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"graduates" newsreels and historical clips

Our region № 12 1969

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:08, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №1


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... Remote control for scientific research.

Chemical laboratory.

The teachers of the Institute are famous scientists.

Portraits of famous people who graduated from university.

Portrait of Mendeleev D.I.

Portrait of a university student of the 80s of the 19th century Alexander Ulyanov, brother of V.I. Lenin ...






British college graduates 1995-1996

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:59, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 British college graduates

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Ceremonial Hall.

Presentation of diplomas to graduates of the Moscow branch of the British College.

Graduates - experts in the field of banking.

Interview with Sir Andrew Wood, British ambassador to Russia.

Interviews with alumni.

Graduates of Orthodox Gymnasiums 2005

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:32, published: 7/28/2018

Scene №1 Graduates of Orthodox Gymnasiums

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... Alexy II.

Graduates of the Moscow Orthodox gymnasiums.

The ceremony of obtaining certificates.

The document on the completion of the gymnasium is presented by the Archbishop of Orekhovo-Zuevsky Alexy.

Certificate of secondary education graduate (large).

Interview with Arseniy Razinsky - a graduate of the ...

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... Kireev.

Interview with the director of the lyceum of Spiritual Culture Igor Kuznetsov.

Parents of high school students.

Alla Melekhova about singing graduates.

The first graduates of study 1924

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:54, published: 9/30/2016

Scene №1 The first graduates of study


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... Czechoslovak Communist Tambourine, the panorama of the rally (top).

Acts Secretary of the German Communist Union of youth, the panorama of the rally (top).

Graduates of study go to the station June 18, 1924.

The mourners shake one of the departing England by Rafikova.

The face of one of the mourners.

Rabfakovsky ...

Presentation matriculation daughter Valentina Tereshkova and Nikolayev 1980-1981

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:16, published: 11/20/2015

Scene №1

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Pass the graduates and their parents.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin.

The grand meeting in the hall.

Graduation graduates, among them Elena, daughter Tereshkova and A. Nikolaev.

Tereshkova among parents of graduates in the hall.

Nikolayev in the hall.

Speaker Valentina Tereshkova.

Listen to graduates.

Blossom around the snowdrops 1970

Documentary, 1 part, duration: 0:10:02, black-white, published: 3/2/2018

Reel №1

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The faces of the graduates, discussing the issues of tickets on physics.

Young people who have passed the exam out of the audience.

She goes to answer the questions of the examiners.

The girl's face during the preparation to the response to the ticket.

Faces of boys and girls.

Old school desks in a mess ...

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... the front of the graduate school of Boris Suvorov (synchronously).

The view of the school building.

Preparing for senior prom in high school.

The girl in front of a mirror.

The faces of the graduates.

The alumni of the school who died in the great Patriotic war.

The faces of the graduates.

Playing a brass ...

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... brass band.

A Portrait Of Boris Suvorov.

The ceremony of awarding the graduates with certificates.

Graduates examine their diplomas.

Graduates and teachers congratulate each other.

Faces of the girls, one of the students utters words of gratitude to the teachers, behind the scenes is the text of the diary ...

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... champagne glasses.

Graduates of the clink with each other during the Banquet.

Faces of boys and girls.

Graduates of the dance against the wall with a portrait of Boris Suvorov.

Face dancers boys and girls.

View school gym during a dance graduates.

Portraits of the victims of graduates of the school.

The ...

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... The girl's face.

Graduates write with chalk on the blackboard words of farewell.

Pair of dancing girls.

Graduates in the school hallway.

Fragments prom.

Open window school graduates dancing the waltz.

A boy and a girl talking.

The girl's face.

B. Suvorov's portrait in the hallway of the school.

Girl standing ...


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... table.

A fragment of the text of one of the diary entries.

Graduates walk along the promenade.

View of the bridge across the Volga, on which there are graduates.

The portraits of Suvorov and B. other high school graduates killed in the war.

Graduates are on the bridge.

Young men and women greeted the dawn ...

Graduate School of the KGB named Dzerzhinsky 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:24:00, published: 5/16/2013

Scene №1 Graduate School of the KGB named Dzerzhinsky

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Red commanders Moscow machine-gun courses 1919

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:21, published: 3/18/2015

Scene №1 Issue Red commanders on 1-X Moscow machine-gun courses

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... ground.

Go graduates courses.

Go cadet units.

Commanders talk before the parade.

Commissioner courses bypass operation, check the readiness of the parade.

Head of course read the order.

Pass the representatives of the Moscow Council.

The Commissioner welcomes the guests, gave a report, graduates stand in ...

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... in formation.

Commissioner graduates.

Representative of the Moscow Council delivers a speech to the graduates.

The representative of the Moscow City Council talks with the commissioner.

The representative of the Moscow City Council welcomes graduates.

Brass band plays.

Trotsky stands among the commanders ...


Our region № 4 1969

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:10:15, published: 5/14/2017

Reel №1


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Photos of the first graduates of the institute.

Meeting of graduates of the Institute.

Autographs of graduates of the library faculty.

Portrait of the graduate and teacher of the Institute E.A.Gorsh.

Portrait of the only survivor of the war in her issue, a graduate of the Institute V.A.Shalparova ...

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... Shalparova.

Military photographs by V.A.Shalparova.

A graduate of the institute draws a cartoon.

Choral department of the Institute.

The choir of students of the Institute performs.

Teachers are watching the performance.

Speeches of students of the faculty of club workers.

Student orchestra of folk instruments ...


The Inherited Earth 1978

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:19:29, published: 11/14/2012


1h. - Landscape.

Girls and boys dance on the final evening.

School graduates are awarded certificates.

Veterans talk with alumni.

They come brothers Tikhonov.

Father and son Kuznetsova. Graduates of the tractors in the field.

Says the chairman of the kolkhoz MN Kostrov.

Tenth in the cab of the tractor

Reel №1


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... Petretsovskoy graduates high school matriculation certificate is awarded.

Graduates of the river.


Alumni gathering - a meeting with war veterans.

Applaud the boys and girls.

Tikhonovs family home, go to work.

Family Kuznetsov.

Graduates around the tractor.

As a graduate of the cab ...


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... desks.

Pass graduates.

Graduates are a collective farm chairman.

Chairman of the kolkhoz (synchronously).

Listen graduates and farmers.

Guys clean hay.

Talk with the chairman of the collective farmers in the kolkhoz (synchronously).

Tractor rides.

Harvester and a car.

Graduates in the cab on ...


Reel №2

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Collective Farm in the kolkhoz tell the graduates who were still working in the village (synchronously).

Girls clean calves, work on the farm.

Combine "Field" in the field, removes bread.

Machine-mend harvester in the field.

Collective farmers pull out of the fuzzy land combine.

Tractor driver sits ...

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... is a graduate.

Graduates of the wheel harvesters. "Field" in the field.

Secretary of the Communist GV Borzov says young people who had come to the farm.

Construction of a hostel for girls in central manor farm.

Workers at a construction site.

Girl rubs windows, cleans the room.

Graduates are viewing ...

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... viewing photos, slides, laughing.

Graduates and senior farmers in the field on tractors and combines.

Grain pours into the car body.

Congratulate combiner.

Pinned to board the car "lightning."

Combine with a pennant rises to combine.

Harvesters in the field at night.

The guys sit on the horses ...


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