You found 310 newsreels for query "eagle"

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"eagle" newsreels and historical clips

Paris attractions 1975-1985

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:01:37, published: 6/18/2019

Scene №1

Stele in honor of the 400th anniversary of the eagle.

Monument To I. S. Turgenev.

Monument to pilots.


City Of The Soviet Union 1980-1989

Footage, 10 footages, duration: 0:35:14, published: 6/6/2019

Scene №6 Eagle

Eagle, the monument "metallurg" (night and twilight).

The city at night, the lighted Windows of the houses.

Panorama of the city in the afternoon.

The monument to the liberators of the eagle (aka the monument to Komsomol members).

A stele in honor of 400 anniversary of the eagle.

Monument To I. S. Turgenev ...

Scene №7 Eagle

A stele in honor of 400 anniversary of the eagle.

Monument To I. S. Turgenev.

The monument to the pilots.

Scene №8 Eagle

Hunting novella 1976

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:16, published: 7/18/2014

Reel №2

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... shot ducks hang on sticks by the fire.

A baby roe deer among the stones.

Large - eagle.

Large - hare.

An eagle in the sky.

The eagle flies up to its nest on the rocks.

The hunter looks through binoculars at the sky.

An eagle in the sky.

Hunters are riding horses.

Hunters cross the river on horseback.

An ...

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... hunters on the road.

A large-adult chick of a golden eagle.

Kazakh hunters at a halt.

A young hunter climbs a cliff.

Elderly hunters look at him, talk.

A hunter from above, from a cliff, throws a rope to other hunters.

A large-adult chick of a golden eagle.

A young hunter gets to the nest, takes the chick ...

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... chick.

Panorama of the mountain river, rocks.

The process of training the golden eagle is shown - the bird is accustomed to the hand, trained to catch and bring prey, and so on.

Large - golden eagle, gyrfalcon, peregrine falcon, hawks, etc.

Panorama of predatory, hunting birds sitting on rocks.

Kazakh hunters ...

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... Golden eagle in the sky.

Large - the face of a hunter.

The golden eagle flies down, rushes at the wolf.

A young wolf is fighting with a golden eagle.

Horsemen on horses are galloping across the steppe.

Large - a golden eagle near a defeated wolf.

A rider on a horse rides up to a golden eagle and a wolf ...

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... the golden eagle, puts it on his hand, on a special glove.

Large - dog.

A hunter and a golden eagle are riding a horse, a dead wolf is tied to the saddle.

On the steppe, in the mountains there is a caravan of hunters on horseback.

A hunter on a horse is standing on a rock, a golden eagle is sitting on ...

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... on his arm.

A hare is running.

The hunter releases the golden eagle.

The golden eagle swoops, rushes at the hare.

Steppe, the sea is visible in the distance, a rider on a horse is riding.

A dog in the grass.

The hunter releases the falcon, there is a bird hunt.

A large hunting dog in the grass.

The falcon ...



Hunting, hunter, eagle, golden eagle, gyrfalcon, peregrine falcon, hawk, deer, maral

The first film awards ceremony of the "Golden Eagle" 2002

Footage, 10 footages, duration: 0:18:50, published: 10/5/2015

Scene №3 Fedor Khitruk

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... vehicle from which the film director Fyodor Khitruk.

Fedor Khitruk thanked the organizers for awarding film award "Golden Eagle".

Konstantin Ernst presents a statuette of "Golden Eagle" Fedor Khitruk.




Golden Eagle

Scene №8 Nikita Mikhalkov tells about the award "Golden Eagle"

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Press Conference

Nikita Mikhalkov tells about the award "Golden Eagle".



Golden Eagle

Scene №9 Statuette "Golden Eagle"

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Statuette "Golden Eagle"


"Golden Eagle"

The law of great love 1944

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:47:19, published: 5/23/2016

Reel №4

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... the trees eagle flies.

Eagle catches a fox.

Ducks thrown into the water and swim away.

Eagle loot.

Pup in the grass.

Alternating: the eagle flies to the nest, the chick in the nest, the nest ruins trot.

Eagle throws fox.

Pup falls on the stones.

Eagle runs the lynx.

Alternation: dead chick eagle on the ...

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... the tree.

Trot out.


Nestling eagle.

Eagle over the nest.

Pup wakes up and tries to leave.

Striping: The moon in clouds in the night forest fox, an owl on the prowl.

Lynx slinks through the trees.

Pup runs along the trail.

Alternation: fox hiding under the trunk of the tree, the moon in the sky.

Dawn ...


Film-travel almanac № 122 1977

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:55, published: 2/26/2015


1. "Stone Tale of the Urals".

2. "According to ancient Crimean way."

3. "Munishkery - hunters with eagles."

4. "Thailand, north and south."

Reel №2

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3. Munishkery - hunters with eagles.

Natural landscapes of Kyrgyzstan.

Shore of Lake Issyk-Kul.

Lake view from the settlement.


Golden Eagle in the cap.

Mountain peaks.

The rider with a golden eagle in the mountains.

Fox digs into the ground.

The rider climbs the slope.

A Fox.

A man removes the ...

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... eagle's head.

Bird hunting.

The rider dismounts and takes the golden eagle prey.

The rider with the bird.

Off the field partridge fly.

The young eagle.

The rider with the eagle.

Partridge is hiding in the bush.

Hunter released the eagle.

Mountain View, bushes at the front plane.

4. Thailand, north and south ...


How to see the animals 1970

Documentary, 4 parts, duration: 0:31:49, published: 10/27/2013

Reel №4

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... clearing.

Dogs are chasing a hare.

The hare stopped.

The dogs ran past.

The hare begins to move, the chase resumes.


Roe deer.

The eagle watches the moving roe deer.

The attack of an eagle on a roe deer.

Monkeys are playing on a tree.

A macaque.


A flock of baboons.

Scientists put a rubber ...



the dog's vision.

eagle vision.


animal vision and movement.

American astronauts on the moon 1969

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:03:22, published: 2/26/2020

Scene №1

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... Armstrong, buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins talking to the media.

Photos and footage stay of Armstrong And Aldrin on the moon and lander module Eagle ("Eagle").

Cosmonautics. "Sokol" in "Cheget" 2015

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:56, published: 10/12/2022

Scene №1 Cosmonautics. "Sokol" in "Cheget"

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The NPP Zvezda is creating a new Cheget chair for a promising spacecraft.

By tradition, all spacesuits are given the names of birds: "Golden Eagle", "Falcon", "Eagle".

Shock-absorbing seats are given the names of mountain peaks.

Artur Lee, Andrey Borisenko, test engineer of NPP Zvezda Alexey Kazennov talk ...

Film-travel almanac № 20 1966

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:10, published: 8/8/2016

Reel №2


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... thicket.

The eagle takes off and soars over the forest.

A herd of mouflons runs to the top of the mountain.

A fawn with its mother under a tree.

Mating games of eagles.

Deer climb the slope.

Soaring eagle.

Mountain panoramas.

Flowering herbs.

Bird's-eye view of the cliffs.

An eagle in the sky ...


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