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"forests" newsreels and historical clips

From Sayan to Taimyr 1985

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:07, published: 8/18/2014

Reel №1

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... Alternation: rural landscapes and houses, rooms in the house of Lenin, documents.

State farm named after Lenin and Krupskaya pointer.

The sun over the forest.

Herd of cows in the field.

Shepherd on horseback, a flock of sheep.

Automatic watering installation.

Rainbow over the field.

Village house.

In the ...



Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Honorary Doctor of the Moscow State Forest University, director of the Institute of Forest and Wood V.N.Sukacheva behalf of the USSR.

Forest Story 1949

Documentary, 1 film, duration: 0:55:16, published: 9/21/2013


The life of a beaver family in the forest.

Problems of survival.

Habits and behavioral features.

Movie №1 Forest Story,

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Forest drama about the life of a family of beavers.

Forest fantasy. 1975

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:36, published: 5/29/2014

Reel №1 Forest fantasy.

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Summer forest landscapes 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:04:27, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Summer forest landscapes

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Forest Villages 1984

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:05:01, published: 11/10/2012


On the need to maintain forests and forest villages where people of the forest trades could live.

Reel №1


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... house - MS.

On the door of an abandoned house, hangs an old castle - CU.

Old man out of the house - MS.

Growing up in a pine forest - MS.

Forester with the pioneers in the forest - LS.

Young fir trees in the nursery - CU.

Forester with the pioneers of the pilot area - CU.

Guys and forester walking ...

Save - and bestow the forest. 1985

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:18:01, published: 6/15/2014


The film is dedicated to the protection and restoration of forests.

Reel №1

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... image of the globe from space.

Map of the forests of Europe in ancient times.

Map of the remnants of European forests in modern times.



A river in the taiga.

Forest of the Moscow region.

A tall pine tree.

Baltic forests.

Volyn forest.

Karelia forest.


Wooden churches.

The sun is setting ...

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... household items.

The master carves wooden dishes.

The artist paints wooden bread boxes.

Handicrafts made of wood.

Birch bark products.


Petersburg Forest Institute.

Photo of a graduate of the St.

Petersburg Forestry Institute, scientist Georgy Fedorovich Morozov.

Collection of butterflies.

Collection ...

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... beetles.

The swamp at sunset.


Removal of the forest.

Water source in the forest.

River and waterfall.

Photo of the Soviet writer Leonid Maximovich Leonov.

Leonov's article in the newspaper, in defense of the forest.

Leonov's shooting in the forest.

L.M. Leonov in the window of a wooden house.

L.M ...



Reel №2

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... of the river in the forest.

Studies of tree biology in Karelia.

Installation of micro sensors.

Early spring in the forest.


Scientists discuss the growth of trees in the forest.

Forest birds in the nest.

Reviving the forest, the whole nature around is revived.

Karelian Forest Research Laboratory ...

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... Krasnoyarsk Institute of Forest and Timber.

A device for observing the forest from a bird's-eye view.

There are reference forest areas under the cable car.

Their spectral portraits are translated into computer program data.

An airplane that measures the temperature of the forest.

Scientists are discussing ...

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... over the forest with pilots.

Observation of forest health from an airplane.

The expanses of the Siberian forest.

Forest fire.

Alternating shots with forest fires.

The data about the fire is entered into the computer, the computer will show how the fire will spread in this particular forest area.

A fire ...

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... fire brigade is landing to extinguish the fire.

Fire in the forest.

The lost forest.

A deer is running through the forest.

Teddy bear.

A bear cub fighting with a beaver.

Berries in the forest.


Foresters of Volhynia have learned how to plant mushroom plantations.

Oyster mushroom is ordinary ...

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... ordinary.

Red currant.

Drinks from wild berries.

Harvesting mushrooms.

Jars of jam.

Alternating frames with views of the river and forest.


Forest health.


The richness of the forest.



Forest work 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:15:03, published: 10/16/2017

Reel №1

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A truck is driving along a forest road.


The scheme of the cutting area (animation).

Loading area on the plot.

Types of machines working in the cutting area (figures).

The felling-bagging machine at the cutting area.

The work of the felling-packing machine (animation).

Skidding tractor ...

