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"Volga river Delta" newsreels and historical clips


Barguzinsky reserve.

Sable on the tree.

Huntsman circumvents his land.

Gnezdovka birds in the Volga River delta in the Astrakhan Nature Reserve.

Banding nestlings.


National Park in the valley of the river Gauja.

Woman gives to drink milk from a bottle of deer with a pacifier.

There is a deer, bison

Reel №1


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... Territory Barguzinsky reserve.

Huntsman circumvents his land.

4. Gnezdovka birds in the Volga River delta in the Astrakhan Nature Reserve.

Banding nestlings.

5. Latvia.

National Park in the valley of the river Gauja.

6. View Poster presented at the International Competition for political poster "For ...


In the Volga Delta 1962

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:38, published: 3/19/2018


The film tells about the life of people and the nature of the Volga Delta.

Reel №1

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Volga landscapes, ships on the Volga.

The ship sails on hydrofoils.

View of the Volga river and the Astrakhan Kremlin.

The Types Of Astrakhan.

View of the waterfront.

Map of the Volga Delta.

Types of banks in the Volga Delta.

Panorama of the vineyard.

Ripe bunches of grapes.

Apples on the branches.

Ripening ...


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... in the Delta of the Volga.

The types of Islands and channels.

Forests and shrubs in the Volga Delta.

Flora of the Volga Delta.

Grey Heron sits on a nest on a tree branch.

A family of grey herons in the nest.

The birds in the Volga Delta.

Owl and other birds of prey that live in the Volga Delta.

A kite ...

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... Birds on the water.

Reeds, river landscapes.

Aquatic vegetation in Kultuk.

Blooming water lilies and lilies.

A river landscape.

The clouds enveloped the sky and cover the sun.

Views of the river before the rain, the sedge is bending under gusts of wind.

Representatives of river fauna hiding from tide - ...

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... - moranas.

A baby wild boar tries to escape.

Cabantac selected on the beach.

River landscapes at sunset.

Clouds cover the sun.

Across the sky flies a flock of birds.

Blossoming Lotus flowers growing in the Volga Delta.

Rivers, when falling into the Caspian sea.

White swans on the water.

Flying a pair ...

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... pair of swans.

Islands populated by pelicans.

Pelicans on the water.

A flock of birds in the sky.

Ship sailing along the Volga.

View of the bow of the ship (above).

Captain and Navigator on Board verify the course with the help of sextan.

The waves behind the vessel.



Sea and river transport

Flora and fauna

Geography and Nature

Sectors of the economy


Geography and Nature

What we do not store 1992

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:38, published: 2/5/2018


The film is about the fish resources of the Volga Delta.

Reel №1

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View of the Volga river, the sky in the clouds.

View the bow of a fishing boat.

View of the Astrakhan Kremlin (above).

View of the Orthodox Cathedral in Astrakhan (at the top).

Street near the Cathedral.

Types of historic cities and historic buildings.

People with fishing rods on the bridge across the ...

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... the Volga.

View of a section of the Volga Delta (top).

A river landscape.

Reeds and trees in the water.


Blooming water lilies.

The catch of sturgeon in the nets, the fishermen recovered the catch from the nets.

The work of the production line for filling cans of caviar.

Banks with black caviar ...


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... Gypsy with a baby.

Bundle of dried fish, cottage type hotel.

Tourists from Austria and Germany, with the rods sit in the boat.

Motor boats are on the Volga ducts.

Foreign tourists fish for bait from boats in the reeds.

Tourist shows caught perch.

A motor boat with the Austrians is on the Bayou.

The return ...


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... the fishermen pouring champagne by the glass.

The face of one of foreign tourists.

Tourists drink champagne.

Evening Volga landscape.

Foreign tourists tell about fishing in the Volga Delta, admires nature, thank you for your hospitality (synchronously in German, voice-over translation).

A tourist on the ...

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... view of one of the hotel rooms.

Foreign tourists dine in the hotel lobby after a successful fishing trip, bottles of liquor.

Volga landscape at sunset.

Passenger ship on the Volga.

View of the embankment of Astrakhan from the vessel.

Lower Povolzhie № 29 Let's create a miracle! 1977

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:42, black-white, published: 2/28/2018

Reel №1


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... boat along one of the channels in the Volga Delta.

Blooming lotuses.

