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"Trolley bus" newsreels and historical clips

Liners city streets 1979

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:55, published: 11/14/2012


Moscow, the traffic in the city.

Types of Tashkent, the movement of trolley buses in the city, the public streets.

Movement of trolley buses for the city of Leningrad.

Production at the plant trolley behalf Uritsky.

Movement of trolley buses on the streets, the city of Budapest (Hungary), Bogota (Ecuador)

Reel №1

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... Tokyo - MS.

Old Japanese woman cleans the client boots - CU.

On the streets of Tokyo is running athlete - LS.

Cars on the streets of Tokyo - LS.

Buses on the streets of the capital city of Colombia

Bogota - MS.

Newsreel of the 20's.:

People on the streets of Moscow - LS.

"Walking" the car - MS ...


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... cleaned trolleys - MS., CU.

Trolley rides along the deserted street - MS.

Models of trolleys on the ground, with a view to the layout and the people standing on the trolley - MS.

A female driver at the wheel trolley - MS.

Foot pressure on the pedal brake - CU.

Woman driver makes the trolley turns ...

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... turns - MS.

Rod on wires - CU.

Trolley passes by the hotel "Russia", the passengers in the bus - MS., Various.

Metro train at metro bridge - LS.

Trolley rides - MS.

The steering wheel and instrument panel - CU.

Moscow - LS., PNRM.

Of Tashkent - LS., PNRM., MS.

The face of an old Uzbek - CU.

Pass ...

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... Pass girls in traditional dresses - MS.

Passengers board a bus - LS.

Trolley rides past the fountain - LS.

Trolley buses on the streets of

Sukhumi - MS., CU., LS.

Passengers traveling on the boat - MS.

The people on the beach - different.


Leningrad, a monument to Peter I - LS.

Neva Embankment ...

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... the bridge trolley rides - LS.

Hands on the steering wheel - CU.

People on the streets of Leningrad - LS., MS.

Volga, the view of the bridge - LS.

Engels Trolleybus Plant Uritsky - MS.

Trolleys are ready - LS., PNRM.

Shop factory - LS.

Design Bureau factory drawings of the new trolley, design engineers ...


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Metal bars for punching machines - CU.

Working in different parts of manufacturing parts trolley - welding, riveting, polishing, etc. - are different.

Painting trolley - MS.

Assembly factory workshop, crane trolley carrying the cooler to an assembly - MS., CU.

Workers put the rear axle - MS.

Workers ...

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... LS.

Workers assemble trolley for export - MS.

Workers put in glass, check the wheels to spin, check the dashboard work, opening and closing doors, check curtains on the windows and ceiling lighting stick logo factory - different.

Export stamp on trolley - CU.

Ready trolleys - LS.

Reel №2

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... Equestrian statue - LS.

Trolleybus fleet of trolley buses leave the plant Uritsky - LS., CU.

Aqueduct Bridge over the Danube River - CU.

Pedestrians cross the street - MS.

Changing the traffic signal to "go" to "Stop» - CU.

On the streets of Budapest, trolley rides, the driver announces the stop (simultaneously ...

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... passengers in the bus - MS., CU.

Overpass - LS.

Chief of the movement of Budapest Jeno Riess shows the development of the trolleybus traffic in

Budapest (simultaneously in Hungarian) - CU.

Passengers board a bus, trolleybus driver at the wheel - MS., CU.

Check and repair trolley - panorama from the ...

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... depot - MS.

Trolley to the "pit", mechanic technician checks the operation of the front and rear axles and other parts - LS., MS., CU.

Scale device, checking the light beam of the scale - CU.

Panorama of trolleybus depot - LS.

The capital city of Colombia

Bogota, the bridge trolley rides - LS., ...

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... - LS., MS., CU.

Buses on the streets of Bogota - MS., CU.

One of the most influential business leaders of Colombia, Jorge Cardenas Gutierrez said the organization trolleybus traffic in Bogota (simultaneously in Spanish) - MS.

From the park trolley travels - CU.

Salon empty trolley - CU.

Passes administration ...

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... driver of the cab - MS., CU.

The passengers in the bus - MS.

Driver sits - CU.

