You found 141 newsreels for query "butterfly"

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"butterfly" newsreels and historical clips

Exhibition of butterflies. 2004

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:05, published: 3/24/2018

Scene №1 Exhibition of butterflies.

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Exhibition of butterflies.

Natural installations and compositions with insects.

Collection of butterflies.

Interview with the author of the exhibition - the priest of Father Sergiy (Kashirnik).

Small wonders of big nature № 12 1974

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:14:02, published: 10/3/2013


Wanderers" - a story about seals from the island of Seals.

2. "Metamorphosis" - a story about dragonflies.

3. "African Parisian" - a story about butterflies.

Series №1 Small wonders of nature big number 12


... larva into a dragonfly.

A dragonfly on a leaf.

A dragonfly flies over a pond.

3. Butterfly burdock on a clover flower.

Paris from the height of Notre Dame Cathedral.

Cartoon butterfly is going on a journey.

A butterfly under an umbrella flies through a blizzard (animation).

Egyptian pyramids (photo) ...

... (photo).



Eggs and caterpillars of burdock (photo).

A butterfly pupa on a branch.

The transformation of a pupa into a butterfly.

Butterfly route on the map (animation).


Using attractant traps for plant protection. 1985

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:56, published: 2/22/2014

Reel №1 Using attractant traps for plant protection.


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... the lagging bark of the vine in the pupal stage.

When the leaves bloom, butterflies appear.

At the beginning of the flowering of the vine, the butterflies mate and lay eggs.

Pupates in spring.

By the end of flowering, a butterfly appears.

And again the process repeats: mating, laying eggs.

After 10 days ...

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... should be carried out immediately.

This is the most vulnerable stage of all pests.

You can find out how many larvae there will be by the butterflies.

The butterfly lures males with a specific smell - a pheromone.

This is the basis for the action of pheromone traps.

The trap is in the frame.

Scientists ...

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... crown, on the western side and so that the trap is protected from direct sunlight.

Butterflies fly near glue traps.

Butterflies are recorded at least once a week throughout the season.

View of a trap with stuck butterflies.

Traps where the adhesive surface is contaminated are replaced.

The results of each ...

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... site.

According to the number of butterflies caught, a decision is made on the processing of the site.

In the vineyards, traps are hung out when three leaves appear on the vine.

Before the start of the mass summer, traps are inspected daily.

If less than 100 butterflies are trapped overnight, they are ...


The law of love 1910-1919

Footage, 7 parts, duration: 1:00:31, black-white, published: 10/31/2016

Reel №3

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Locust puts the seed in the hot sand.

The worm lays eggs in moist warm place.

Snail lays eggs in the hole.


From the egg emerges a caterpillar.

From butterfly chrysalis appears.

Bees and wasps transformations occur in the cells

Through the Looking Glass. 1995

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:51, published: 9/23/2015

Reel №1

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the special effects, the tuxedo, the butterfly

Biogeocoenosis 1987

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:24:29, published: 3/17/2017

Reel №2

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... Large:snail, butterfly on the bark of a tree, caterpillar.

An anthill.

Ants are dragging a caterpillar.

A butterfly on a flower.

I've already grabbed a frog.

The eagle eats the snake.

A hunter from a helicopter shoots at a wolf.

Boxwood, entwined with ivy.

A red tick on the leg of a beetle.

A butterfly got caught ...

Foreign news footages № 17 1988

News, 26 parts, duration: 0:40:59, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №15 Exhibition of butterflies on a rooftop in Paris.

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Exhibition of butterflies on a rooftop in Paris.

And flapping wing obedient ... 1988

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:26, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №1


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... Large - a butterfly on a flower.

Lake, shores, trees.

Grass, flowers, butterflies, bees, dragonflies fly.

Pictures with flora and fauna of prehistoric times.

The fossilized remains of a prehistoric insect, the imprint of a wing is clearly visible on the stone.

Collection of different butterflies.

The flapping ...

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... flapping wings of a butterfly, a cricket in slow motion.

The insect wing is shown in detail.

Tweezers touch the wing.

Slow motion pictures of the flight of different insects.

Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals in Moscow.

An employee of the Institute observes a magnified and scanned ...


Reel №2

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... paddle is rowing in the water.

Lake, rowboats are sailing.

A butterfly in slow motion.

Leningrad University, Department of Entomology - an employee studies the flight of a butterfly.

The flight is examined in a laser beam.

The image of a butterfly, you can see how the wings form a vortex trail.

The face ...

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... face of an employee of the Institute.

The image of a butterfly, you can see how the wings form a vortex trail.

An employee of the Institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences A. K. Brodsky, next to a poster depicting the movement of insect wings, eddy currents of air, tells how research is carried out, observations ...

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... beam - traces of the movement of butterfly wings are visible.

Diagram of the vortex trace from the movement of butterfly wings.

Slow motion in a laser beam - traces of the movement of butterfly wings are visible.

Different slow-motion shots of the flight of butterflies.

Says Candidate of Biological Sciences ...

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... Sciences Bocharova-Messner O. M. Large - butterfly on a flower.

Field, grass, flowers, insects.

A hang glider takes off from the mountain.

Hang glider in the sky.

Bird's-eye view of the earth - river, forest, etc.

The hang glider hovers over the plain.

Panorama of the river, forest, rocks.


Insects, wings, butterfly, hang glider

Foreign newsreels № 2415 1970

News, 1 part, published: 6/8/2014

Scene №7

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Germany - Premiere of the film "Butterflies do not cry" in Frankfurt.

Want to know everything № 106 1975

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:21, published: 2/14/2014


1. "Electricity from the fire." What secrets are revealed by scientists-bionics, how the wings of a butterfly and a grasshopper move during a flight.

4. "Windsurfing".

About a new original kind of water sports.

Reel №1


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... ground and take root.

Kalanchoe babies are growing up.

3. Grasshopper on a blade of grass.

Butterfly on a leaf.

Butterfly in flight (combined shooting).

The butterfly's wing seems to draw an eight.

Flight of the butterfly.

Flight of the grasshopper.

4. Vmndsurfengisty prepare the Board for launching.

The girl ...


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