River flora and fauna.

One of the waterfowl that inhabit the reserve.

Lotus flower.

Birds fly over the thickets of Lotus and reeds.

Air and river patrols "nature protection" on the routes.

River police officer at the wheel of the boat ...


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... fish cannery.

The Caspian and the Volga landscapes.

Fishing vessels before going out to fish.

View of one of the channels in the Volga Delta.

Reserve employee at the stern of a motor boat.

Types of channels, waterfowl.

Ornithologists ring the birds and let them go.

River landscape, birds flying over the ...

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... water and reeds.

Cleaning the water area from algae and mud.

Steering controlled by special small boats to clean the water of vegetation.

River landscape in the Volga Delta (panorama), flag behind the stern of the ship.

The Volga River 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:18, published: 9/3/2018

Scene №1 The Volga River

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The documentary film "River of Life" on the Volga.

Steamer sailing on the Volga.

Many river landscapes.


The banks of the Volga.

Temples and other buildings on the city's shores.



The bridge across the Volga.


Rural scenery along the river.

Haystack, a herd of cows.

Water ...

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Russia, the Volga

Lower Povolzhie № 24 1975

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:29, black-white, published: 2/9/2018

Reel №1


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... construction of motor plant buildings.

Summer rural landscapes in the state farm "Pokrovsky" of the Volgograd region.

Reeds bending under the wind in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.

Harvesting reeds with a tractor reaper.

Removal of harvested reeds.

The process of processing reeds into pellets at a local feed ...


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... Representatives of the river fauna-birds and fish in the pond near the thickets of reeds in the Astrakhan State Reserve in the Volga Delta.

River patrol on the route.

Thickets of lotuses above the water.

Lotus flowers.

Water purification from thickets with the help of special units.

River landscapes.

Representatives ...

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... Representatives of the river fauna.

Employees of the reserve extract nets from the water with fish caught for research.

Ornithologists ring the birds.

River scenery, birds flying over the thickets of lotuses and reeds.


Sea and river transport




Childhood and youth

Geography and Nature

Flora and fauna


Sectors of the economy

Society, social activities and community organizations

Social life

Geography and Nature

Film-travel almanac № 51 1970

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:46, published: 8/11/2016


1. "Strength Of Siberia".

2. "The Volga Delta".

3. "Old Khiva".

4. "Rockwell Kent: from the travel notes".

Reel №1


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... Hydroelectric dam.

Power lines and tree branches in the frost.

View of the dam from above.

View from the dam to the reservoir.

2. In the Volga Delta.

Panorama of the Volga Delta.

Flocks of waterfowl fly over the water.

An old tree by the path, a woman passes by.

Memorial plaque in honor of the founders of ...

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... Nature Reserve.

Jaegers go on motorboats.

A tree hanging over the water.

Forest on the shore.

A man in a boat.

Outboard motor.

Thickets on the river bank.

Cormorants fly out of the way of the boats.

Cormorants on a tree, the mother feeds the chicks.

An adult bird catches fish.

A baby bird with ...


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... the nympheic.

A field of white water lilies.

Water lily flower.

Indian lotus flower.

Lotus bushes, flowers swaying in the wind.

Panorama of the delta.

Swans fly over the water.

In the land of Astrakhan 1968

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:39, published: 3/2/2018

Reel №1

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... of the meeting applauded standing.

The order of Lenin on the banner of the Astrakhan region.

Volga landscape.

Sailing passenger ship.

The waves behind the boat.

The captain and helmsman on the bridge.

Volga landscape.

The captain translates the arm of the machine Telegraph, looking through binoculars ...

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... There is a hydrofoil.

Landscapes of the Volga Delta.

Tugboat pulling two small barges with cargo on one of the channels.

River landscapes.

Freight and passenger ships on the Volga-Caspian canal.

Landscape at sunset.

It forms one of the channels in the Volga Delta, river landscapes.

The man on the stern of ...

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... of the motorboat.

Landscapes of the Volga Delta.

Seagulls and swans flying over the water.

River birds take off from the water surface.

Blooming water lotuses.

The Lotus flowers.

Water lilies on the water.

One of the fishermen in Astrakhan Tonya winch choose network on the shore.

Removing the catch from ...

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... of the vessel.

Kind of wooden structures for fish release in the pond for breeding.