In the trolley includes passengers - MS.

Interview about the benefits of trolleybus transport gives trolleybus driver Humberto Martinez (synchronous) - MS.

Trolley rides - MS.

Dispatching - MS., PNRM.

Hands typist - ...

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... - CU.

Documents on the table employees engaged documents - CU.

Substation, view the instrument, working at the instruments - LS., MS., CU.

Trolley buses on the streets of Bogota - MS.

Kremlin - LS.

Passing trolleybus number 34 - MS.

Children playing on the green front lawn - CU.

Those children ...

Trip To the Atlantic. 1960

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:49, black-white, published: 8/11/2013



The port city of Halifax. "Mikhail Lomonosov" in the port (winter mode).



Movement of road transport, buses, trolley buses.

Snowfall. Trolley buses in the parking lot.

Works concrete diamond machine.

Pedestrians on the streets.

Team Meeting "Mikhail Lomonosov" with Canadian scientists

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Moscow № 49 Muscovites - 26 delegates of the Congress 1981

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:30, published: 3/25/2014


Film Review tells delegates the 26 th Party Congress: a trolley bus driver Larionova, general director of the Moscow Electric Lamp Plant Potemkin and brigadier construction crew Surovtseva.

Reel №1

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Sunrise over Moscow - different.

26 Congress of the CPSU delegate, the driver of bus-Fili trolleybus fleet Catherine Larionov preparing trolley to travel in the cabin empty trolley - MS., PNRM.

In the trolley are the first passengers - LS., PNRM.

Larionov talks about his work (simultaneously) at home ...

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... home - MS.

Photos Larionova, her driver's license a better city - MS., CU., PNRM.

Larionov her hair at home, cabin trolley speaks into the microphone - CU.

Bolshoi Theatre (decorated with posters) - LS., Removed from the movement

Portrait of Brezhnev on the building - MS., Departure

People on the streets ...


A Road in Winter and Children 1984

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:00, published: 11/29/2015


filming the following: children's ride on a sledge with slides, the movement of road and urban transport in the streets of Moscow, passengers boarding trolley bus on the Garden Ring, the statement a traffic policeman before residents of a neighborhood of Moscow, the children cross the road at a pedestrian crossing

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People on the streets of Moscow. 1996

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:01:14, published: 8/21/2015

Scene №1 People on the streets of Moscow.

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... away across the road from the underground the October.

Three girls are on the October Square.

Monument to V. Lenin

Woman with bag

Boy cyclist.

Trolley buses.

Alma-Ata 1950-1959

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:12, published: 2/21/2014

Scene №1 Alma-Ata

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Car drives.

Flowers in the park, strolling people.

Traffic on the streets of the city - trolley buses, cars.

Administrative buildings, fountains, people go by.

Boy in skullcap at the fountain.

Highway Patrol Release from 09/10/96 1996

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:08:49, published: 4/15/2016

Reel №1

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Accident on Prospect Budyonny.

Trolley bus hit a pedestrian.

The corpse of a man under the trolley bus.

Saykina an accident on the street.

The corpse of a woman on the roadway.

Inspection inspectors traffic police accident scene.

Traffic Statistics.

Fire in the Big Kozlov Lane.

Firefighters poured flames ...


The first trolleybus 1933

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:03, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 The first trolleybus

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The first Soviet trolley rides through the streets of Moscow.

People sit in the trolley.

The conductor of a trolley bus.

Trolleybus on Kutuzov Avenue, in the background - Arc de Triomphe.

The people on the street.

Passengers in the cabin trolley.

Arc trolleybus.

The driver, conductor.

Trolleybus rides ...

How A Morning Is Made Good 1974

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:47, published: 11/14/2012


Production processes in the shops of one of the printers.

Finished printed products.

Repair of tramways at night.

Washing urban transport: buses, trolley buses.

Children ride the carousel.

Awakened the children in the kindergarten room in the morning.

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1991 coup in Moscow 1991

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:33:56, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 1991 coup in Moscow

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... aid" in Red Square.

Muscovites expressed their opinion on the events.

A column of military vehicles in the Hunter series.

In Manege there are buses and trolley buses.

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