You found 515 newsreels for query "The bushes"

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"The bushes" newsreels and historical clips

Bialowieza Forest 1947

Footage, 23 footages, duration: 0:07:52, published: 4/13/2015

Scene №23

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Bison in the woods.

Wedge in the bush.

The forest ranger is.

Bush and Gorbachev, the START-1. Part 1. 1991

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:35:10, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Bush and Gorbachev, the START-1. Part 1.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... conference of George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev after the signing of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START-1).

In the frame of Barbara Bush and Raisa Gorbachev.

Appeal to the press of the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev.

Appeal to the press of the US President,

Bush (the elder).


Bush George (senior) - statesman (USA).

Mikhail Gorbachev is a Soviet and Russian statesman.

Bush Barbara-- wife of J.


Gorbachev Raisa is the wife of Mikhail Gorbachev.

The guerrillas 1942

Footage, 158 footages, duration: 1:03:32, published: 5/21/2020

Scene №121

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A machine gunner is firing.

Shooting from a gun hidden in the bushes.

Scene №35

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A group of partisans swims across the river on a raft.

A machine gunner sat in the bushes.

One of the guerrillas swims across the river.

Scene №52

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The fighters are crawling through the snow, throwing grenades into the bushes where the enemy is holed up.

The infantry is attacking.

Fragments from the film "Pure Dawns" 1971

Footage, 12 footages, duration: 0:12:48, published: 4/13/2015

Scene №9

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Hunter in coastal thickets.

A flock of birds over the water.


It takes a hunter in the bush.

Forest birds 1975-1985

Footage, 10 footages, duration: 0:07:13, published: 7/8/2019

Scene №4

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Bullfinches in the bushes.

Birds in the hollows of trees.

Bird of prey on tree.

Scene №5

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Birds in the hollows of trees.

Bird of prey on tree.

A bird in the Bush.

Magpie in a cage.

Crossbills in the enclosure behind the glass.

Owl in the grass under a tree.

Moon 1970-1979

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:09, published: 2/20/2013

Scene №1 Moon

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Partial moon in the night sky.

The moon on the background of the bush.

Moon in the clouds.

Milky Way.

Wolf howling at the moon.


Cultural work at the front 1941

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:00:45, published: 4/14/2021

Scene №1 Cultural work at the front

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A military truck is driving along the road.

A sentry comes out of the bushes and stops the car.

The soldier steps out of the cockpit.

Unloading of equipment (stands, posters).

The Congo River 1910-1919

Footage, 9 parts, duration: 0:59:17, black-white, published: 1/14/2020

Reel №2

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... natives hunters with spears set on fire in the bushes, waiting for prey.

Women tribe bayasov caught in the bushes field crickets, for them it is a treat.

Type in the native village.

Plantation of cassava, the main food bayasov.

Women motyzhat land from bushes.

Collect cassava leaves, too, they are ...


Foreign news footages № 46 1989

News, 25 parts, duration: 0:39:16, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №7 The threat to the U.S. President Bush on the part of drug traffickers in Colombia.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The threat to the U.S. President Bush on the part of drug traffickers in Colombia.

Foreign newsreels № 6999 1983

News, 3 footages, duration: 0:06:18, published: 9/6/2016

Scene №2

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Yugoslavia – the Visit of the Vice-President of the USA George Bush in Yugoslavia.

Talks George W. Bush and Vice President Zharkovich.

The laying of wreaths at the tomb of Tito.

Bush talks with the Prime Minister M. Planinica.

Bush talks with President M. Spiskom.

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