You found 2393 newsreels for query "fall"

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"fall" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign newsreels № 37 1982

News, 7 footages, duration: 0:15:17, published: 7/3/2015

Scene №4

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Starfall 2012-2013

Footage, 3 footages, duration: 0:01:29, published: 3/1/2016

Scene №1 Starfall

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stars are falling.

Scene №2

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Stars are falling.


Scene №3

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Taymlaps starry sky, the stars are falling dawn.


Falling stars.



Mercy to the Fallen. 1992

Documentary, 3 parts, duration: 0:25:03, published: 4/15/2014

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Cosmonautics. Drones over fall fields 2015

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:05:13, published: 10/10/2022

Scene №1 Cosmonautics. Drones over fall fields


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... the Moscow region.

After test flights with video shooting, the UAVs will go to Altai, where in the future they will have to work in the sky over the fall fields of separating parts of launch vehicles.

Igor Lyakhovenko, the chief specialist of the department for creating new tracks of TSENKI, Artem Silkin ...

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... the chief designer of the scientific center for Applied Electrodynamics, and Vladimir Kulakov, the head of the sector for the operation of the TsENKI fall areas, were filmed in the plot.

In harmony with nature. 1984

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:59:17, published: 4/5/2016

Reel №3

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New farming methods.

The use of free-fall plowing.

Why not fly falls from the ceiling? 1981

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:29, published: 6/15/2014

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Weightlessness 1975

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:09, published: 10/27/2013


Educational film about the physical nature of weightlessness, experiments on free fall of bodies.

Reel №1 Weightlessness


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Conducting an experiment on the free fall of bodies, the course of the experiment.

Measuring the time of the fall of the body from the balcony of the audience.

The action of a spring with a load in free fall.

A swinging pendulum.

The behavior of the pendulum in free fall, the pendulum remains in the extreme ...

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... extreme position during the fall.

Free rotation of the pendulum during the fall.

Drawing of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Portrait of Galileo Galilei.

A ball falling from the stairs.

A pen, a cork, and a lead ball inside a vacuum glass tube.

Simultaneous falling of bodies inside the vacuum tube.

Portrait of ...

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... demonstration of the fall of bodies according to Newton's second law.

The fall of bodies in a vacuum.

Simultaneous touch of balls thrown horizontally and vertically.

Balls of different mass, thrown with the same initial velocity, fly along the same trajectory.

The movement of the Moon as a body falling freely to ...


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... long jump.

A plane taking off.

The pilot is in the cockpit.

Diagram of the occurrence of weightlessness when the aircraft is transferred to the free fall mode along a parabolic trajectory (animation).

Astronauts during training in an artificially created state of weightlessness.

View from the navigator's ...


Foreign news footages № 54 1990

News, 29 parts, duration: 0:40:12, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №13 French farmers protest against falling prices.

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French farmers protest against falling prices.

Foreign news footages № 12 1991

News, 29 parts, duration: 0:48:45, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №6 Polluted rain falls in western Iran.

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Polluted rain falls in western Iran.

Foreign news footages № 76 1987

News, 24 parts, duration: 0:37:21, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №14 Protests against the fall Lebanese pound.

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Protests against the fall Lebanese pound.

Reel №16 Protests against the fall Lebanese pound.

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Protests against the fall Lebanese pound.

Reel №17 Protests against the fall Lebanese pound.

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Protests against the fall Lebanese pound.

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