You found 9 newsreels for query "Zaryadye"

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"Zaryadye" newsreels and historical clips

Temples of Moscow 2003-2006

Footage, 6 footages, duration: 0:48:47, published: 12/13/2017

Scene №4 Temple complex near the hotel "Russia" near the Red Square

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District Zaryadye.

Temples near the hotel "Russia".

Hotel "Russia" (facade of the building).


Basil's Cathedral.

Stone staircase of the temple (panorama through the green branches of trees).

English courtyard.

Parked cars.


How Much is Cinematography Nowadays? 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:14, published: 11/10/2012


It is about the VIII Cinema Market that took place in the city of Moscow in the Cinema “Zaryadye”, about the present cinematograph state.

Reel №1

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... Movie Market taken place in Cinema “Zaryadye”: people are talking, writing, working on their computers.

A computer screen .

An advertising poster of a thriller.


Ann's Conception Temple.

A panorama of the Hotel “Rossiya” [“Russia”].

A panorama of the Cinema “Zaryadye”: the “Red Hall” entrance; the “Blue ...


The materials for the newsreel "Russian Chronicler" 1997 № 8 "Moscow-850" 1997

Footage, 8 footages, duration: 0:26:26, published: 3/6/2020

Scene №4


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... monument to Yuri Dolgoruky.

A rally in honor of the opening of a memorial plaque at the start of the construction of the administrative building in Zaryadye.

Exhibition of Souvenirs and gifts for the anniversary.

Motorcade on the streets of Moscow.

In the vicinity of the Moscow Kremlin 1985-1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:36, published: 12/16/2017

Scene №1 In the vicinity of the Moscow Kremlin


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... (from above).

Types of parts of the Moscow River, embankments and high-rise buildings.

Types of the building of the hotel "Russia" from the side of Zaryadye, past the road is moving vehicles.

A panorama of the Moscow Kremlin and the Rossiya Hotel from the Moscow River, along the river there are pleasure ...


Film-travel almanac № 15 1966

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:22, published: 8/11/2016

Reel №2

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... of the Bolshoi Theater.

Traffic, shooting from the back of the car.


The hotel.

Construction site in the city center.

Romanov Chambers in Zaryadye.

Weather vane.

Battle canvas.

Views of the house from different angles.

Bersenevskaya embankment.

Averky Kirillov's chambers.

A painting depicting ...


Stars of Russia № 5 Leaders. 1997

Newsreel, 4 parts, duration: 0:37:14, black-white, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №2


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... Kayurova in the role of Lenin, photos of Kayurov in Lenin's makeup during filming.

Interview with K. Lavrov (synchronously and behind the scenes).

Zaryadye, Pervomaisky, and Mir cinemas in Moscow.

Lavrov goes to the podium.

The audience in the hall applauds.

Photo of Lavrov among the members of the film ...


Russian Cinema 1987

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:17, published: 1/6/2015

Reel №1


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... evening plan - the streets of the city, a luminous sign "October".

The sign on the house is the Cascade cinema.

The building of the Kaskad cinema.

Zaryadye Cinema in Moscow.

The building of the cinema "Cosmos" in Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg).

The Central Cinema in Kaluga.

Panorama inside a modern cinema ...


Under state protection (from "History of Moscow") 1983

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:29:00, published: 3/18/2014

Reel №1 Under state protection (from "History of Moscow")


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... preserved parts of the Kitaygorodskaya wall, a loophole in the wall.

View of the battlements of the defensive tower.

View of the historical part of Zaryadye.

Savin, standing on Razin Street, opens a book on the history of Moscow.

Engravings and drawings of foreign merchants and diplomats depicting the ...


Orthodox encyclopedia (№ 22 ) 02.06.2012 2012

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:25:50, published: 12/7/2017

Reel №1


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... Boris Godunov.

Alexey Uminsky tells against the background of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

The falling bell tower of St.

Basil's Cathedral.

In Zaryadye, the bell tower of the church of Maxim the Blessed leaned on Varvarka.

The bell tower of the Church of All Saints on Kulishki is tilted in the same ...


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