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"eyes" newsreels and historical clips

Ocular film. 1983

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:39, published: 2/18/2017


In the picture, a comparison of the therapeutic action of existing drugs eye with medications based on the polymer film for treatment of eye diseases and injuries.

Reel №1

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Close-up, doctor's eyes.

Portrait of Monna Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Alternating portraits.

The layout of the eye.


Visit to the museum.


Eye diseases.

Eye examination by an ophthalmologist.

Samples of existing eye medications.

The main drawback is their low efficiency.

When using ...

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... procedure is painful and is done in a clinic.

The shelf life of eye medications is no more than 2 weeks.

It is simply impossible to use them in some cases.

An astronaut in orbit.

Polar explorers go skiing.

A resident of the far north rides a sleigh.

Eye diseases are very common in countries with hot climates ...

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... used eye medicinal films.

Photos of doctors and patients.

Samples of therapeutic films.

The eye film is a biologically neutral non-toxic polymer with a drug included in it.

A sample of the film.

The feature of the film is the ability to dissolve in the eye fluid.

Installing the film in the eye.

You can ...

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... can install the film without assistance.

Each eye film provides the optimal concentration of the drug for a period of 24 to 48 hours.

Doctors perform eye surgery.

The films turned out to be surgical assistants in complex surgical operations.

The use of this form reduces the risk of complications by 3-4 ...

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... 3-4 times.

Installation of the film after the operation.

The films have found application in veterinary medicine.

They rid animals of eye diseases that bother them.

Veterinarians install the film to the cow.

Production of medicinal polymer.


Eye films.

This crazy Fedorov 1994

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:55:09, published: 4/6/2023

Movie №1

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... Paul Fortress is visible, boats and sailing yachts are sailing.

Large - on the house is the emblem of the Fedorov clinic, the name is written - "MNTC. Eye microsurgery", panorama of the clinic building.

Panorama of the offices - in one an employee in a white coat is working on a computer, in the other a ...


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... Fedorov is in the operating room, near the patient, looks into special equipment, begins to operate, around him, assistants, doctors.

Different shots of eye surgery - Fedorov operates, doctors assist him, and so on.

Anatoly Gorban speaks.

Footage of the Gorban's home video archive - anniversary celebration ...


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... Pullman hotel in Sochi, the interiors of the complex, a swimming pool, etc.

Large - on the roof is the emblem of the Fedorov clinics in the form of an eye.

Fedorov is in the office, talking on the phone.

Winter, Moscow region, view of cottages, small private houses.

Billiard room, tables, men playing Russian ...


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... clinic and the hotel complex.

Large - the emblem of the clinic in the form of an eye on the roof.

Fedorov is in the office - watching remotely, on monitors, how operations are going in the clinic.

The image on the monitor is an eye, an operation is underway (a camera hit).

Fedorov gives instructions on the ...


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... the operating room.

Close-up - Fedorov looks into a microscope, performs eye surgery.

Operating room, surgeons, medical staff, enlargement to the monitor on which the operation is broadcast.

Large - Fedorov's hands are undergoing eye surgery.

Close-up - Fedorov looks through a microscope.

Large - the faces ...

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... doctor.

Fedorov is near the patient, making passes with his hands over her face.

Fedorov talks to a patient in the operating room, asks her to open her eyes a little, asks what she sees.

A woman is blindfolded.

Fedorov is in the operating room, communicating with colleagues after the operation.

On the wall ...


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... participates in the conversation.

The patient approaches Fedorov, thanks him for the operation, kisses him.

Large - the emblem of the clinic in the form of an eye on the roof of the building, a view of the clinic building, street lights.


Surgeon, ophthalmologist, eye clinic, surgery

Microsurgery 1995-1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:15:59, published: 5/17/2013

Scene №1 IRTC "Eye Microsurgery"

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IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" named.


SN Fyodorov.

Interview with an employee of the personnel department.

It is about the complexity of employment in the clinic, on the requirements for personnel;

of the reasons for dismissal, the work with the staff and low staff turnover;

of vouchers for employees ...


Svyatoslav Fedorov talks about the operation 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:22, published: 2/21/2016

Scene №1 Svyatoslav Fyodorov spoke about the operation

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Svyatoslav Fyodorov - Soviet and Russian ophthalmologist, eye microsurgery.

Vladimir I. Yakovlev - Russian artist.

International exhibition "Health care-85" 1985

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:07:41, published: 6/3/2019

Scene №3 Line insight

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The Institute of ocular microsurgery by Svyatoslav Fedorov, a unique surgical conveyor (the only one in the world).

Doctors and patients during eye surgery (treatment of myopia).


IRTC eye microsurgery.


The vision correction.

Peak hour 03/18/1996 1996

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:22:25, published: 2/20/2018

Reel №1

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... contracts for Russia.

Political games based on the example of party leaders.

Advantages of private entrepreneurship development on the example of the MNTK "Eye Microsurgery".

Imperfection of the legislative and taxation systems as an obstacle to the recovery of the economy.

Examples of successful implementation ...


Fedorov SN - ophthalmologist, eye microsurgeon, academician of RAMS and RANS, Hero of Socialist Labor of the USSR.

Volga lights № 13 Clinic of eye diseases 1990

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:11, black-white, published: 3/28/2018


The issue is dedicated to the Saratov clinic of eye diseases.

