You found 145 newsreels for query "closeup"

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"closeup" newsreels and historical clips

Lebedev closeup 1977

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:37, black-white, published: 4/6/2023

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Recruit volunteers in division "Great Germany" 1939-1945

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:10, published: 3/20/2014

Scene №1 Recruit volunteers in division "Great Germany"

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... volunteers.

Bud volunteers.

German officers closeup.

Volunteers marching down the street.


Volunteers in the square, bird's-eye view.

German officer system bypasses volunteers.

German officer closeup.

Volunteers closeup.

Ribbon of division "Great Germany" closeup.

Romanian refugees from Bessarabia 1940

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:48, published: 1/30/2014

Scene №1 Romanian refugees from Bessarabia

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Sea horizon.

Refugees on the ship.

Refugees closeup.

Refugees with things walking down the street.

Refugees closeup.

Car with the word "refugee" in the Romanian language.

Two girls about the car.

Refugees in an open carriage.

Refugees closeup.

Refugees in an open carriage.

Esther Shub - closeup. 1972

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:04, published: 6/16/2016

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Religious holiday in Lviv 1941-1944

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:27, published: 3/20/2014

Scene №1 Religious holiday in Lviv

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Procession with banners out of the church.

Priests closeup.

Procession with banners coming down the street.

A crowd of parishioners, bird's-eye view.

Priests closeup.

Parishioner with a candle.

A priest puts a cross in the water.

Crucifixion closeup.

Priests led the procession.

A priest sprinkles holy ...

Prison camp area 1980-1989

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:10:56, published: 1/22/2014

Scene №1 Prison camp area

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... background of mountains

Barbed wire closeup.


Prison building.

Grounds area close up.

Stone wall close-up.

Grate closeup.

Cemetery of prisoners.

Rusty signs on poles.

General view of the destroyed prison buildings.

Mountains aerial view.

Field, small eating closeup.

Mountains aerial view.

Fragment of German military band concert 1939-1945

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:17, published: 1/30/2014

Scene №1 Fragment of German military band concert

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Musician beat the tambourine.

Conductor and orchestra on the background of the Nazi flag.


Conductor and orchestra.

Legs of the listeners closeup.

Listeners closeup.


Applause of listeners.

Participants of the SS division "Galizien" 1943

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:57, published: 3/20/2014

Scene №1 Participants of the SS division "Galizien"

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... of division closeup.

Participants of the meeting, the general plan.

One of the protesters in Hutsul clothing closeup

People with symbols of "Galizien" marching down the street.

German military.

Participants of the meeting are on the street.

Participants in a meeting Hutsul clothing closeup.

Participants ...

POW camp near Minsk 1941-1944

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:38, published: 4/15/2014

Scene №1 POW camp near Minsk

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

... prisoners" in German.

Prisoners for fencing.

German soldiers walking between the rows of prisoners.

Prisoners face closeup.

German soldiers searched the prisoners.

Prisoners face closeup.

The crowd of prisoners.

Prisoners going through the town.

Russian volunteers of Wehrmacht ("Hiwii") take an oath 1941-1945

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:33, published: 3/20/2014

Scene №1 Russian volunteers of Wehrmacht ("Hiwii") take an oath

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

German general steps down the line of volunteers.

Volunteers face closeup.

German General appeals for volunteers.

Bud volunteers.

Volunteers face closeup.

Volunteers give the document.

German general and Orthodox priest.

Volunteer kisses the cross, the priest blesses the volunteer.

Bud volunteers.

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