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"books" newsreels and historical clips


Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:18, published: 6/23/2014

Reel №2


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... the fog on the river.

Peter tells us.

Peter is dismantling an old house.

Peter makes boards for construction.

Peter is sorting out his books.

Peter talks about his books.





Book fair 1997

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:26, published: 7/14/2015

Scene №1 Book fair

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Tverskoy Boulevard Mall.

Readers interested in new books, lying on the shelves.

Police patrol passes by.


Tverskoy Boulevard


Peak hour 07/08/1997 1997

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:24:19, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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Uspensky E.N. - writer, screenwriter, author of children's books and programs, TV presenter.

To Live in the North 1979

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:53, black-white, published: 11/14/2012


Session postraykoma: discusses the representation of housing to employees.

The construction of the house.


2 pm - Library stroyotryada: books, visitors.

Celebrating New Year: youth dances.

Reel №2

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Bookshelves with books.

Nina Kanapelkina speaks.

Construction of new houses in the village.

Nina Kanapelkina speaks.

Panorama of the hostel under construction.

Nina Kanapelkina speaks.

Panorama of the bookshelves in the local library.

Visitors in the library choose books.

Librarian Kanapelkina communicates ...



Library, books, construction, village

...The written remains (Sketches on paper) 1970

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:16:32, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №1


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... samples of paper products.

Printing shop - machines are working.

Kalininsky Prospekt, book houses.

Large - book.

Newspapers are printed in the printing house.

Printing shop, machine tools, equipment, conveyor.

Printing books.

Large - large roll of paper in the workshop.

Envelopes, paper in drawers.

Envelopes ...


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... hair, read books.

A man on the bus is reading a book.

Large - a girl in class, writing in a notebook.

School class - children at their desks, writing in notebooks.

The reading room of the library, people work with books at the tables.

People in the park, on the lawn, on benches reading books.

Photos - ...

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... stones.

Photos - stone books, clay tablets, printing.

Large - in the hands of a wooden stick with text.

Frames with different samples of letters and texts - on stone, metal, bamboo sheets, etc.

Large - the hand writes with a stick on a wax tablet.

Large - hands open an old birch bark book with an Old Slavonic ...

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... Slavonic text.

A large-antique scroll, a book with hieroglyphs.

A wrapper from a pack of typographic paper.

Stone statue of the Sphinx.

Pictures of Ancient Egypt, an Egyptian who makes papyrus.

Large - text on papyrus.

The drawing is a repository of papyri in the Library of Alexandria.

Drawing - the city ...

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... flock of sheep with a shepherd.

Chronicle of the 1930s - processing of sheep skins.

An old book with a hole in the page.

A big old book with locks.

The large inscription on the cover is "Virgilius".

Pages of old books.


Book, printing house, kulman, paper, papyrus

Reel №2

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... from cotton, in Spain - paper from rags.

An old library.

Books chained up.

Vintage books on shelves and stands.

Large - in the hand of a miniature book.

Large cover - "Russian newspapers 1704".

Page of the first Russian newspaper.

There are old books on the table.

Trees are being felled in the forest.

Trees ...


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... Inquisition burns books.

Large - paper burns in the fire.

Chronicle of the 1930s and 1940s - a swastika of people, a torchlight procession, a burning cross, people throwing books into the bonfire.

Large - fire, burning paper.

A burnt old book.

Hands with a magnifying glass, a page of a damaged book.

Large - the ...

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... the face of an expert restorer.

Restorers in the process of restoring books.

Customers in a bookstore.

Portraits of A. S. Pushkin, M. I. Glinka, K. S. Stanislavsky, L. N. Tolstoy.

Photo of V. I. Lenin.

Library storage.


Paper, book, library

Book Shop 2004

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:35, published: 1/22/2018

Scene №1 Book Shop

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Bookshop in Moscow.

Book thematic departments of the store.

Visitors scan the contents of shelves; read books, choose different printed products.

The man turns the pages of the book (large).

