets.

People in the bazaar.

Japanese woman is with child.

Standing Soviet and Japanese military.

Japanese prisoners sit.

The ...

British Movietone News № 21420 1930

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:17, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

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Pacific Ocean.

Japanese navy, the landing of the Japanese landing on the island.

Japanese soldiers on the island

Japanese planes bombed lunch. (The story is repeated twice)

Rescue team downed ship.

Speech on the occasion of a Japanese

Education American soldiers techniques of jiu-jitsu.

Archery ...

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... Archery, Fencing

Costumed Japanese holiday.

Fighting samurai

Meeting of the Japanese emperor (?) In one of the provinces

Training of seafarers, seafarers' training sessions for future

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