You found 52 newsreels for query "Orthodoxy"

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"Orthodoxy" newsreels and historical clips

I serve the Fatherland 2000

Footage, 42 footages, duration: 20:18:44, published: 12/12/2023


Orthodox encyclopedia (№ 48 ) 01.12.2012 2012

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:26:17, published: 12/7/2017


Orthodoxy in Spain.

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Orthodox encyclopedia (№ 9 ) 03/03/2012 2012

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:26:03, published: 12/7/2017


Orthodoxy in Belgium.

Reel №1

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Belgian shrines.

Orthodox encyclopedia (№ 38 ) 22.09.2012 2012

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:25:46, published: 12/7/2017


Orthodoxy in Switzerland.

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Two religions on Tatar land 2003

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:14, published: 12/7/2017

Scene №1 Two religions on the Tatar land.

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Interview of Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiev on the interaction of the two religions on Tatar land: Orthodoxy and Islam.

Separate plans for mosques and Orthodox churches.

Patriarch Alexy II at the Embassy of Greece 1997

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:32, published: 7/14/2015

Scene №1 Patriarch Alexy II at the Embassy of Greece

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Embassy of Greece.

Patriarch Alexy II met with the ambassador of Greece and the Greek priests in the feast of Orthodoxy.

The choir performs Christian hymns.

Peak hour 03/29/1995 1995

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:24:23, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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... nature of the interaction of secular and ecclesiastical authorities.

Revival of Orthodoxy in Russia.

Can the church be considered the conscience of society.

Modern interpretation of the term "anathema".

Mutual relations of Orthodoxy with other religions, common in the territory of Russia.

A fragment of the ...


Orthodoxy in Kamchatka 2005

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:29:15, published: 6/7/2018

Scene №1 Patriarch Alexy II at the conference "300 Years of Orthodoxy in Kamchatka"

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Speech of Patriarch Alexy II to scientific and theological conference. "300 years of Orthodoxy in Kamchatka"

The report is devoted to the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the region.

The Patriarch speaks of the destruction of temples after 1917; the beginning of the revival of spiritual ...


Scene №2 Conferences "300 years of Orthodoxy in Kamchatka"

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Conferences "300 years of Orthodoxy in Kamchatka".

The clergymen.

The Presidium, headed by Patriarch Alexy II.

Speech of the Patriarch.

Staying Alexy in Kamchatka: Patriarch comes out of the helicopter.

Exhibition of missionary photographs.

Interview with Andrey Kuraev.

Scene №6 Procession dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Orthodoxy in Kamchatka

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Interview with musician Konstantin Kincheva. 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:03, published: 11/10/2015

Scene №1 Interview with musician Konstantin Kincheva.

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Sports Palace "Luzhniki".

There is a rehearsal of the rock band "Alice".

Dressing room. K.Kinchev gives interviews.

The musician tells of Orthodoxy and the campaign to raise funds for the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

K.Kinchev stands on the stage, plays the guitar and sings.

Scene №1 The signing of an agreement on the interaction of Cossack communities and the Synodal Department of the Russian Orthodox Church

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Interview with a representative of the Cossacks on loyalty to Orthodoxy, on the education of youth.

Nikolay Derzhavin and Gennady Troshev on the development of cooperation between the church and the Cossacks.

Dmitry Smirnov about the Cossacks.

Signing The signing of an agreement on the interaction ...


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