Interrogation of passers-by on the street (winter) and visitors to the store: what are they reading?

The seller ...

Auction books 1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:51, published: 9/3/2018

Scene №1 Auction books

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... "Action", the auction of books.

An employee of an auction shows the book collector.

Peter Druzhinin, expert, organizer of the auction, the main purchaser - the state (synchronous).

Antique books on the shelves, dishes.

Almanac "October in the cube" in 1920, roughly.

Manuscript book of poems Vladislav Khodasevich ...

Orthodox encyclopedia (№ 6 ) 11.02.2012 2012

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:25:53, published: 12/7/2017

Reel №1

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Introductory speech by Priest Alexei Uminsky.

An old church book.

Photo of Archpriest Alexander Gorsky, rector of the Theological Academy, former librarian of the Moscow Synodal Library.

An old photograph of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Spiritual Academy.

The classroom of the Theological Academy.

The building ...


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... with an inscription.

Portrait of Vladyka Michael.

Prayer book in Czech with notes.

A scientific study of the Gospel of Matthew.

A bilingual Slavic-Russian Gospel, personally inscribed by Vladyka Michael.

The ex-libris of Vladyka Michael.

The book "Faith, Hope, Love" published in 1862.

The grave of Archbishop ...

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... Archbishop Michael.

Continuation of the conversation of Priest Alexei Uminsky with Archpriest Boris Danilenko, director of the Synodal Library.

Storage of books.

Reading room.

Collection of pre-revolutionary magazines on microfiche.

A microfiche reader.

Moskvityanin magazine from this collection, 19th century ...

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... transferred to the Synodal Library.

Photo of the famous Slavist Nikita Ilyich Tolstoy.

The library hall named after him, which contains about 5,000 books.

Portrait of Metropolitan Anthony (Melnikov).

There are 7000 volumes in the hall named after him.

Portrait of Archbishop Michael (Chuba).

A unique edition ...

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... Candle stand.

Says Lev Igoshev, an employee of the Synodal Library.

Patriarch Kirill arrives at the service.

Parishioners in the church.

Shelves with books.

Continuation of the conversation of Priest Alexei Uminsky with Archpriest Boris Danilenko, director of the Synodal Library.


Andrew's Monastery ...



old books.


great library collectors.

Around the USSR № 97 1972

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:37, published: 3/25/2014


The film is dedicated to the International Year of the Book, held in 1972 under the auspices of UNESCO.

Reel №1

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... transport reading books.

City streets, a bookstore window.

Kalininsky Prospekt (Novy Arbat) - The House of the Book.

People at the tables of an outdoor cafe.

Kalininsky Prospekt.

Moscow, embankment.

Gorky Street (Tverskaya).

Various posters dedicated to the International Year of the Book.

UNESCO International ...


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... meeting with readers.

Large - books on the table.

The artist Dementiy Shmarinov makes sketches in nature.

Shmarinov works in a workshop.

Various illustrations of the artist to the works of classical literature.

Large - books on the table.

Printing machines are working.

Printing books.

The production process ...

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... printing house.

Port of Murmansk.

Boxes of books are loaded on board the ship.

A ship is sailing.

A sailor in the cabin is reading a book.

Helicopter in the sky.

Far Eastern Taiga.

The helicopter is on the ground, the cargo for the geologists has arrived.

Boxes of books.

The village of geologists.

Luminitsa ...

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... store, choosing books.

Shelves with books.

Book exhibition in Moscow.

Different books at the exhibition.

Chingiz Aitmatov and Andrey Voznesensky at the exhibition.

The sign "Books" on the house.

Well, they sell books on the street.

People on the streets of the city are walking with books.

The halls of ...

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... of the bookstore, people choose, buy books.


Books, library, UNESCO, printing house, exhibition

Ancient book 2003

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:03:02, published: 12/13/2017

Scene №1 Ancient book

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Ancient parchment book edition of the 16th century.

Scene №2 Pages of the ancient book

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