You found 159 newsreels for query "balancing"

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"balancing" newsreels and historical clips

Balancing flexible rotors 1985

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:49, published: 3/29/2023

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Static balancing of mechanisms 1986

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:45, published: 3/29/2023

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Using attractant traps for plant protection. 1985

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:56, published: 2/22/2014

Reel №1 Using attractant traps for plant protection.

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... gloves.

Spraying plants to protect against pests.

Apples are sprayed with pesticides.

Harmful substances accumulate in the fruits.

The ecological balance in the garden is disturbed.

Harmful and useful insects are dying.

Samples of chemicals for processing plants.

Apple fruit moth.

Bunch leaflet.

The ...



Plant pests.

Ecological balance.

Pheromone traps.

Cars (2 section) 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:51, published: 8/20/2014

Reel №2


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... Idle speed adjustment.

The car stopped at the diagnostic point.


Convergence and balancing of wheels.

Wheel camber adjustment.

Adjustment of wheel convergence.

Balancing sequence.

Instrument readings.

The driver is driving.

Safety in the installation and balancing the railway track 1975

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:09, published: 10/16/2017

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First born 1987

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:53, published: 8/20/2014


The film shows the structure of special organs of different animals that react to the changes of the body balance.

Reel №1


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... Jellyfish.

Close-up: cilia on the edge of the medusa dome.


The sea angel.

The balance organ of the Sea Angel.

The organ of balance in the tail section of the body of the mysid crustacean.

The balance organ of the river crayfish at the base of the whiskers.

The principle of operation of the ...

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... the equilibrium organs (animation).

Fish at the bottom of the sea.

The structure of the balance organs in vertebrates (animation).


The organ of human balance.

A woman rolls a baby carriage.

A small child takes the first steps, holding on to the stroller.

The sled is rolling down the chute.

Ski slalom ...

Once ... 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:50, published: 9/26/2015


On the harmonious balance and movement of nature.

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Choir 1998

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:45:21, published: 8/26/2015

Reel №5


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... ordinary and special schools.

Boy balancing on a log.

Boy with bottles.

Boy in the auditorium.

Special school pupil with a microphone.

Boy on a balance beam.

Woman with child in her arms.

Girl with headphones at a desk.

A boy in a wheelchair.

A girl stands on the balance beam.

Chorus, students face.

Animation: ...

Nutrition and health. 1984

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:39, published: 6/15/2014


The film tells about the correct rational balanced diet.

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LMZ. 1984

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:52, published: 4/10/2023

Reel №2

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Drawing of one of the turbines.

Designers are discussing new turbines.

Balancing the rotor in a special chamber.

Kostroma thermal power plant.

The central control panel of the station.

Soviet and Brazilian engineers discuss the project of the Sobradinho hydroelectric power plant in Brazil.

Thermal power ...

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