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"Tunnel" newsreels and historical clips

Tunneling technique. 1991

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:14, published: 2/8/2017

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№ 8 The Party Organizer (A Newsreel Of The Baikal-Amur Mainline).[BAM film chronicle] 1981

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:27, published: 11/10/2012


"Bamtonnelstroya" - AI Podzareya.

Of North tunnel.


AI Podzarey among workers, talks about his childhood (synchronously).

Work in the tunnel.


Says AI Podzarey.

Installation of equipment, new equipment, which arrived at the construction of the tunnel.

Engineering work.

The road leading to thethe work in the tunnel.

Says AI Podzarey (synchronously).

Construction of houses in Severomuisk.

Residents of the village.

AI Podzarey playing volleyball, cleans his gun, hunting with his son.

Winter landscape.

A stream of hot water.

Workers are working with water.

The water in the tunnel.

Avalanche plavuna


Film # 8 from the chronicle of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

The film tells about Anatoly Podzarei, the party organizer of the 11th tunnel group, who builds the Severomusky tunnel, the biggest in the world.

Reel №1

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They run deer (helicopter).

Land, mountains (Sayan) (helicopter).

Construction of North-Tunnel.

Party organizer of the 11th tunnel squad AI Podzarey in a helicopter, following the work of the workers, talks about his life (synchronously), sitting in the car.

Trolley ride.

Trucks on the road, road ...

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... (monument to the founders of North-).

Felling, AI Podzarey talking to loggers.

The former head of troops in Northern Baikal VI Zhurbin A. Podzarey in the tunnel.

Building houses in Severomuysuk; report of the city.

AI Podzarey playing volleyball, at home with his son, on the hunt.

Reel №2

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... Podzarey with his son on the hunt.

Winter landscapes taiga.

Jobs Severomuisk tunnel in difficult conditions (water, etc.), workers tell of accidents (synchronously).

AI Podzarey and Deputy Minister Comrade Koshelev in the tunnel.

The meeting of the Party Committee, receiving the party VI Zhurbina, AI ...

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... AI Podzarey a recommendation (synchronously).

Says V. Zhurbin (synchronously).

AI Podzarey with the workers in the tunnel, and others, talking about himself (synchronously).

Solemn assembly.

AI Podzarey awards worker.

Secretary of the Communist Party of the Buryat area BAM NI Hooks with the workers ...


Foreign news footages № 9 1986

News, 13 parts, duration: 0:27:45, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №10 Japan - an underground tunnel connecting from Hokkaido

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Japan - an underground tunnel that connects Hokkaido.

The tunnel was built in '21. Newsreel: construction, opening ceremony.

England - an area in Kent, where they will build a tunnel through the English Channel.

Work in the tunnel.

The ferry across the strait.

Slogan against the construction

Foreign newsreels № 3772 1974

News, 6 footages, duration: 0:10:53, published: 11/18/2013


France, England - The signing of the agreement on the construction of the channel under the Channel Tunnel.

Tunnel project.

The first works.


France - Extension of the port of Marseilles.

Hungary and the Soviet Union - Report from the four (out of seven) of the Hungarian factories producing

Scene №5

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... construction of a tunnel under the English Channel between Britain and France.

Tunnel project.

The first work in the tunnel builders.

Interview of the Minister of Transport of France Yves Guena.

Port in Britain.

Loading of the ferry.


Industrial landscape.

Old English mansions.

Model of the tunnel.

Reporting ...

Foreign newsreels № 4241 1975

News, 3 footages, duration: 0:12:54, published: 4/27/2013


France - The story of the construction of a tunnel through the English Channel.

Pakistan - The ancient capital of Mohenzhodaro (5 million years old) in what is now Pakistan.

Macau - The small state on the border with China.

Craft, trade and religion.

Macau gambling houses.

Scene №1

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People with placards in support of the decision to build a tunnel under the English Channel.

Queen Elizabeth II and her husband.

Signing of the agreement between Britain and France on the construction of the tunnel.


Layout of the tunnel.

Platform in the sea.

The ship in port, unloading.

Street ...

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... Street of the city.

Said the old man.

Start of construction of the tunnel.

Fishermen at sea.

Ships at sea.

Opens the gate, riding trucks.

Machines in the harbor.

Construction of the tunnel.


Builders work.

Through the Eternal Frost 1978

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:12, published: 11/14/2012



Coal mine. Tunnel.

Omeljanenko talks with the chief of section, with an engineer.


Workers in the tunnel.

Power shovel loads a breed of car. 2 hours - Omel'yanenko, engineers and geologist in the tunnel.

Laser facility.

Drilling of the walls of the tunnel.

Explosion in a tunnel.

People at the


About the construction of a tunnel through the Stanovoi Range rock mass at the Baikal-Amur Railway directed by N. Omelyanenko, an engineer, former constructor of the Leningrad subway.

