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"Palace square" newsreels and historical clips

Anton Valek 1991

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:27, published: 1/6/2015

Reel №1


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... students, etc.


Petersburg, Tauride Palace.

Photos of 1917 - A. Valek with colleagues.

Memorial on the Field of Mars. A. Valek in a group photo.

The Field of Mars, the Eternal Flame.

Various paintings on a revolutionary theme.


Petersburg, Palace Square, Winter Palace.

Igor Valek is at the table in the ...



Revolutionary, memorial, Tauride Palace, Field of Mars, Palace Square, Winter Palace, monuments

Alexander Column, St. Petersburg 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:07, published: 12/17/2015

Scene №1 Alexander Column, St. Petersburg

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Palace Square.

Bottom view of the Alexander Column and lamppost.

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Petersburg Palace Square.

Leningrad - cradle of the Great October revolution 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:00, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №1

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Monument to Peter 1 - The Bronze Horseman.

The Neva River.

View of the Admiralty.

Palace Square.

Photos of the early 20th century: workers with pickaxes, factory pipes.

The production process at the Leningrad plant.

A new area in the city of Leningrad: panel houses, playgrounds, a park.

Monument ...

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... was located in 1917, and in Soviet times there was a branch of the Museum of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

View of the Tauride Palace.

The hall of the palace in which Lenin called for the creation of the Republic of Soviets.

View of Lake Razliv.

Lenin's hut is in Flood.

Monument to Lenin in the ...

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... articles by Lenin.

Top view of the Palace Square in front of the Hermitage and the Winter Palace.

Archival photos of the storming of the Winter Palace.

Internal stairs and a small white dining room of the Winter Palace.

A tour of the Hermitage expositions in the Winter Palace.

View of the Smolny Institute ...



Monuments to Lenin in Leningrad, Smolny Institute, Kshesinskaya Palace, Palace Square, Winter Palace, Finlyandsky railway Station, Lenin Museum in Yalkala, a hut in Razliv.

Leningrad chronicles № 32 1966

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:08:55, published: 9/14/2016

Reel №1

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... decorations on the streets before the celebration of the 49th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Festively decorated shop window.

View of the Palace Square.

Faces of veterans before the start of the festive demonstration.

The face of a sailor.

Commemorative plaque on the forecastle gun of the cruiser ...


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... in formation on the deck.

Admiral's boat bypasses the formation of ships.

View of the Palace Square before the start of the military parade.

The troops of the Leningrad garrison are in parade formation on Palace Square.

Generals from the podium greeted the passing troops.

Flag bearers of the combined regiment ...

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... sailors pass through the palace square.

Bulochnikov's face.

Newsreel of 1918: Red Army units pass through the Palace Square during the celebration of the 1st anniversary of the October Revolution.

Parades on Palace Square during the 1920s-1930s, artillery units on Palace Square.

Anti-aircraft missile units ...

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... on Palace Square.

Views of the palace square during the passage of rocket technology (top).

Bulochnikov's face.

Column of the Kirov plant during a demonstration on Palace Square.

Faces of veterans of the plant.

A column of representatives of the Kirovsky district is moving along the palace Square.

The ...

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... celebrations.

Newsreel: a festive demonstration on Palace Square in 1924.

Models on the platforms of the trucks.

Participants of the 1927 demonstration dance during the movement of the column.

Bulochnikov's face.

Sculpture of Lenin on an armored car on Palace Square during a demonstration.

The leaders of production ...

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... Views and panorama of the Palace Square during the demonstration (top).

Mockups in honor of the conquest of space on truck platforms.

The types of holiday celebrations.

One of the columns of demonstrators is moving along the Arrow of Vasilyevsky Island.

Views of the Palace Square during the demonstration ...

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... participants of the demonstration.

Demonstrators walk along the palace Square, the faces of the demonstrators.

Columns of demonstrators move along the Palace Square.

Types of demonstrations, faces of participants in the demonstration.

View of the Palace Square (top).

Models of hydroelectric power plants and ships ...


Our region № 55 Lenin's Pride" Special Issue No. 4 1967

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:30, published: 10/24/2016


1. Ships on the Neva, a military parade on Palace Square.

2. Demonstration, carnival procession, performance at Gorky BDT, evening city, fireworks.

Reel №1


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... parade commander reports on the readiness of the parade.

Palace Square with units built for the parade.

Colonel-General Shavrov welcomes the participants of the parade.

The leadership of the city is on the podium.

Panorama of the Palace Square with military units participating in the parade.

The audience ...


Reel №2

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... representatives of the best enterprises and institutions of the city.

Residents of Leningrad are on parade.

View of the parade from the roof of the Winter Palace.

Foreign guests of Leningrad are passing by.

Demonstrators launch balloons into the sky.

