You found 125 newsreels for query "glow"

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"glow" newsreels and historical clips

Celebration of the 70th anniversary of Stalin in Leningrad 1949

Footage, 2 footages, duration: 0:00:36, published: 9/24/2020

Scene №2

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Participants in the meeting chant: "Hurrah for the great Stalin!"

Illuminated Nevsky Prospekt, glowing slogans.

Art of the twentieth century. Reality of new ideas. 1990

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:42, published: 6/3/2014

Reel №2

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Night street.

Glowing advertising.

Street artists.

The avant-garde artist B.Engelhardt (synchronously) about his works.

Workshop of the artist A.Kirtsova.

A.Kirtsova (synchronously).

A musical group is playing outside

From the history of the Soviet cinema 1945

Documentary, 14 parts, duration: 1:51:21, published: 5/23/2016

Reel №6

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Stills from the film "Lenin in October" (directed by M. Romm).

Stills from the film "The Great Glow" (directed by M. Chiaureli).

Stills from the film "Lenin in 1918" (directed by M. Romm).

Foreign newsreels № 1401 1967

News, 4 footages, duration: 0:13:30, published: 6/20/2014

Scene №3 Savor New York

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Passage through the evening streets of New York: glowing signs, skyscrapers.

Representation in a variety show: dancing black artist.

Amusement Park: people in revolving wheel.

Race: the audience looking ladies in hats.

Jazz band playing Louis Armstrong: Armstrong plays trumpet, drummer.


Woman ...

ELAKS iridology and computers. 1991

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:09:16, published: 3/29/2023

Reel №1

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... (synchronously).

The building of the Research Institute "Comet".

Employees at computers.

Laboratories of the Institute.

The iris is in a different spectrum of glow.

Computer Iridodiagnostics.

Workplace of an iridologist.

Opening of the Olympic Games in Mexico City 1968

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:02:59, published: 10/21/2022

Scene №1 Opening of the Olympic Games in Mexico City


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... audience is in the stands.

The passage of the Mexican team.

The general plan of the stadium.

The flag of the Olympic games.

Evening Mexico City.

A glowing advertisement.

The use of natural gas for vehicles. 1990

Documentary, 5 parts, duration: 0:18:52, published: 6/16/2014

Reel №1



CNG filling stations-500-250 CNG stations.


Service AGNKS. Tubing station.

Classroom safety employees CNG.

Burning building.

Glow of a fire.


Movement of the fire engine.

Lights substation.

Extinguish the fire.

Patient with burns in a hospital ward.

Biophysics of enzymatic processes 1987

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:30, published: 6/15/2014

Reel №2


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... head of a primitive man, a candle is burning in front of it.

Burning candles on the pyramid.

Gradually the candles go out.

Figures of warriors.

A glowing ring rotates around a burning candle.

Miracles of wildlife in the water 1920-1929

Footage, 8 parts, duration: 1:00:03, black-white, published: 1/14/2020

Reel №5


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... snail gialeya.

Snail atlas.

One can see her heart.

Transparent snail aeolis.

It lays its eggs on the polyp.

Because eggs are developing embryos.

Glowing snail filliroe.

Sea hare variety of snails whose tentacles resemble ears.

Sepia-fish, comprising a colorant.

Octopus on the seabed.

He hunts for ...


Highway Patrol issue from 18.02 1999

Telecast, 1 part, duration: 0:09:00, published: 8/4/2023

Reel №1

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The accident of the heating main on Flotskaya Street.

A shroud of steam over the street.

The glowing inscription "KHOVRINO" on the house.

Emergency service vehicles.

UBEP employee (synchronously).

Pointer "Yelnya".

Detention of suspects.

TNT and weapons found in the detainees' car.

UBEP employee (synchronously) ...


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