Reel №1

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... enters the building of the Saratov clinic of eye diseases.

An ophthalmologist examines the injured eye of a young patient, conducts a preliminary survey.

Patients in the lobby waiting for an appointment.

Ophthalmologists talk about a large number of children with eye injuries after the screening of the film ...

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... operating table are lit.

The patient before the operation.

A boy with an eye injury in the ward after surgery answers questions about his favorite movie character, tells the story of an eye injury (synchronously).

Young patients with eye injuries give interviews to the authors of the film (synchronously) ...

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... friends.

The boy walks holding his eye.

The ophthalmologist speaks about the need for urgent medical care for eye injuries in order to preserve vision, poor provision of medical transport to the area for accelerated delivery of patients (synchronously).

Examination of the eyes of a young patient.

Children ...

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... nature of eye injuries in adults, the professions of adult patients and occupational eye injuries due to non-compliance with safety regulations, and the superiority of occupational injuries over domestic ones (synchronously).

The nurse enters the room.

One of the patients tells the story of an eye injury ...

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... (synchronously).

The nurse drops the medicine into the patient's eyes.

Paramedics carry a gurney with a patient along the corridor of the clinic, a nurse shaves the back of the patient's head.

View of the building of the Saratov clinic of eye diseases.

A sign with the name of the clinic.

View of the ceiling ...


Volga lights № 2 Saratov. Volsky, 12 1993

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:47, black-white, published: 7/13/2018


The issue describes the work of the Saratov regional eye clinical hospital.

Reel №1

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View of the corridor of the Saratov clinic of eye diseases, children sitting on the windowsill.

Ophthalmologists perform operations on patients ' eyes using laser equipment.

Panorama of the clinic building.

Interior of the lobby, view of the stairs leading to the second floor.

A path made of Dutch tiles ...

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... of the tiled path.

An elderly patient in the ward.

Head of the Department of eye diseases of the Saratov medical Institute, Professor PI Saprykin at the table in the office.

Books on the shelves.

Saprykin talks about new eye diseases that have appeared in recent decades, the causes and environmental factors ...

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... cause these diseases (synchronously).

Examination of the patient in the laser surgery center, doctors fill out medical records.

Treatment of patients 'eyes with laser, patients' faces.

Saprykin conducts a session of laser treatment.

Operation of special medical equipment to eliminate astigmatism and hyperopia ...

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... screen.

Making a diagnosis by drawing up a cartogram, the patient covers the eye with her hand.

Treatment of an eye hemorrhage in a boy using a new device "Atos", the face of Saprykin.

Saprykin talks about the presence of six eye clinics in Russia, the number of ophthalmologists in the Saratov clinic, the ...


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... of a patient with an eye injury.

Young patients in the wards of the clinic.

Doctors examine the eyes of a young patient.

Faces of Saprykin and the attending physician.

The face of a girl with a taped eye.

Saprykin talks about the need to remove dangerous objects from children's eyes, the frequency of children's ...

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... children's eye injuries, and the need to quickly deliver injured patients to the clinic to save their vision (synchronously).

A boy with glasses looks out the window.

The oldest doctor of the clinic A. P. Dronova conducts an examination of the patient's eyes.

The girl Katya, cured by Dronova, is in the ...

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... the ward with her mother.

Examination of the girl's eyes.

Children in the clinic's playroom.

A girl with a taped eye.

Faces of young patients of the clinic.

A boy with a taped eye is sitting on the windowsill.

Automated complex to detect glaucoma 1985

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:46, published: 2/26/2014

Reel №1 Automated complex to detect glaucoma

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... image.



Alternating frames in the museum - paintings and spectators.

The image blurs.

The human eye.

Examination by an ophthalmologist.

The diagnosis is glaucoma.

Drawing of the eye in the section.

A cartoon explaining the occurrence of glaucoma.

Arkady Pavlovich Nesterov, corresponding member ...

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... pressure in the eye.

A cartoon telling about the dynamics of the development of glaucoma in humans.

There is a blind man accompanied by a medical worker.

Surgery to remove glaucoma.

Preventive inspection.

Vision check according to the optometric table.

Measurement of pressure in the eye.

A graph of normal ...

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... normal and elevated pressure in the eye.

Comprehensive examinations for the detection of glaucoma.

In-depth diagnosis of glaucoma and treatment is carried out in clinics.

Obvious patients and people with high-risk factors are sent there.

Glaucomatous pathology is detected first of all by the state of the ...


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... complex.

The developers of the complex are at work.

It is necessary to teach the system to solve complex medical problems.

Doctors of the Department of Eye Diseases of the 2nd Medical Institute named after Pirogov selected thousands of medical histories for mathematicians with indisputable conclusions: healthy ...


Reel №2


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... patients with hypertension.

The possibilities of the ophthalmological complex are not limited to the detection of glaucoma.

It can be used to detect other eye diseases.

The blurred image becomes sharp.

A girl goes skiing.

Skiers on the mountainside.


Eye diseases.

Automated complexes.

One day in Moscow 1987

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:45:53, published: 2/28/2014

Reel №3

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SN Fyodorov - Ophthalmologist, eye microsurgery, Academy of Medical Sciences and Natural Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor, the USSR.

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