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"arc" newsreels and historical clips

Electric welding arc 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:49, published: 11/10/2015


film was created by order of Soyuzvuzfilm of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education to study the nature of the electric welding arc.

Reel №1

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... frames with welding works.

An electric arc is characterized by a dazzling bright light comparable to the brightness of the sun, temperatures of thousands of degrees, a high current density at a relatively low voltage.

To consider the basic properties of the arc, we use a carbon rod as the cathode, and ...

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... are disconnected, there will be no current in the circuit, because air is normally a dielectric.

When the electrodes come into contact, a flash and an arc occurs.

The ammeter records the electric current.

A cartoon explaining this phenomenon.

The amount of energy required for the excitation of atoms, their ...

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... have the lowest values, and neutral gases and fluorine have the highest values.

Three types of welding arcs.

Arcs of direct action.

If a refractory electrode, tungsten or graphite, is used, this is an arc with a non-melting electrode.

In this case, additive materials are used.

Currently, melting electrodes ...

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In indirect arcs, the product is not included in the electrical network.

In most cases, the electrodes of such arcs are refractory

rods made of tungsten or graphite.

A combined arc, then two electrodes and a product such as a three-phase arc are included in the circuit.

Any of the arcs can burn on both ...

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To isolate the arc from the harmful effects of air, it is placed in a gas environment.

Cartoon explaining welding in inert gases and active gases.

The arc can be free or compressed.

Operation of the plasmatron.

A cartoon explaining the operation of the plasmatron.

The compressed arc, having a higher ...

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An example of a closed arc is an arc burning under a flux.

An arc is considered stable if the arc parameters do not change from time to time.

Changes in the current strength, atmospheric composition, and the distance between the electrodes are characteristic of unstable arcs.


Welding arc.

Types of arcs.

Reel №2

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The electric arc is heterogeneous in its length.

A bright spot at the cathode and the same near the anode.

They are called cathode and anode active spots.

A cartoon explaining the nature of these spots.

The formula of the total voltage drop in the arc.

The resistance of a gas or steam depends on the ...

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... the arc discharge, the material of the electrodes and the composition of the medium in which the arc burns.

Therefore, the voltage characteristic of the arc is not linear.

At low current values, its increase causes a sharp drop in voltage.

The intersection of the voltage characteristic of the arc with ...

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... the point of stable arc gorenje at a given length.

As the arc length changes, the position of the working point will change.

At the same time, a significant voltage fluctuation will not cause a significant change in the welding current.

With a further increase in the current, the arc characteristic becomes ...

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... becomes increasing.

This is a section of arcs burning in the environment of active gases and under the flux.

The main process of electric arc welding is the melting of electrodes, the formation of a welding bath and the formation of a weld.

A cartoon explaining the consumption of thermal welding power ...

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... effective thermal power of the arc.

Table of effective efficiency values for various types of welding.

An electric arc is a flexible conductor.

Like any conductor, the arc is sensitive to the action of magnetic fields.

A cartoon explaining the effect of its own magnetic field on the arc.

The phenomenon of magnetic ...

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... magnetic blowing.

The arc deflection can be adjusted by tilting the electrode and moving the supply current through the product.

Changing the magnetic blast can also be used in indirect arc welding.

The arc deflection is affected by the presence of ferromagnetic masses in the immediate vicinity.

Cartoon ...

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... Cartoon explaining the effect of ferromagnetic mass on the arc.

Magnetic blast should be taken into account when welding, as it affects the formation and quality of the weld.

In an alternating current arc, all the phenomena of magnetic blowing are significantly weakened.

Cartoon explaining the effect of an ...

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... an extraneous transverse magnetic field on the welding arc.

Cartoon explaining the effect of an extraneous longitudinal magnetic field on the welding arc.

Alternating frames with welding work.


Arc properties.

Effective efficiency.

Method Slavyanov 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:52, published: 3/24/2023


The film is devoted to the 100th anniversary of inventing electric arc welding by the prominent scientist N. Slavyanov.

Reel №1

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arc welding

Furnaces of the USSR. 1986

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:07:19, published: 3/2/2017


Promotional film about design features rudovosstanovitelnyh and electric arc furnaces.

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Production of electric-welded pipes 1975

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:54, published: 8/31/2016


The film covers the prevalent methods of making arc welded straight-seamed pipes.

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Foreign newsreels № 457 1960

News, 5 footages, duration: 0:05:51, published: 8/28/2013

Scene №2

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Car traffic on the Champs-Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe.

Composer Aram Khachaturian at the Arc de Triomphe.

The theater building.

Speech Symphony Orchestra and violinist L. Kogan.

Conducted by Aram Khachaturian.

The scene of the opera.

The first trolleybus 1933

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:03, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 The first trolleybus

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People sit in the trolley.

The conductor of a trolley bus.

Trolleybus on Kutuzov Avenue, in the background - Arc de Triomphe.

The people on the street.

Passengers in the cabin trolley.

Arc trolleybus.

The driver, conductor.

Trolleybus rides on the Leningrad highway.

Foreign newsreels № 1234 1966

News, 7 parts, duration: 0:08:48, published: 6/7/2013

Reel №5 Victory Day in Paris

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... President Charles de Gaulle at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Victory Day.

The Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

The crowd gathered at the Victory Day celebrations on the Champs Elysees.

Guest forum.

Flying over the Arc de Triomphe.

Military parade., Passing military equipment.

De Gaulle shakes hands with ...

Foreign newsreels № 1125 1965

News, 5 footages, duration: 0:10:24, published: 4/25/2017



Yu.A.Gagarin in the international air show in France.

Events in Vietnam.

"At the Crossroads of History" (historical overview story about the Arc de Triomphe in Paris).

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Hello, Capital! 1977

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:13, published: 11/14/2012


Streets and buildings of old Moscow.


Red Square.

Novodevichy Monastery.

Arc de Triomphe.

Museum building Borodino Panorama.

Hotel "Ukraine" and "Russia".

Sports Arena stadium "Dinamo" and "Luzhniki".

The building of the Moscow City Council.

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Foreign news footages № 37 1988

News, 25 parts, duration: 0:41:29, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №19 Preparation of the Arc de Triomphe to repair (France).

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Preparation of the Arc de Triomphe to repair (France).

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