You found 31 newsreels for query "loopholes"

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"loopholes" newsreels and historical clips

Foreign news footages № 75 1986

News, 21 parts, duration: 0:42:54, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №5 West Berlin - Thousands of immigrants get into West Berlin, using loopholes in the Berlin Wall.

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West Berlin - Thousands of immigrants get into West Berlin, using loopholes in the Berlin Wall.

Kolpino - the city of the leading edge 1942

Footage, 7 footages, duration: 0:02:58, published: 3/19/2021

Scene №4

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Soldiers inspect the basement window and the loophole in the wall of the house.

Destroyed buildings.

Water tower.

Volgograd 1995

Footage, 1 footage, duration: 0:09:49, published: 5/14/2013

Scene №1 Volgograd

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... the Volga (many shots).

Children draw with crayons on the pavement.

Tour of the city, shooting out of the car (many shots).

Dilapidated house with loopholes instead of windows.

Anti-aircraft gun in the open.

Historic Monuments Of the Moscow Kremlin. 1955

Documentary, 6 parts, duration: 0:57:58, published: 11/14/2012

Reel №1


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... Cathedral (PNRM.).

Towers - Nabatnaya, Constantine and Helen, Kremlin, Moskvoretskaya (Beklemishevskaya), South facing the Moscow River, The Alarm.

Loopholes (with Motion.).

The Kremlin wall (PNRM.).

Concrete towers, Borovitskaya "Kutafya."


Alexander Garden.

Arsenal Tower.

Kremlin stars. ...


China Today. 1972

Documentary, 9 parts, duration: 1:30:29, black-white, published: 8/1/2016

Reel №1

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... sections of the Great Wall, one of the entrances to the Great Wall.

Battlements and steps of the wall.

Fragments of the Great Wall, loopholes.

Types of walls from loopholes.

Sections of the wall going down and rising up, towers of the wall.

A stream is flowing.

Buddhist temple in the forest thickets.

Buddha ...


Film-travel almanac № 123 1977

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:31, published: 2/26/2015

Reel №2


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... Villa San Martino.

Napoleon's Palace in Portoferraio.

Rooms Palace, the museum exhibits.

View from the window.

A view of the lighthouse from the land loopholes.

Three-masted ship in the harbor.

Burning Lamp.


A death mask of the Emperor.

The rocky slope of the island.


Elba Island View from ...

City Of The Soviet Union 1980-1989

Footage, 10 footages, duration: 0:35:14, published: 6/6/2019

Scene №1 Rostov The Great

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... Bell ringers ring the bells.

General view of the belfry from the courtyard.

View of the yard.

The Cathedral of the assumption.

The view from the loopholes in the wall.

The old farm buildings.


Ducks on the pond.

Church Of St.

Gregory The Theologian.

The belfry and Cathedral of the assumption.

The ...


Under the Star Streltsova. 1991

Documentary, 2 parts, duration: 0:17:28, published: 9/10/2013

Reel №2

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... , CU.

Crystal goose - CU.

PNRM. Viewers - MS.

Hall Museum - LS.

Exhibits - MS.

Landscape - LS., PNRM.

Football veterans - MS.

Suzdal - MS., PNRM.

Loophole Temple - CU.

Wooden church - LS., PNRM. at another church

Street Suzdal - LS.

Tourists - MS.

Boy - CU.

Veterans with children - LS.

Children - MS ...


Ostland Woche № 25047 1942

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:12:48, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №2


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... reflects the attack of Soviet troops.

On the horizon are visible gaps artillery shells.

Gun calculation at the time of the fight.

View from the loopholes in the battlefield.

German dive-bombers in flight and at the time of the dive at the target.


Die Deutsche Wochenschau № 661 1943

Newsreel, 2 parts, duration: 0:21:15, black-white, published: 10/24/2016

Reel №2

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... construction of barriers on the roads.

The tank carries a weapon.

Italian engineers for digging anti-tank ditch.

View from the strengthening of the loopholes in the area.

Tanks on the cactus field guns mounted behind the moat.

Deliveries of ammunition.

Masking tools.

Armored vehicles.

German paratroopers ...


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