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"landscapes" newsreels and historical clips

Lower Povolzhie № 17 1980

Newsreel, 1 part, duration: 0:09:22, black-white, published: 7/9/2018

Reel №1

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Grechishkin Pavel Moiseevich -- landscape painter

Landscape photography of natural landscapes 2005

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:01:11, published: 5/17/2018

Scene №1 Summer landscapes of various natural landscapes.

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Natural landscapes.The landscape of the countryside 1990-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:13:51, published: 10/28/2013

Scene №1 Landscapes

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... rolled on shore.


It's snowing.

Plants in the snow.

Enclosed housing estate, it is snowing.

Building materials.

Winter in the countryside.

Summer landscape of central, wooden houses.

Natural landscapes.Architecture of small towns 1993-1999

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:19:54, published: 10/28/2013

Scene №1 Landscapes

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Rain in the park, birch branches, bench, drops on the sidewalk tile, the trunk of the old tree.


Rain in the puddles.


Summer landscape at dawn.

Landscape of the middle band.


Cars are driving along the highway.

Surf, rocky shore.

Part of the brick wall of the city.

Sky clouds.

The ship ...


Russian Soviet painting.Issue I (Artists of Leningrad and Moscow) 1957

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:20:40, published: 11/23/2015

Reel №2

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Continuing the theme of realism.

Landscapes and still lifes.

Portrait painting of the 1930s.

Tells KF Juon.

The development of the theme of construction, transformation of Moscow and peaceful labor.

The paintings devoted to the Great Patriotic War.

Post-war views.

Genre painting.

Historical paintings ...


KF Juon - Soviet painter, master of landscape, theater artist, art theorist, academician of the USSR Academy of Arts, People's Artist of the USSR.

Lithuanian landscapes 1980-1989

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:24, published: 10/19/2016

Scene №1 Lithuanian landscapes

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Lithuanian rural landscape, visible in the distance a farm.

Cows grazing in a field, a panorama of forests and farms, trees growing along the road, view road, on the road going car.

Rural landscape, the view of the farm.

View holiday village from the window of a moving car.

The view of the lake during ...

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... General view of the village on the river, panorama of the coast with the village houses.

General views of the streets and squares of Vilnius city landscapes.

Mountain landscape 1930-1939

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:00:22, published: 3/25/2024

Scene №1 Mountain landscape

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The road in the mountains.

Mountain landscape

Koktebel, landscape 1980-1989

Footage, 4 footages, duration: 0:13:35, published: 7/29/2019

Scene №4

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... down behind the mountain.

The sun is over the top of the mountain.

Blooming poppies (shooting from top to bottom, with movement, static).

Coastal landscapes (sea, boulders at the water's edge, mountains, shooting on the shore and from hills).

Branches of trees and shrubs against the sunset.

Sea surf, ...


Winter landscapes 1980-1989

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:06:23, published: 7/16/2019

Scene №1

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Winter landscapes of Moscow region, the types of forest and estates.

River, coastal landscapes.



Sticking out from under the snow the branches of the Bush.

View of the monastery.

The old trees, the panorama from the hill to the river.

View of the monastery.


Coastal landscape.

View ...

Autumn landscapes 1975-1985

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:03:47, published: 7/15/2019

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

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