Northern Forest 1983

Promotional, 1 part, duration: 0:03:58, published: 2/26/2017

Reel №1

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... compete.

A Swiss athlete kisses the bike path on the track.

The coating on the track is made from bars of Siberian larch.

Forest in the snow.

Siberian forest.

The Siberian forest is being cut down.

Logging along Siberian rivers.

Loading logs.

Log cabin made of logs.

Saw logs into boards.

The structure ...





Forest fires 1964

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:28:20, published: 2/3/2016


The film tells about the causes of forest fires, types of fires considered in detail and how to deal with them.

The film was shot by order of the State Committee for TSNIITEI timber, pulp and paper, wood industry and forestry under the USSR State Planning Committee.

Reel №1

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Burning wood.

Smoke over the forest behind the lake.

Forest fire.

Roe on the slope.

Runaway bear.

Forest fire.

Dead wood.

An insect on a tree trunk.

Man breaks off a piece of bark, a bark fungus.

Old fumes.

Users manually lead the boat on the river.

Wetlands fumes.

Young deciduous trees on the ground ...

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... mountain slope.

Panorama of forest and burned areas.

Hunter throws a cigarette butt.

Around the stub lit moss.

The grass drops a burning match.

Coal fire.

Ground fire.

Peat fires.

Erupted on peat ground fire.

The wind spreads the fire, the fire horse.


Panorama of pine forest.

River View.

Timber cutting ...

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... cutting.

Cover of moss in the forest.

Young conifers.

Thickets of cranberries.

Coniferous forests.


Deciduous forests.

Forest Road.

Laying forest plow guard band.

Animation: the forest road network on the map.

The wide forest road.

The alignment of the road.

Construction of the bridge.

Fire-chemical ...

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... on a motorcycle.

Top view of the station.

The observer ascends the tower.

Man looking through binoculars.

Forest Panorama.

The smoke above the trees.

The observer reports of a fire in the forest.

Calculating the exact fire location on a map.

Foresters get out of the house.

People sit on the bike and ...

Reel №2

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... water.

He lit the fire.

Truck drives backwards to the lake.

People jump out of the body and open sides.

On the shore pumping station installed.

In the forest pulling the water supply line.

Fire opens the valve.

Putting out the fire.

Fire motor pump connected to the tank.

Extinguishing the fire chemical mixture ...

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... experience to increase the penetrating ability of water.

Preparation of the solution to the site of the fire.

Extinguishing peat.

Forest Panoramas, patrol aircraft.

Smoke over the forest.

The observer determines the place and nature of the fire.

Preparation of reports.

Plane over forestry.

Pilot ejects pennant ...

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... The aircraft in the sky.

The pilot at the controls.


The forest fire is burning.

Fire comes down from the tree.

Landing paratrooper.

Box of explosives on a parachute.

Firefighters dismantled explosives.

People go to the forest.

fire boundary.

Bookmark explosives to create a barrage band.

A shot ...

Reel №3

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Airplane over forest.

a forest fire type.

Pilot-Observer is a report.

In forestry, to develop a plan based on the reports.

Animation: fire-fighting plan.

Descent from the helicopter landing.

The pilot at the controls.

Helicopter flies.

Helicopter lands on the bank of the river.

From the helicopter out ...

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... the forest.

Firefighters extinguish a fire.

Helicopter extinguish fire from the air.

View of the taiga on board a seaplane.

Seaplane sits on the water.

Fire out of the plane.

Squad goes into the forest.

Alternation: seaplane taking on water, fire-fighting from the air.

truck stops in the forest.

People ...

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... relaxing in the meadow.

A man lights a cigarette and throws the match.

Lights grass.

Lights moss around the stub.

Coal fire.

Coniferous and deciduous forests of central Russia.

River View.

Far Forest. 1984

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:45, published: 11/29/2015


Promotional film tells about the possibilities of V / O "Eksportles" export of forest products from Siberia.

Shows work felling, timber processing.

Reel №1

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The film tells about the possibilities of the All-Union "Eksportles" export of forest products from Siberia to Japan.

Use of Siberian forest in various fields of economic activity.

Shooting was performed at the port of Nakhodka, Vyazemskoye, Muhenskom and Mid-Amgunskom logging enterprises of Khabarovsk ...

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