You found 46 newsreels for query "cobblestone"

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"cobblestone" newsreels and historical clips

Kaliningrad 2010

Footage, 22 footages, duration: 1:16:22, published: 12/5/2018

Scene №12 Brandenburg gate

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Brandenburg gate in the historic centre of the city.

Cars passing on cobblestone road through the arches of the structure.

Victory Parade 1945

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:01:10, published: 12/18/2014

Scene №1 Victory Parade

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... and officers from the banners are in the parade.

Rows of soldiers.

The first rank Battalion captured banners.

Personal standard of Hitler on the cobblestones of Red Square.

Kremlin Clock shows the time - 9 h. 53 min.

Rome (Italy) 2005

Footage, 86 footages, duration: 3:49:46, published: 2/14/2019

Scene №52 The Streets Of Rome.Basilica Di San Clemente.

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... Basilica of St.


The main entrance to the basilica.

The inscription in Italian: "Basilica di S. Clemente".

A street with a stone pavement (cobblestone), adjacent to the basilica.

Trees, plants in flower beds on the street.

Street lighting lights on the street.

The construction of the parks of Leningrad 1988

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:46:04, published: 10/4/2016

Reel №3

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Park in Peterhof(from a helicopter).

Restoration work in the Peterhof Park.

Strengthening of ditch slopes, cobblestone paving.

Regular upper park of Peterhof.

Old engravings of the park.

One of the corners of the restored park.

Park in Alexandrino.

Improvement of the park.

Laying of tracks.

Summer garden ...

Baku 1975-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:38, published: 7/16/2019

Scene №1

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... street riding a horse.


The narrow street.


By the window sits a cat.

Sculptures in the niches on the house.

Narrow street of cobblestone.

Flying over the sea gulls.

Soviet Ural Mountains № 15 1989

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:36, published: 9/11/2014

Reel №1


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... Sewing workshop cooperative.

Finished products with price tags in the store.

Plot 3 "strike."

The streets of


All in the store.

Sculpture "Cobblestone - weapon of the proletariat."

Passers-by on the street.

A strike by bus drivers in


Interview drivers.

Bus in the street

Morning Moscow 1928-1931

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:13, published: 2/21/2014

Scene №1 Morning Moscow


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Deserted street.

Wipers sweep the street.

A flock of pigeons on the pavement, pigeons fly.

Wash base lamps, female janitor sweeping the cobblestones.

Store signs.

Drawers with outdoor advertising of "Borjomi" against the background of the Bolshoi Theater.


Trams, people on the square ...


The opening of the 6th World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow 1957

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:03, published: 5/11/2016

Scene №1 The opening of the 6th World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow


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... the stadium dove, circling above the stadium.

View of one of the stands and of the Moscow district, in the sky circling pigeons.

Pigeons on the cobblestones of Red Square.

Starlet № 9 1970

Newsreel, 5 parts, duration: 0:42:56, published: 6/22/2017

Reel №3

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... clay.

A. Belashov sculpts from clay.

Sculptures of Belashov.

The sculptor works with a stone.

Sculpture "Girl's Head".

Sculpture by I. Shadr "Cobblestone-the weapon of the proletariat".

Sculpture "A boy pulling out a splinter".


Rodin's The Thinker.

"The Conquest of the Horse" by Klodt ...


Jelgava 1920-1929

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:05:49, black-white, published: 10/26/2016

Reel №1


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... various reliefs.

Above the entrance of the bas-relief of two lions.

Sights of the city.

Annas Church of the 17th century.

The street, paved with cobblestones.

Stalls with goods market.

Children look at the camera.

The carts with goods.

Artisan sells shoes.

On carts barrels, boxes.

Weighing in the ...

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