Children at the demonstration.

Flags of the Soviet republics ...


Leningrad chronicles № 32 1969

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:15, published: 10/24/2016


A special issue dedicated to the 52nd anniversary of the Great October, a solemn meeting, a demonstration, a military parade on Palace Square, fireworks.

Reel №1

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... underground apartment.

An orchestra is playing outside.

People are dancing on the street.

Demonstration of workers.

Marine parade.

Parade on the Palace Square.

Demonstration of workers.

Launching of the fishing base "Vostok".

Izhora Plant.

Grain harvesting.

Biochemical plant in Kirishi.

Illumination and ...

Leningrad chronicles № 33 1963

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:48, published: 10/24/2016


October holiday in Leningrad, ships on the Neva, festive Nevsky, Kirov Theater, solemn meeting, naval parade, parade of troops on Palace Square, demonstration, fireworks.

Reel №1

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Warships on the roadstead.

The gun of the cruiser Aurora.

Storming the Winter Palace, Lenin speaks to the people (pictures.

Chronicle: anti-war rallies.

Signing of the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

Khrushchev, Gromyko and Harriman.

Illumination in the city.

Solemn meeting

On the podium, the secretary ...

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... secretary of the industrial regional committee of the party Neopikhanov (synchronously).

Admiral I.I. Baykov boarded the cruiser Aurora.

Marine parade.

Palace Square.

On the podium - Army General M.I. Kazakov.

Military parade.

Demonstration of workers.

Festive fireworks over the Neva River.

Leningrad chronicles № 32 1965

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:08, published: 9/21/2016

Reel №1

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... taking off.

An incoming train.

Telegram tapes.

Central Telegraph, bank.

Palace Square.

Warships on the Neva.

Military equipment on the Palace Square.

Naval parade.

Leningrad from a helicopter.

Military parade on the Palace Square.

Demonstration of workers.

Veterans are coming (Lenin's voice sounds).

Festive ...

Leningrad chronicles № 32 1971

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:36, published: 9/29/2016

Reel №2

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Views of the Palace Square before the start of the military parade and demonstration in honor of the 54th anniversary of the October Revolution (top).

Parts of the Leningrad garrison and the Baltic Fleet in parade formation, the faces of soldiers and sailors.

Buglers give the signal.

Parts of the troops ...

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... academies and military sailors pass through the Palace Square in a parade formation.

Guests on the podium greet the passing troops.

Admiral Baykov on the podium, the troops pass in front of the podium, the guests on the podium.

View of the Palace Square during the parade (top).

A unit of the airborne ...

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... podium.

Military sailors pass through the Palace Square.

Admiral Baykov on the podium.

Military equipment moves on the Palace Square, views of the square during the passage of military equipment (top).

Units of rocket troops and artillery at the parade on Palace Square, the faces of foreign guests.

An armored ...

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... armored car with a statue of Lenin on the tower opens a festive demonstration on Palace Square.

Carrying the banner of the Leningrad organization of the CPSU to the square.

A column of advanced production workers with banners of industrial enterprises of Leningrad passes by.

Views and panorama of the festive ...

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... demonstrators.

Views of the festive demonstration and the grandstand in front of the Winter Palace.

Mock-up of the lunar rover at the demonstration.

The faces of the demonstrators, banners over the columns.

View of the Palace Square during the demonstration (above).

Mock-ups with slogans on the platforms of trucks ...

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... marching in columns of demonstrators.

Participants of the demonstration and the leaders of Leningrad and the region greet each other.

View of the Palace Square (from above).

A seagull flies over the Neva River.

View of the part of Nevsky Prospekt and Leningrad streets, decorated with evening electric illumination ...


Leningrad chronicles № 13 The May 1 Holiday 1962

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:14, published: 9/17/2019


Report on the celebrations in Leningrad, fragments of the military parade on the Neva river and the Palace square, the parade of athletes, popular demonstrations and evening fireworks.

Reel №1

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... for the holiday.


Rostral column with a torch.

Lenin Monument in front of the Finland railway station.

The hall of the Palace of Congresses.

Demonstration on Red Square in Moscow.

On the podium N. Khrushchev, G. Titov, Yuri Gagarin.

The faces of metallurgists.

Open-hearth shop.

Installation of ...

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... sailor hits the rynda.

Palace Square.

The commander of the Leningrad Military District, General of the Army of the Cossacks, accepts the report of the commander of the parade, Colonel-General Konstantinov.

On the podium, the General of the Cossack Army.

Parade on the Palace Square.

Sports parade.

Demonstration ...

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... Demonstration of workers.

Demonstration of workers in Vyborg.

Demonstration of the workers of Gatchina.

On the podium I. Spiridonrov.

Workers on the Palace Square.

Night Leningrad.


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