You found 864 newsreels for query "clearing"

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"clearing" newsreels and historical clips

Clear Lake 1990

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:01, published: 6/2/2021

Scene №1 Clear Lake

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Clear sky 2003

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:42, published: 3/1/2021

Reel №1


Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... bodies.

Panorama of snegosvalki, winter landscape.

Meltwater flows.

Spring landscapes, high water.

Small melted ice floats by.

View of a flooded forest clearing (from above).

View of a part of the Volga.

Competitions in the swimming pool.

Swimmers on the water paths.

View of a part of the city block (from ...


The Clear Change. 1994

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:09, published: 11/10/2012

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Cleaning the casting. 1984

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:54, published: 2/22/2017

Reel №1

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The conveyor.


Festival "rook field" 2014-2015

Footage, 23 footages, duration: 0:10:26, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №17

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Spectators in the clearing.

Festival of the military-historical reconstruction "Rusborg" 2014-2015

Footage, 24 footages, duration: 0:11:15, published: 2/5/2016

Scene №19

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The Vikings in the clearing.

A. Smetona hunting 1938-1939

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:25, published: 6/27/2016

Scene №1 A. Smetona hunting

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... the winter forest, deep into the forest leaving the hunter.

The hare runs across the clearing.

Hunter bears killed a hare.

One of the hunters holding in his hand a dead fox on the hunt.

Roe runs across the forest clearing.

Hunter bears killed hares.

The dead hare lying at the feet of the hunters.

hunting ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... guns in the woods.

Resting on a stump hunter.

Fleeing into the forest hare hunt, participants are prepared to shoot.

Hare and rush through the forest clearing.

British Paramount News № 21136 1940

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:14:12, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The train stopped and filled up with mud selyu descended on London road - Nottingham.

Clearing the train


Recycling garbage.

Special bins on the streets of the paper.

For food waste.

Processing factory.

Vats, metal, bone, bottles, etc.

Waste sorting on conveyor and processing.

plywood ...

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... the transport of things.

Lost and found


Snowfalls in the countryside.

Station, clearing paths

Teachings of infantry.

Oplyvshy tunnel on the route London-Nottingham blocked the train.


Fight for garbage sorting.

Special bins on the street for paper and food waste.

Waste sorting ...


A Report From the Gulf of Suez 1974

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:08:46, black-white, published: 9/5/2014


General view of the Gulf of Suez.

Sea port of Hurghada.

Soviet sailors on the streets of Hurghada.

The work of Soviet sailors on clearing the Suez Gulf.

Soviet trawlers in the Gulf.

Survey of the Gulf of Suez from the top - from helicopters.



A film tells about how Soviet sailors who have cleared the Gulf of Suez waters from mines in short terms.

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Growing forest planting material for industrial technology. 1988

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:00, published: 3/29/2023

Reel №1

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Bison in a forest clearing.

Close-up: wedding rings on the car.

A young man carries his wife out of the car in his arms.

A clearing with the stumps of felled trees.

Tractors standing under a canopy.

Plowing and harrowing of the field.

Application of peat and organic fertilizers.

Formation of ...


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