Reel №1


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... train - different., PNRM.

Construction work in the tunnel: a passing car, the head of the tunnel unit NK Omelyanenko talking with the workers, the workers at the power shovel, rock is loaded into the machine; Omelyanenko goes to workers, the tunnel wall - different., PNRM.

NK Omelyanenko holds a production ...

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... production meeting with the experts - the heads of the tunnel construction sites - (synchronously), MS., CU.

Reel №2

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... geologists in the tunnel to discuss production problems - (synchronously), MS., PNRM.

Meeting of experts in the office Omelyanenko - (synchronously), CU., MS.

Work in the tunnel: the girl with laser devices compare their place sboyki (meetings units builders) - MS.

Workers drilled a tunnel wall, lay explosives ...

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... teams meet in the tunnel, loading rocks Omelyanenko talking to workers - are different., PNRM.

Sky, clouds, autumn forest - LS., PNRM.

The people at the meeting, the Presidency, working-class - MS., CU.

Work breaks bottle on the first machine out of the tunnel - MS.

Car out of the tunnel - LS.

The road to Wendelstein 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:06:18, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1

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... of the train.


Aypl Station.


Mountain scenery.

View of the village in the valley.

Mountains covered with forest.

The train passes a tunnel with arches.

Mountain views.

A train.


Last tunnel.

The train leaves the tunnel


Tserkovka in Wendelstein and old ...

Train in the Alps 1920-1929

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:03:22, black-white, published: 1/14/2020

Reel №1


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... near the station house.


The train passes under a stone bridge.

Another bridge.

Near the pillar there is a person.

The train enters the tunnel


Italy, railroad, bridge, mountain, tunnel

The construction of the Moscow Metro 1934-1935

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:05:30, published: 9/10/2015

Scene №1 The construction of the Moscow Metro


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... piece of bitumen roofing.

Working resin wall of the tunnel and put on their roofing.

A person working.

Workers put on the wall of the tunnel waterproofing shirt.

Construction of the tunnel walls.

Workers in the tunnel.

View built a tunnel, the tunnel passes a team of builders.

Workers metrostroevtsy at ...


№ 15 The Trial[BAM film chronicle] 1983

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:47:41, published: 11/10/2012


Shpenkove - section chief station of Ust-Nyukzha. 3h. - Tunneled detachment N. Omeljanenko. 4h. - Story about N. Omeljanenko.

Town Syulban.

Builder tunnels VR Tolstoukhov and his family. 5h. - Family Tolstoukhov.

Construction of North tunnel.

Reel №2


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... trees and sawing - LS., MS., PNRM.

Komsomol construction landing settlement Syulban - LS.

Passing trucks - LS.

Winter Siberian landscape - LS., PNRM.

Tunnel, passing trucks (Udokan copper) - MS., LS.

Pit with the mountains of coal - LS., MS.

A former sailor and sinker Leningrad Metro, who lost his legs ...

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... a mine, NK Omelyanenko VP and director Troshkin in coal mines - MS.

Warm Lake, VP Troshkin sailing boat - LS., MS.

NK Omelyanenko (now head of the tunnel unit) among members of the crew, talks about Siberia (synchronously) - LS., MS.

Hot spring - LS.

Reel №3

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NK Omelyanenko tunnellers and others in the tunnel, the tunnel work - different.

Tunnel "Nagorno» - MS.

Rally in honor of the completion of construction work in the tunnel, posters, brass band plays - LS., CU., PNRM.

The first train leaves the tunnel, people wave - LS., MS., Departure.

NK Omelyanenko ...

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... Omelyanenko on the podium - LS., Hitting, CU.

Drifters emerge from the tunnel - CU., PNRM.; Board the bus - MS.

NK Omelyanenko goodbye sinker, departing to Lake Baikal - CU., MS.

Bus leaves - LS.

NK Omelyanenko goes over the bridge, through the village - LS., MS., Departure.

NK Omelyanenko at home, hang a picture ...


Reel №5

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... CU.

Drifter N. Burov singing with a guitar (synchronous) - LS.

Tolstoukhov B. and N. Burov work in the tunnel - MS., PNRM., CU.

Underground works combine "Robins» - CU.

Celebrating sboyki the tunnel tunnellers hug, applaud, among them Vladimir Tolstoukhov - different.

VR Tolstoukhov passes through the ...

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... story with an article about the people of the BAM (synchronous) - CU.

B. Tolstoukhov and others at a meeting of team - different.

Sboyka in Baikal tunnel, VR Tolstoukhov and Brigadier drifters Bordachenko shake hands - CU.

Go tunnellers - MS.

Meeting dedicated crash Ki - LS. (With a / t).

Mountains (helicopter) ...

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