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"cross" newsreels and historical clips

Peak hour 10.02.1998 1998

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:20:00, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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Ivanov Victor Alexandrovich - trainer in cross-country skiing

Cross 1910-1919

Footage, 1 part, duration: 0:00:46, black-white, published: 10/31/2016

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Soviet Ural Mountains № 10 1978

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:30, published: 6/2/2014

Reel №1

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AMOSOVA Zinaida - world champion in cross-country skiing.

Skoblikov Lydia - Olympic champion.

Kadyrov Gabdarahman - World Champion Ice Racing.

Prison "Crosses" 1980-1989

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:26, published: 3/29/2020

Scene №1 Prison "Crosses"

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Cross-stone 1992

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:26:03, published: 9/27/2013

Reel №1 Cross-stone

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Reel №2

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The building of the museum in Yerevan S.I.Paradzhanova winter.

Snow-capped mountains.

Armenian medieval monastery Akhpat (10-13 cc.).

Tombstone - cross-stone.

The pagan temple in the ancient Armenian fortress of Garni.

Bzhini snowy village in the mountains.

Stone wall, stairs at a temple in Geghard ...


Water-crossing 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:28, published: 11/10/2015

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My Cross. 1989

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:49, published: 11/10/2012


types of Boldin monastery in Smolensk region, Pyatnitsky Cathedral, restorers working on the restoration of the cathedral, the installation of the cross on the cathedral.

General view of the Spassky Monastery in


The work of restorers in the monastery.

Donskoy Monastery in



Reel №1


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... - MS., PNRM.

Cost A. Bychkov - CU.

The tombstone on the grave Baranowski - CU. (Of confusion).

PNRM. at the church prior to installation of the cross on the church - CU. (Rapid).

Diploma Baranowski - CU., Hitting.

Print out on the diploma (in a blur) - CU.

Photo: Baranowski and Ponomariov in a ...


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... Pyatnitsky Cathedral, looking cross - MS., PNRM., Hitting.

Men looking for cross - CU., PNRM., Departure, MS., Hitting.

Bring to cross the street - MS., Departure, PNRM.

Photographer Ivan Doroshenko, Assistant Baranowski talks with the head of the reserve - CU.

Restorer with a cross in the church walls - ...

Reel №2

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Restorers endure the cross of the church - MS.

Says I. Doroshenko (synchronously) - CU.

Photo: Baranowski stands near the bell - CU., Departure.

Says the man about the layout of the church (synchronous) - CU.

Layout Pyatnitskiy Cathedral - CU., PNRM.

I. Doroshenko - CU.

Doroshenko reading a book ...

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... book (synchronous) - CU., PNRM.

The conversation at the church, discuss the installation of the cross (synchronous) - Various., Departure.

PNRM. Pyatnitskoe cathedral, people come to the cathedral - MS.

People inside the church, talking - MS., Departure.

PNRM. from hand to people in the cathedral - ...


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Baranowski - CU. (Rapid).

Establish a cross on the cathedral, carrying him up the stairs - MS., PNRM. (Rapid).


Baranovsky on the 90th anniversary will receive a complimentary her breasts - CU., PNRM. (Rapid).

Bear the cross on the stairs of the Cathedral - MS., PNRM. (Rapid) ...

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... (Rapid).

Baranovsky on the 90th anniversary will receive a complimentary picture - CU., PNRM. (Rapid).

Bear the cross on the stairs of the Cathedral - LS. (Rapid).

PNRM. headstone on the grave in the Donskoi Monastery - MS.


Reel №3


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... , PNRM.

Installation of the cross on the church - CU., PNRM. (Rapid).

Newsreel 1930.:

Blow church - LS.

Setting the cross - CU. (Rapid).


People look up - MS., CU.

Setting the cross - CU., PNRM. (Rapid).

Cost boy - CU. (Rapid).

Installation of the cross on the church - LS. (Rapid).

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PNRM. a child in a stroller - LS. (Rapid).

The cross on the church - CU.


Baranowski looks - CU. (Rapid).

Destiny crossed. 1990

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:27:15, published: 6/15/2014

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Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

Footage, 22 footages, duration: 0:38:17, published: 12/3/2023

Scene №16 Great Patriotic War

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The destruction of buildings and industrial facilities.

The construction of the crossing by Soviet soldiers.

The soldiers dragged the gun.

Construction of the bridge.




On ice crossing 1974

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:04, published: 11/10/2015

Reel №1

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... clearing the ice road.

A man posts instructions for the safe organization of the crossing.

Wall newspaper "Safety Rules".

Caricatures of violators.

Photos of security violators.

A barrier on a closed section of the crossing.

People get on the bus to go on a detour.

A man with a fisherman's box is walking ...

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... ferry is trying to save him.

Loose ice floe.

Announcement of the closure of the crossing.

Police officers on duty.

The intruder is running on the ice.

A car with a crane is trying to overtake another car on an ice crossing.

A bulldozer clears a winter road (a temporary road).

Hydrologists take water samples ...


Reel №2


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... officer rides a motorcycle.

Hydrologists check the water temperature in the lake.

Log of the ice crossing.

A bus with people is traveling along an ice crossing.

Repair of the traffic lane at the crossing.

The water in the hole rises .

A crack in the ice.

The crack is widening.

A bulldozer driver rides ...

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