The fish in the net.

Landscape of the Volga Delta.

The types of semi-deserts near the Volga Delta.

The sand enters the vegetation.

Excavation work on the construction of an irrigation canal.

The construction of water.

Pouring ...


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Sheep are run to the watering hole.

Sheep drinking trough.

The train is on the road Astrakhan-Gur'ev.

The trucks on the platforms.

Landscapes of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.

Panorama of a running sprinkler.

Ripening on the branches of apples.

Hanging bunches of grapes.

The harvest of the grapes.

Laying ...





Sea and river transport


Flora and fauna


Sectors of the economy


Geography and Nature

Society, social activities and community organizations

Social life

Reel №2

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... The types of the Astrakhan Kremlin.

Chipped steps of the ancient stairs leading to the Volga.

People on the street of Astrakhan.

Types of the Astrakhan Kremlin and the Orthodox cathedrals.

Panorama of Astrakhan river port.

Hydrofoils depart from the Marina.

People walk along the promenade.

Passengers coming ...


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... of a new vessel at the Astrakhan shipyard.

Welders at work.

View of the ship under construction.

Launched self-propelled barge.

Training in rowing.

River College students aboard the ship for practice.

The cadets are scrubbing the deck.

Cadets on the deck listening to the teacher explain.

Those cadets ...

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... cadets.

Cranes in Astrakhan cargo port, handling of cargo in the holds of ships.

Passenger boat passing by barge with trucks.

Buoy on the water, Volga landscape.

Breaker astern of the vessel.



Museums and exhibitions

Social life



Sea and river transport

Culture and Arts

Sectors of the economy



protest rallies.

Interview with GA Tereshkova - Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR on the eve of the 19 th Party Conference.

Astrakhan Reserve: landscapes delta. Volga, cormorants and pelicans.

Production processes at the Astrakhan gas processing complexes.

Reel №1

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... Interview with GA Tereshkova - Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR - the eve of the 19 th Party Conference.

3. Astrakhan Biosphere Reserve: landscapes delta. Volga, cormorants and pelicans.

Manufacturing processes at the Astrakhan gas processing complex.

Island named Chaika 1966

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:24, black-white, published: 2/5/2018


The film tells about the everyday life of fish inspectors on the island of Monkey in the Volga Delta.

Reel №1

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Gulls fly over the water in the Volga Delta.

A ship sails by.

View of the coastal locality.

The vessel of fish inspectors passes by a thicket of reeds in one of the branches of the Volga.

River landscape.

Types of Monkey island.

Fishing nets are being dried.

The reeds bend in the wind.

Tree branches ...


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... Men go to the boat.

Fishing Patrol on the route.

Chief inspector N. V. Gladchenko on Board a boat while patrolling a section of the river, oncoming vessels on the Volga.

Patrol sails along one of the channels, types of channels.

The patrol approaches the boat in the reeds, the man in the boat greets ...

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... from the stern of the boat.

Extraction of the net with the catch using a winch.

The inspector talks with fishermen from the fishing collective farm.

River landscape.

Tired inspector at the side of the boat.

A man and a woman are sailing in a motor boat loaded with hay.

A fish protection boat is sailing ...


Reel №2

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... poachers in the duty log.

Inspectors watch the news on TV, the faces of the inspectors.

Members of the patrol are sent to the night detour sections of the river.

The fish protection boat goes along the night channel.

Inspectors inspect the area with an electric torch.

Search and detain another poacher.

The poacher ...

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... the net found with the catch.

Form of the Protocol of detention and inspection.

The patrol continues to inspect the river, highlighting the path with a flare.

Views of the night river, a panorama of reeds.

Patrol in a night ambush.

Footprints on the beach sand.

A poachers ' boat found in the reeds, with ...

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... it.

The inspector retrieves the net thrown by the poacher from the water.

The inspector takes the fish out of the net and releases it back into the river.

Detection and extraction of poaching nets from the water.

Hook tackle prohibited for fishing.

The inspector removes the fish caught on a hook tackle ...

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... the boat.

A fish with its belly ripped open in the water near the shore.

The beginning of a storm on the Volga, the inspectors ' faces, wet from the rain.

View of the Volga in the rain.

Night Volga landscape.

House of the fish protection post on the island of Monkey.

Inspectors move fishing nets and gear ...


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